The science that contradicts the Bible is suspect and should be revisited, the science that agrees with the Bible is true.
Re: #2222
The whole cud-chewing thing ... it's open to interpretation. I say it's proof that -man- wrote the book, not any deity. Rabbits -look- like they chew cud, even though what they're actually doing is eating their own shit.
Of course ... word meanings -do- change over time. The words "fuck" and "shit" started out as proper English words ... they went out of fashion post-1066, in favor of French words, and now they're considered vile and filthy. And look at how "gay" changed, in just the past 60 years or so. How much has "cud" changed, in the past 3000 years? (Possibly not much ... the O.E.D. has as a definition any small wad that is chewed, even including tobacco.
'course, rabbits swallow it whole, rather than chewing it ....
So pi is actually 3 and insects have 4 legs?! Man, science REALLY dropped the ball on this one...
Bad, science! Bad boy! No treats for you!
"The science that contradicts the Bible is suspect and should be revisited, the science that agrees with the Bible is true."
The science that has provided you with the modern world you live in has been researched, tested, peer-reviewed and constantly updated with new discoveries.
If the same level of scrutiny had been focussed on the Bible, it'd now be relegated to the fiction sections of bookshops & libraries. 'Science that agrees with the Bible'? It's not science, then.
Did you post your bullshit on the internet using a Bible, Solo? If not, then your Bible serves no purpose whatsoever.
@Jesse Custer
Then the Bible should be completely rewritten to take into account of the 21st Century, and scientific facts, and not how a bunch of Bronze Age goatfuckers with ideas above their stations 'thought' the world around them worked. And have such peer reviewed.
But then, such a Bible would be one that would completely destroy religious belief. Good.
Leviticus 11:13-19 quite clearly states that bats are birds.
We can observe bats. They don't lay eggs, they give live birth. They breast-feed their young. They are mammals in every aspect.
Who is in error here? Bible or Science?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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