
Ron DeSantis #transphobia #wingnut cnn.com

DeSantis signs into law restrictions on trans Floridians’ access to treatments and bathrooms

One of the bills signed into law by DeSantis prohibits transgender children from receiving gender-affirming treatments, including prescriptions that block puberty hormones or sex-reassignment surgeries. Under the law, a court could intervene to temporarily remove a child from their home if they receive gender-affirming treatments or procedures, and it treats such health care options, which are supported by the American Medical Association, the same as it would a case of child abuse.

Under a provision DeSantis signed into law, teachers, faculty and students would be restricted from using the pronouns of their choice in public schools. That bill declares that it must be the policy of all schools that “a person’s sex is an immutable biological trait” and “it is false” to use a pronoun other than the sex on a person’s birth certificate. That bill also affirmed that sexual orientation and gender identity cannot be taught in schools through eighth grade, codifying a state Board of Education decision to block such topics in all K-12 grades.

Separate legislation would give the DeSantis administration the power to take away licenses from establishments if they allow children into an “adult live performance,” widely interpreted as a crackdown on drag shows. Another prohibits transgender people from using a bathroom or changing room that matches their gender identity while in government buildings, including in places like public schools, prisons and state universities.

Shobha Mote, Sanjay Mote #fundie #sexist #psycho cnn.com

[Paragraph breaks have been slightly altered from the original for readability. Also see my comment for additional notes –shy]

A teenager has been arrested in western India for beheading his 19-year-old sister while his mother allegedly held the young woman's legs, according to police. The victim, who got married against her parents' wishes, was two months pregnant, police told CNN Tuesday, citing her husband. The incident happened on Sunday in Vaijapur, Maharashtra, and neither the victim nor accused have been publicly named by police.

"The girl (19) went against her parents' wishes and got married five months ago. They had a court marriage and since then she had not been in contact with her family and was living with her husband," Kailash Prajapati, a senior police official in Vaijapur, Maharashtra, told CNN. […] "[T]he brother took a scythe and struck her four times and beheaded her. They then picked up the head and kept it outside the house in the yard and left the body inside," Prajapati said. "The mother was holding her legs during the incident and was equally complicit," he added.


Police are waiting for a postmortem to confirm if the victim was pregnant.

The facts in the allegation fit the pattern of an honor killing. So-called honor killing is most often the murder of a woman or girl by male family members who justify their actions by claiming that the victim has brought dishonor upon the family.

Samuel Alito #wingnut #elitist #dunning-kruger #god-complex #quack cnn.com

“It goes without saying that everyone is free to express disagreement with our decisions and to criticize our reasoning as they see fit,” Alito, who penned the decision reversing Roe v. Wade last term, told The Wall Street Journal on Tuesday. “But saying or implying that the court is becoming an illegitimate institution or questioning our integrity crosses an important line,” he said.

Bolsonaro supporters #wingnut #conspiracy #psycho cnn.com

Brazil was reeling Monday after hundreds of supporters of the country's former leader Jair Bolsonaro stormed the seats of power in the capital Brasilia, trashing offices and drawing condemnation from the government and the international community. More than a thousand people have been arrested, with Brazilian Justice Minister Flavio Dino telling reporters Monday that there had been “about 1,500” arrests in Brasilia since the Sunday riots… The attack bore similarities to the January 6, 2021 insurrection at the US Capitol in Washington DC, when supporters of ex-US President Donald Trump – a close ally of Bolsonaro – stormed Congress in an effort to prevent the certification of his election defeat…

The floor of the Congress building was flooded after the sprinkler system activated when protesters attempted to set fire to the carpet, according to CNN Brasil. Additional videos showed protesters inside the building taking gifts received from international delegations and destroying artwork. Brazil’s Presidential Communications Minister Paulo Pimenta described how there was blood, feces and urine found in the palace rooms. “Onlookers said they seemed beside themselves with hate, like a horde of zombies. They were running down hallways, smashing things, urinating, defecating in the corridors and in the rooms on one destruction spree,” he stated…

Spurred by unfounded claims of election fraud, supporters draped in Brazil’s national colors and wearing the shirt of the national football team – both of which became central motifs of Bolsonaro’s campaigns – spilled into major government buildings, smashing windows and using furniture to form barricades against security forces. But the events of Sunday did not emerge from nowhere. Bolsonaro supporters had been camped out in the capital since his election defeat…

A number of camps filled by supporters of the ex-president have also appeared outside Brazilian military bases, with some calling for a coup by the armed forces reminiscent of the two-decade military regime that ruled Brazil from 1964.

Dino said on Twitter on Christmas Day that those camps had become “incubators for terrorists,” after a man was arrested for attempting to set off a bomb in protest against Brazil’s election results.

Lynn Fitch, Tate Reeves et al. #crackpot #wingnut cnn.com

Mississippi asks US Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade

Updated 7:49 PM ET, Thu July 22, 2021

Mississippi's attorney general told the Supreme Court on Thursday that Roe v. Wade was "egregiously wrong" and should be overturned as she urged the justices to allow a controversial law that bars most abortions after 15 weeks to go into effect.

"The conclusion that abortion is a constitutional right has no basis in text, structure, history, or tradition" state Attorney General Lynn Fitch told the justices in a new brief, launching the opening salvo in the most important abortion-related dispute the court has heard in decades.

Fitch said the case for overruling Roe is "overwhelming."


The case reignites the debate surrounding abortion ...


Oral arguments will likely be heard in the late fall or early winter ...


Mississippi's Gestational Age Act, passed in 2018 but blocked by two federal courts, allows abortion after 15 weeks "only in medical emergencies or for severe fetal abnormality" and has no exception for rape or incest. ...

Fitch said the law "rationally furthers valid interests in protecting unborn life, women's health, and the medical profession's integrity," adding, "It is therefore constitutional."

A district court blocked the law ...


Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves, a Republican, has said the law is a "vehicle" for the high court to revisit Roe v. Wade.

"The question is not are you going to overturn Roe v. Wade, the question is: The science has changed and therefore it makes sense for the court to review their decisions from the past and this is a vehicle in which for them to do it," Reeves told CNN's Jake Tapper ...

Fitch suggested that the court no longer look to viability as a line dividing when a state can regulate the procedure. ...

"Scientific advances show that an unborn child has taken on the human form and features months before viability," she said ... and added that "states should be able to act on these developments."


Jair Bolsonaro #conspiracy #god-complex #quack #wingnut cnn.com

More than 45,000 people have been killed in Brazil by the pandemic in the past month, but Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro says there's a "war" against him personally.

In the coastal city of Rio de Janeiro, intensive care units are 95% full. Fifteen other state capitals are similarly verging on collapse, with ICU occupancy over 90% -- a deluge of hospitalizations that has accompanied a sharp rise in Covid-19 cases in the country.
While Covid-19 cases are beginning to plateau or decline in many countries, Brazil is reporting record daily numbers. Just on Wednesday the country saw its largest daily jump in cases since the start of the pandemic -- 90,303 new cases.
"Here it became a war against the President. It seems that people only die of Covid," Bolsonaro, who wasn't wearing a mask, told supporters outside the presidential palace on Thursday.
"The hospitals are 90% occupied. But we need to find out how many are from Covid and how many are from other illnesses," he said.
Many state health departments in Brazil do show data for both ICU capacity dedicated to Covid-19 and to other illnesses.

Missouri TV Viewer #racist cnn.com

Excerpt from the article:

"Hi, this evening your Asian anchor mentioned something about being Asian, and Asian people eat dumplings on New Year's Day. And I kind of take offense to that because what if one of your white anchors said, 'Well White people eat this on New Year's Day'. I don't think it was very appropriate that she said that, and she was being very Asian. I don't know. She can keep her Korean to herself," the caller said on the voice message.
"Alright, sorry. It was annoying. Because, if a White person would say that, they would get fired (chuckles). So, say something about what White people eat. Alright, thank you," the caller added.

Anderson Lee Aldrich #homophobia #transphobia #biphobia #interphobia #fundie #psycho #wingnut cnn.com

Gunman kills 5 at LGBTQ nightclub in Colorado Springs before patrons confront and stop him, police say

(CNN) -A 22-year-old gunman entered an LGBTQ nightclub in Colorado Springs, Colorado, just before midnight Saturday and immediately opened fire, killing at least five people and injuring 18 others, before patrons confronted and stopped him, police said Sunday.

The suspect in the shooting at Club Q was identified as Anderson Lee Aldrich, according to Colorado Springs Police Chief Adrian Vasquez. He used a long rifle in the shooting, and two firearms were found at the scene, Vasquez said.

At least two people inside the club confronted and fought the gunman and prevented further violence, Vasquez said. “We owe them a great debt of thanks,” he said.


Of the 18 people injured, several are in critical condition with gunshot wounds, though the exact number was unclear, officials said.

The suspect is being treated at a hospital, police added. Officers did not shoot at him, police said.

Evan Neumann #psycho #wingnut cnn.com

(CNN)A US Capitol riot suspect who fled the United States has been granted refugee status in Belarus, according to Belarusian state-owned television BelTA.
The California man, Evan Neumann, went to Europe after being charged in connection with the January 6, 2021, attack on the US Capitol. Neumann initially settled in Ukraine, he said in an interview in November, but he claims he traveled to Belarus on foot after noticing that Ukrainian authorities were following him.
"Today I have mixed feelings," Neumann told BelTA on Tuesday. "I am glad Belarus took care of me. I am upset to find myself in a situation where I have problems in my own country."

BelTA wrote on social media that Neumann had been forced to leave the US because of "politically motivated charges." BelTA also posted images of Neumann with a government official, shaking hands and holding his new travel documents.

Mississippi Cops #racist #psycho cnn.com

An attorney for a city in Mississippi said in court documents a man who was shot by police in a case of mistaken identity has no Fourth or 14th Amendment protections because he was not a US citizen.

Ismael Lopez was shot and killed at his mobile home in July 2017 after police mixed up his address with that of a man wanted for domestic assault. Murray Wells, an attorney representing Lopez's family, said an investigation commissioned by his firm revealed that Lopez died of a single bullet to the back of the head.
Attorney: Mississippi man shot in back of head by police
Attorney: Mississippi man shot in back of head by police
In June, Lopez's family filed a $20 million wrongful-death lawsuit in federal court against Southaven, the city's police chief and the officers involved in Lopez's death.
In response, an attorney for the city filed a motion to dismiss the lawsuit on September 4, saying Lopez had no Fourth or 14th Amendment protections because Lopez was an "illegal alien" at the time of his death.
A number of Supreme Court rulings, such as an oft-cited 1982 decision over the right to education in public schools, have found that constitutional protections do apply to undocumented immigrants. How that plays out in practice is frequent fodder for courtroom battles, including a litany of pending lawsuits over various Trump administration immigration policy changes.
The Mississippi city's recent court filing said Lopez was a convicted felon "for a crime of violence" while in the US, and did "not have the same rights as legal or resident aliens."
"If he ever had Fourth Amendment or Fourteenth Amendment civil rights, they were lost by his own conduct and misconduct. Ismael Lopez may have been a person on American soil but he was not one of the 'We, the People of the United States' entitled to the civil rights invoked in this lawsuit," a city attorney wrote in her motion.
In the conclusion, the city lawyer says, "Federal civil rights are not civil rewards for violating the laws of the United States."
Lopez had previously been deported twice and re-entered the country without permission, according to a Mississippi Bureau of Investigation report obtained by the Commercial Appeal in Memphis. He had been arrested on domestic violence and DUI charges in Washington State in the 1990s, according to the report.
At a Thursday news conference, Wells, the Lopez family attorney, described the city's response as "chilling," reported CNN affiliate WATN.
"In an address to a federal judge in an open pleading in court, the city of Southaven has announced that it is their policy that if you are an undocumented resident of that city, you have no constitutional protections," Wells said.
"Meaning, that storm troopers can come into your house and kill you without regard to any constitutional results or repercussions whatsoever."
"It's in direct conflict with the Constitution of the United States, which clearly says under the 14th Amendment line one (that) all persons on United States territories have constitutional rights," Wells said. "We're shocked; we do not believe that those arguments are in good faith. We don't believe they're founded on any real law whatsoever."
A local grand jury declined to indict the two officers, DeSoto County District Attorney John Champion said in July 2018, according to CNN affiliate WREG.
Champion said the grand jury knew the officers went to the wrong address and never identified themselves at the door. He said he gave the grand jury the option to indict on charges of homicide or manslaughter, or to not indict.
In a statement issued in July 2018, Steve Pirtle, then the Southaven police chief, said one of the officers involved in the case had left the department, WREG reported.

Roger Wicker #racist cnn.com

The first Black woman nominated to the US Supreme Court by President Joe Biden will be a "beneficiary" of affirmative action, Republican Sen. Roger Wicker of Mississippi said Friday.

"The irony is that the Supreme Court is at the very same time hearing cases about this sort of affirmative racial discrimination while adding someone who is the beneficiary of this sort of quota," he said Friday in an interview with local radio network SuperTalk Mississippi, referring to the high court's recent decision to reconsider challenges to race-based affirmative action in college admissions.

"The majority of the court may be saying writ large it's unconstitutional. We'll see how that irony works out," he added.

Anonymous couple #racist cnn.com

Walmart said it has banned a couple from its stores after they were seen on video wearing face coverings with swastikas as they shopped at one of its Minnesota locations.

Saturday, the same day Minnesota started requiring its citizens to wear masks in all indoor businesses, a Walmart customer captured video footage of a man and woman wearing face coverings emblazoned with the Nazi symbol at a store in Marshall, southwest of Minneapolis.
The nation's largest retailer, which started requiring its customers to wear masks last Monday, confirmed the incident to CNN. Delia Garcia, a spokeswoman for Walmart, said the couple is banned for at least one year.

Police served the 59-year-old man and 64-year-old woman with trespass notices, warning them they would be arrested if they returned, the Star Tribune reported. The two left without incident and charges were not pursued.
The two were wearing the masks in protest of the statewide mandate, Jim Marshall, director of public safety with the Marshall Police Department told CNN.

After posing for the camera, the unidentified woman responded, saying, "I'm not a Nazi. I'm trying to show you what's going to happen in America. If you vote for (Joe) Biden you're gonna be in Nazi Germany. That's what it's going to be like."
The unidentified man wearing the swastika face covering can be heard saying, "We're living under a socialist state."

Kathy Zhu #racist #wingnut cnn.com

The woman stripped of her Miss Michigan 2019 tiara for tweets that the pageant's organizers found offensive said Monday she stands by everything she says on social media, despite having apparently deleted one of the posts in question.

Kathy Zhu, a University of Michigan student and vice president of the school's College Republicans, had her crown taken the day after it was placed on her head last week.

The beauty queen posted a chain of text messages that she said she had exchanged with Laurie DeJack, state director for Miss World America Michigan.
In them, DeJack says she needs to talk to Zhu and instructs her not to post anything to social media.

"Do not go out representing Michigan World America. We do have a problem," one text says.

Zhu pleads for more information. Eventually, Zhu is told her social posts are problematic. She is provided a link to a post in which she wrote, "Did you know the majority of black deaths are caused by other blacks? Fix problems within your own community first before blaming others."

"How is that racist?" Zhu asks before texting, "It's statistics" and "Didn't know statistics were racist."

Despite remaining steadfast in defending the views she shares in her posts, one post appears to have been deleted. The Orlando Sentinel, however, published a screengrab of the February 2018 tweet, posted when Zhu was a freshman at the University of Central Florida, before she transferred to Michigan.

"There's a 'try a hijab on' booth at my college campus. So you're telling me that it's now just a fashion accessory and not a religious thing? Or are you just trying to get women used to being oppressed under Islam?" the tweet reads.

Quanell X #fundie cnn.com

The alleged gang rape of an 11-year-old girl has torn apart a Texas community, with some focusing on the girl and her parents as much as, if not more than, the 18 people accused of sexually assaulting her.


On Thursday, Quanell X, a community activist, traveled from Houston to help stage a town hall meeting called to address rising concerns -- especially in Cleveland's African-American community -- about the case.

Among other issues, he said that the girl didn't do enough to stop the alleged assailants.

"It was not the young girl that yelled rape. Stop right there -- something is wrong, brothers and sisters," Quanell X said.

And, speaking over yells of support from the crowd, he also questioned the role of the girl's parents.

"Where was the mother? Where was the father?" he said.

[Bolding added.]

Saudi Arabia #fundie cnn.com

Regarding the host of a TV show (and father of 5) who was arrested, tried, convicted, and sentenced to death in Saudi Arabia for "practicing sorcery" on his show--which is produced and aired in Lebanon.

According to Arab News, an English language Saudi daily newspaper, after the most recent verdict was issued, the judges in Medina issued a statement expressing that Sibat deserved to be executed for having continually practiced black magic on his show, adding that this sentence would deter others from practicing sorcery.

Jussie Smollet #fundie cnn.com

Chicago (CNN) -- Two law enforcement sources with knowledge of the investigation tell CNN that Chicago Police believe actor Jussie Smollet paid two men to orchestrate an assault on him that he reported late last month.

The men, who are brothers, were arrested Wednesday but released without charges Friday after Chicago police cited the discovery of "new evidence."

The sources told CNN the two men are now cooperating fully with law enforcement.

Smollett told authorities he was attacked early January 29 by two men who were "yelling out racial and homophobic slurs." He said one attacker put a rope around his neck and poured an unknown chemical substance on him.

The sources told CNN there are records that show the two brothers purchased the rope found around Smollett's neck at a hardware store in Chicago.

CNN's attempts Saturday to reach both Smollett's representative and attorney were unsuccessful.

Smollett identifies as gay and since 2015 has played the gay character of Jamal on the Fox TV drama "Empire."

What happened

According to Chicago Police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi, the actor told detectives he was attacked by two men near the lower entrance of a Lowe's store in Chicago. Police were told the two men yelled "'Empire' fa***t" and "'Empire' n***er'" while striking him.

The day after the incident, police released surveillance images that showed two silhouetted individuals walking down a sidewalk, and police said they were wanted for questioning.

The two men were arrested Wednesday. Police on Friday said the men were being viewed as "potential suspects" and that detectives had "probable cause that they may have been involved in an alleged crime."

But by Friday night they had been released, Guglielmi said, "due to new evidence as a result of today's investigations."

"And detectives have additional investigative work to complete," he added.

One of the men has appeared on "Empire," Guglielmi said. A police source also told CNN on Friday night that the men had a previous affiliation with Smollett, but did not provide additional details.

Jesse Duplantis #fundie cnn.com

A prosperity gospel televangelist from Louisiana says Jesus has asked him to buy a new private jet. And wouldn't you know it, Jesus has real nice taste in planes.

Jesse Duplantis, leader of Jesse Duplantis Ministries and the owner of three other private jets, is asking his followers to chip in so his ministry can purchase a brand new Dassault Falcon 7X, which runs about $54 million.

In a video recently published on his website, Duplantis says the planes get him closer to the Lord -- both literally and figuratively -- and he had a divine conversation in which Jesus asked for the new aircraft by name.

"It was one of the greatest statements the Lord ever told me, he said, 'Jesse do you want to come up where I'm at?'" the minister says. "'I want you to bleed me for a Falcon 7X.'"
By "bleed," Duplantis -- er, Jesus -- apparently meant "ask for donations."

Duplantis goes on to tell his followers that jets, especially nice ones with good fuel efficiency, allow him and his ministries to reach more people around the world. And no, it wouldn't technically be his, it would be the ministry's.

"All it's gonna do is it's going to touch people, it's going to reach people, it's going to change lives one soul at a time," Duplantis said of the aircraft.

"I really believe that if Jesus was physically on the earth today, he wouldn't be riding a donkey," he added with a chuckle.

KS Rep. Steve Alford #racist cnn.com

A Kansas state legislator has stepped down from the chairmanship of a Kansas House committee after he said African-Americans were more susceptible to marijuana because of "their character makeup" and "their genetics."

Republican state Rep. Steve Alford made the remarks Saturday to a small gathering in Garden City, Kansas. He was making the case against Kansas legalizing marijuana -- just as its neighbor, Colorado, has done.

As he walked through the history of why marijuana was prohibited, he said: "One of the reasons why, I hate to say it, was that the African-Americans, they were basically users and they basically responded the worst off to those drugs just because of their character makeup, their genetics and that."

Unnamed Arsonists #fundie cnn.com

(CNN)Police are guarding Jewish centers across the Swedish city of Gothenberg following an arson attack on a synagogue there, police said.
Three men, all in their twenties, have been detained for questioning in relation to the Saturday night incident, police said.
Spokeswoman Ulla Brehm said that police received reports shortly after 10 p.m. local time that burning objects had been thrown into the yard of the synagogue, causing a fire. Brehm said approximately 10 people dressed in black were seen running away after throwing the objects.
No one was injured in the attack and the projectiles thrown did not make it inside the synagogue. Police are not describing the objects as Molotov cocktails.

Authorities used surveillance camera footage to identify the three men who are being questioned. The police are not reporting their nationalities.
A number of people were attending an event at the adjacent Jewish community center when the attack happened. Nobody at the community center was hurt and all the event participants were escorted safely off the premises.
Gothenburg is in southwestern Sweden, about 230 kilometers (143 miles) north of Copenhagen.

Patricia Godwin #fundie cnn.com

In her interview with CNN's KFile, Godwin echoed the other attendees' sentiments about the Constitution, saying that it was Moore's understanding of the nation's founding text that led her to support his current campaign for Senate. She added that there hasn't been a Constitution since President Barack Obama was elected, saying, "It's been a theoretical document rolled up on the shelf of the archives just like President Davis said that Abraham Lincoln did to it."

"I want people like Mitch McConnell and the NRA and CNN and Donald Trump to stay out of our business down here," Godwin said. "That's the problem. You Yankees, you have done nothing but stick your freakin' nose in our business down here in the South. We don't want you down here in the South, don't you understand that? I would love to see every Yankee go back to Massachusetts and to New York City, you know it?"

Robin Camp #sexist cnn.com

A Canadian federal judge who asked a woman in a rape trial why she couldn't keep her knees together resigned Thursday after a disciplinary council recommended he be removed from the bench.
Camp argued that "unconscious bias" was to blame for the offending comments. In addition to asking the 19-year-old why she didn't keep her knees together to fend off her alleged attacker, he also asked her why she didn't "skew her pelvis" to avoid penetration.
Camp made the comments as a provincial court judge in a 2014 trial. He became a federal judge in 2015.
He also remarked that, "Some sex and pain sometimes go together ... that's not necessarily a bad thing."
Camp acquitted the accused man and offered him some advice:
"I want you to tell your friends, your male friends, that they have to be far more gentle with women. They have to be far more patient. And they have to be very careful. To protect themselves, they have to be very careful."

Donald Trump Jr. #fundie cnn.com

Trump also defended his father for his 2005 comments made on a hot mic, first reported by The Washington Post Friday, where his father bragged about force himself on women and grabbing them by the genitals. Trump Jr. said he's had similar conversations with many people.

"There's sort of the reality of the situation and then there's how the media portrays it again. So I mean, listen I know plenty of people," Trump Jr. said. "I've had conversations like that with plenty of people where people use language off color. They're talking, two guys, amongst themselves. I've seen it time and time again. I think it makes him a human. I think it makes him a normal person not a political robot. He hasn't spent his whole life waiting for this moment to run for the presidency."

"I think most American people just say, you know what, I've probably said those kind of things myself," he added. "So, we're not happy that he said, that's for sure, I get that but I think it means that he's a human being that he's a regular person like everyone else. I think that's what endeared him to the American public."

unnamed murderer #fundie cnn.com

(CNN) — A prominent Jordanian writer facing charges for sharing a "blasphemous" anti-ISIS cartoon that outraged Muslim groups was fatally shot in Amman on Sunday, state news agency Petra reported.

Nahed Hattar, a member of the country's Christian minority, was shot three times outside a courthouse in the capital where charges against him were being heard.
Hattar, a political commentator and columnist, was remanded in custody last month after sharing a controversial cartoon on Facebook that sparked anger from Muslim groups.

Amman Governor Khaled Abu Zeid ordered that the writer be held for the "blasphemous" Facebook post, Petra reported.

Hattar was charged with the crimes of insulting religion, and inciting "sectarian strife and racism," for having posted the image, which was deemed as "abusive to the divine entity," Petra reported at the time.

Jabari Dean #racist cnn.com

A 21-year-old man was arrested Monday, accused of threatening to kill students and staff at the University of Chicago in an apparent attempt to avenge the death of Laquan McDonald, authorities said.

Jabari Dean, 21 was arrested without incident. He is expected to appear in court later in the day.

According to a criminal complaint, Dean posted a threat on social media over the Thanksgiving weekend.

"This is my only warning. At 10 a.m. on Monday mourning (sic) I am going to the campus quad of the University of Chicago. I will be armed with a M-4 Carbine and 2 Desert Eagles all fully loaded. I will execute aproximately (sic) 16 white male students and or staff, which is the same number of time (sic) Mcdonald (sic) was killed.

"I then will die killing any number of white policemen that I can in the process. This is not a joke. I am to do my part to rid the world of the white devils. I expect you to do the same," the post read.

"Mcdonald" appears to refer to Laquan McDonald, 17, who was shot 16 times and killed last year by Officer Jason Van Dyke. A judge Monday set a $1.5 million bond for the officer, who has been charged with first-degree murder. Van Dyke posted bond later in the day, authorities said.

The shooting occurred in October 2014, but dashcam video of the incident was recently released, sparking outrage and triggering protests.

lkjhf #fundie cnn.com

[In response to someone making a comment against religious exemptions from non discrimination laws]

Congress, U. S. House Judiciary Committee, 1854

Had the people, during the Revolution, had a suspicion of any attempt to war against Christianity, that Revolution would have been strangled in its cradle... In this age, there can be no substitute for Christianity... That was the religion of the founders of the republic and they expected it to remain the religion of their descendants.

Rep. Virgil Goode #fundie cnn.com

A Virginia congressman will not apologize for writing that without immigration overhaul "there will be many more Muslims elected to office demanding the use of the Quran," his spokesman said.

Republican Rep. Virgil Goode's letter to constituents also warns that without immigration overhaul "we will have many more Muslims in the United States."

Spokesman Linwood Duncan said Goode's letter was written in response to complaints his office received about Minnesota Rep.-elect Keith Ellison's request to be sworn in using the Quran.

Ellison is the first Muslim to be elected to Congress.

Goode's office released the letter to CNN Wednesday.

In it, Goode wrote, "When I raise my hand to take the oath on Swearing In Day, I will have the Bible in my other hand. I do not subscribe to using the Quran in any way.

"The Muslim representative from Minnesota was elected by the voters of that district and if American citizens don't wake up and adopt the Virgil Goode position on immigration there will likely be many more Muslims elected to office and demanding the use of the Quran.

"We need to stop illegal immigration totally and reduce legal immigration and end the diversity visas policy pushed hard by President Clinton and allowing many persons from the Middle East to come to this country.

"I fear that in the next century we will have many more Muslims in the United States if we do not adopt the strict immigration policies that I believe are necessary to preserve the values and beliefs traditional to the United States of America and to prevent our resources from being swamped."

He added, "The Ten Commandments and 'In God We Trust' are on the wall in my office. A Muslim student came by the office and asked why I did not have anything on my wall about the Quran.

"My response was clear, 'As long as I have the honor of representing the citizens of the 5th District of Virginia in the United States House of Representatives, the Quran is not going to be on the wall of my office.' "

chojin999 #conspiracy cnn.com

Of course a missile hit the Malaysia airplane... It was a CIA operation under Barack Hussein Obama orders. Him being an Al Qaeda muslim terrorist cell that the Left Wing put at the White House and he hates Putin so much for having stopped his plans to destroy Israel... Now he ordered to have that plane destroyed to then accuse Putin and Russia of being behind it.
The Right Wing, the Republicans in the US need to wake up! Barack Hussein Obama and the Democrats are really dangerous criminals!

chojin999 #conspiracy cnn.com

Ukraine is being used and abused by the Al Qaeda cell terrorist Barack Hussein Obama and the shameful Left Wing Democrats criminals. Obama and the Democrats killed those people giving resources with CIA and the military to Ukraine to destroy the Malaysia airplane.
Even a little kid should be able to understand what Barack Hussein Obama did here.. his immediate public attack against Russia and Putin is more than just fishy, it just confirmed that he the Obama is a very dangerous Al Qaeda terrorist.
The Right Wing Republicans must wake up and start a civil war if necessary to bring back democracy in the US. All of this can't be allowed any longer.

chojin999 #conspiracy cnn.com

How many people Barack Hussein Obama killed since he got in charge thanks to the Left Wing Democrats in the US ? There have been plenty of very suspicious deaths and people clearly killed by secret services under Obama orders to give him a complete cover up helping his Al Qaeda brothers...
THAT is the big question. What is for sure here is that he Obama ordered the killing. He killed the people on the Malaysia airplane to then use it against Putin accusing Putin and Russia.

Guest #fundie cnn.com

Pedosexuality /= to illegal. Only actually having sex with children is illegal and need I remind, up until the 1970's no one flussed about it?

It was only when radical feminism (the "I am woman, hear me ROAR and beat down men!") came to the fore that pedosexuality was turned into something 'bad' that 'harmed children for life'.

Hell, the only LEGITIMATE and scientifically valid study, the Rind study found that children having sexual encounters with adults and older children only caused VERY LITTLE AND TEMPORARY harm to the children in question, if it even caused any harm at all.

How_delightful #racist cnn.com

Copy cat?
Japan has created more patented products and patented process/s scientific methods in science and engineering in the past ten years than almost every other country on the planet; with ZERO help from the outside.
Not bad for a little Island.

The UK used to be like that; but now that doss-hole is filled with nutless pink panty wearers who abuse inventors, product developers and people who can think for themselves whilst creating an Islamic Caliphate within its capital; thanks to the nutters in the USA ordering the UK/Europe to become a multi-cult toilet like it is; since WW2.

How_delightful #racist cnn.com

How long before the national soccer team of Japan, Vietnam, Korea or china is 90+% African?

And when you go on holiday there; almost everyone is from Africa.

Is that your idea of a future?

Israel full of Africans?

You like?

Such progress Leonardo Da Vinci could only dream of?

Bongo drum beaters, song chanters and booty wigglers. That`ll stop an extinction event?

Really try Google
"African cure for HIV AIDS".
Amaze yourselves.

How_delightful #conspiracy cnn.com

TrollingPork; the Church of Rome was founded by Jews. Are you completely out of touch? That `control` mechanism, permeated Italian society over the generations after the money-men took over the strings of control behind the scenes; as they did in Russia Pre-WW1; and Germany Pre-WW1 (and now USA pre-WW3).

Christianity is a religion forged by `Inspired` Jews in the Old Testament, which was a book for their era only; and the message was revised and brought to life by Jesus in the New Testament when humanity progressed its first few steps towards modern civilization.
And you must know Jesus criticized the Jews who ran religion like a private enterprise; so why should anyone else not have that `right` two thousand years later?

And who criticized `Christianity`? I dont know enough about Catholics to know if they are Christians or not; but they spent a criminal amount of time in children private lives.

Try and get to grips with your reading skills.
The Old and the New Testaments are DIFFERENT, and The New Testament `Trumps` the Old OUT OF DATE VERSION.

How_delightful #racist cnn.com

*On the Atlantic Slave Trade*

Some people just don`t want to work. So they have to be forced to work.

Life on Earth needs people who work; and being a human dinosaur is no use to anyone; nor to themselves.

Humans can stop the next extinction event; but if all the worlds populations do nothing except jump around in leotards and spears; then we are ALL going to become extinct sooner rather than later.

Le Thi Be Bay #conspiracy cnn.com

World Bank,

Enough !

Peace, Foods, Education ... for children please !

Can you do that ?

No Communist.

No Democracy.

No Socialism Republic.

No Socialism Democratic.

They are all => International Communist from France.

World bank control.

Colony, Corruption. Poorness, Wars...

Politicians are almost Slaves of World Bank.

obama is a traitor #conspiracy cnn.com

you Sheeple still dont get it, and CNN is still pushing the lies and propaganda!!! this was an attempted overthrow by the US and Isreal,.and it has failed . it was never a Syrian uprising..... and Al Qeada is nothing more than US/CIA government backed lower level mercenaries terrorists sent in to Overthrow Assad, Who do you think is supplying Al Qeada and Al Nusra all of that expensive hardware???????????Obama admin!!!and Israel....,,, remember the picture of McCain posing with Al Qeada?,,,HELLO!!!! not to mention its already been proven the Syrian people were gassed the first time by the Al Qeada terrorists and then CNN and other sources blamed Assad...there are too many videos of these terrorists beheading Syrian
citizens,,,women and children included and this is who Obama is backing,,,he gets away with it because you believe the lies and propaganda..wake up people they are trying to sell you another reason to go to war,,, its the same story over and over again,,, if you havent figured it out by now you

Matthew Sanchez #conspiracy cnn.com

America the greatest country in the world is being destroyed, by corruption of our "Elected" officials in Government and by greedy bankers.

Since when was it ok to arm terrorist who killed 3000 Americans on 9/11?. Our Government is putting us in debt we cannot pay back while them and their family's live a wealthy life on our tax dollars.

The United states Government is dividing the American people on purpose while we bicker and fight they are in slaving us in debt and taking our freedoms away with fear that they are trying to instill in people.

American Corporations and company's are sending jobs overseas on slave labor while we support and are obsessed with their products like Apple.

I wish America will wake up and stop arguing and fighting playing politics. Forget politics our country is in danger, we are in danger, our kids are in danger. Both parties are corrupt and wrong our Government needs to be wiped cleaned and have these people thrown in jail.

Wake up America we are in danger, race doesn't matter, religion doesn't matter, political party doesn't matter, we need our voices heard! We are unstoppable we have the numbers Government is afraid of us finding out or knowing what we are capable of and how we can change things.