The Catechism of the Catholic Church states: "Men and women who have deep-seated homosexual tendencies . . . must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided."
Catholic Answers adds:'So we deplore acts of discrimination or unkindness against homosexual persons, but we insist on speaking the truth about the nature of homosexual acts. This is not a phobia. It is compassion together with frank recognition of the nature of a disordered condition.'
It says nothing about everyone being born heterosexual. In point of fact it is recognsed (outside of prejudiced and religious spheres) that there is a spectrum ranging from totally heterosexual to totally homosexual with all gradations in between.
Another point to bear in mind, Homosexual men and women do not choose to be so. It is something they have to contend with. No on freely chooses to make their lives psychologically different, or chooses to endure the pains and even agonies that that difference causes.
But being a good Christian and Catholic you choose to believe that homosexual people are just perverts and do so for the fun of it.
If you have children, I hope that none of them turn out to be homosexual. You would probably make their life intolerable. BTW, check back on past postings to the Christian woman (she was sincere) who could only offer Biblical condemnation to her young son when he opened up to her about being gay. The young man later killed himself. Being Fundamentalist, she now believs he is burning in Hell forever. In fact, such was this young man's suffering that her failure to display love (as a Christian ought) pushed this young man over a psychological edge and into an act of terminal desperation.
So take care lest, wittingly or unwittingly, you have the blood of another human being on your hands.
Homosexual is neither a noun or an adjective - it means a person who can be hurt, can suffer and can die.
Finally, the strictures against homosexual persons in the Bible and the tenacity with which they are held by modern Christians is an indicator of the depth of human prejudice against something 'other' than what the larger tribe holds to be 'normal'. If it were not, then the other Levitical Abominations would have equal force today. They don't. Remember the next time that you buy a sweater of two different yarns, eat a shellfish, get your hair trimmed that each of these is an Abomination of the equal magnitude as any gay sexual act.
Have a nice day and try to shed at least one prejudice and let a little love into your pharisaical life!