What most people don't realize is that the elite are all a bunch of homosexuals. Skull and Bones are a bunch of homosexuals. Presidents George H. Bush and George W. Bush are homosexuals. Ronald Reagan was known as “rainbow Ronnie” in southern California while governor. Hollywood is owned and controlled by a bunch of Jewish homosexuals (and they hate Jesus Christ, which is why every single major movie produced takes God's name in vain). Here's a list of 67 homosexual Hollywood films. We are witnessing the homosexualization of the United States, and it is disgusting and sinful!
Human beings were offered up to Moloch throughout ancient times and in the Old Testament. It's still happening today. Don't think for a second that the elite don't actually sacrifice real humans. Women and children disappear all the time, millions per year globally, never to be seen again.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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