HisdaughterJen #fundie christianforums.com

This is the image that is the most telling about Obama and his beliefs.


In the background image, the flag is in tatters with an arrow through it behind Obama's logo and the shield. The Union is missing (blue part with stars) and the flag might indeed be upside-down. The eagle has TURNED-TAIL and is about to fly away. If you can't see the anti-American imagery and symbolism, then read up on what the real symbols mean and the proper treatment of the flag. The faint letters "six" and number "6" as well as 6 lines on Obama's logo isn't the mark of the beast, but is symbolic of the "blessed" Quran. 666 is considered a blessed and holy number in ISLAM! This is the "dark night" over America with Obama's "moon" rising.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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