/Man and woman were designed to become one in a union of marriage. There is a reason that only man and woman can reproduce./
So sterile heterosexual couples have no right to get married? What about heterosexual couples way past childbearing age? Are they still allowed to present their marriages as acceptable?
/We need to stand for morality in our country./
Your idea of morality, you mean.
/Only 2% were for this and then agengas were set and votes were promised and all of a sudden we are pushing homosexality on all of America./
Nobody is telling us to be homosexual. If they're pushing anything, it's equal rights for homosexuals, both in law and in society. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. didn't go out to white people and tell them that they should have been black. And it's "agendas" and "homosexuality." If you have spellcheck, use it.
/Where are the 35% of Americans's who are Christians and there votes that say we don't want gay marriage in our country. You need to be bold in your vote and in your voice. Your opinion does matter. If there 2% can push and persuade can't our 35% overcome?/
Guess what, "Love?" I'm Christian, I'm straight, and if the issue of gay marriage ever comes up to a direct vote, then I'm making darn sure that I vote in favor of it. The only 2% are bigoted morons like you who want to deny people equal rights and happiness due to your own selfish, hypocritical concepts of morality.