Atticus- #conspiracy
What will happen next, if Trump is a Real Deal. Pizzagate and everything. Simple as this:
Pizzagste is the most important thing. It touches every country in the world, and we are on the verge of exposing unbelivable things about this horrible ritual. If exposed as it really is, it is going to change whole World.
We are on a good road.
With obama and others before him, i couldnt never imagine President calling "CNN as fake news", because CNN was on their side. Doing fake news for elite. One big point for President Trump.
Electing people mostly for their skills, none by favors/pay to play. Like first one, this is not business as usual. Second big One for President Trump.
Why it is good thing media is silent about pizzagate?
Possibilities Trump has heard about this subject? Close to 1, lets say 99,8%?
Now, seeing your current President making decicions, and acting like no president before, what is the Trumpiest way to deal with the biggest thing, the thing what will change the history, and make him a Legend? He has the smartest man and especially women digging on pizzagate. They are interviewing people, hollywood stars, everyone they can.
Why do you thing people like Madonna, James Franco and Jack Black are suddenly losing their minds when weeks and days past? They are scared for their lifes. I think meltdowns like Madonnas are going to glimb.
Beating, mutilating and fucking childrens, that you can use victims adrenaline and other chemically rich young blood for your own well being. I believe this ritual and reaction is like a drug, and i fear its the oldest and most addictive one too.
Thinking with common sense, Trump must be on thus subject, and has to have same conclusion. This kind of thing cant go viral before they act. If thousands of people are connected to this, it needs time to gather all the sick twists, and its not really helping if any of this is publicially out before they are truly ready to expose this. They need to have a way to deal with reactions and all the different consequenses when pizzagate is known by everybody. We might have problems with many different levels, starting with puke, when this goes viral.
I know President Trump is the man to do this. So_much_winning.