"Science" is a human method of determining truth. The Bible is a Divine method of revealing truth. Thus, where science and the Bible conflict, it is because science is flawed.
"Science" is a human method of determining truth. The Koran is a Divine method of revealing truth. Thus, where science and the Koran conflict, it is because science is flawed."
Fixed for Allah and his one true prophet, Muhammad.
Shun the fruits of science, then. The fact that you even have a bible to [mis-]read can be attributed to a whole sequence of scientific principles which led to the printing press.
Other than that, you are now a naked ape without any tools, shelter, fire, or redeeming intelligence.
The Bible says that Heaven is made up of water.
Science says the sky is a heterogenous mixture of gases surroundin Earth, and beyond it is space.
According to reality, the Bible is wrong.
The Bible is a Divine method of revealing truth.
No, it's a book written by a whole bunch of Jewish and Greek guys over a long period of time.
As usual, if science, reality or whatever contradicts the bible, science, reality or whatever must be wrong
"According to reality, the Bible is wrong."
Well, I would EXPECT reality to say something like that, now. Reality thinks he's so smart, but God's gonna fix his wagon.
Science and religion are not compatible, dimwit.
If you don't agree with science go live under a rock, but please don't be hypocritical and use all modern commodities that there are BECAUSE of science.
Yeah, slight problem...there is no human method of determining truth that lends credence to the idea that anything "Divine" exists...
Sooooooo....the Bible is kind of pointless in that respect....
Funny how a supposed "encyclopedia" has become just another sad, ignorant, fallacy-ridden fundy nesting place.
Everyone who posts to, uses, and contributes to Conservapedia: YOU FAIL. EXPELLED.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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