Their Eyes Were Watching God #conspiracy
Obama is the reincarnation of the Egyptian King Tut- 2016 Elections - Gods of Egypt
This year, Americans are all watching the car accident better known as the Elections.
Even the Aliens are gathered around the planet to watch America in its dog and pony show.
You know how it is, you are driving by a car accident and you cannot avert your eyes, you are compelled to watch the carnage.
Good luck trying to get your Black President to abdicate his throne. Cuz everbody who is anybody knows Obama is the reincarnation of the Egyptian King Tut, look it up on the woo-woo websites.
This is the real reason why the elites do not support Trump: Trump can never evict black African Egyptian Royalty.
If you want Obama to leave, then you need to find someone who is worthy.
It is not a coincidence that Africans have infiltrated the white homelands called Eurape, you have been warned.
The Egyptians perfected the black arts because they were The "Gods Of Egypt."
The fate of humanity is being played out in America and Eurape is mobilizing.
"Their Eyes Were Watching God."