John Wa(y)ne #conspiracy
[On a thread claiming that the recent solar eclipse did not occur]
Op is right
Your proof that this did not occur as you were lead to believe is once again evidenced by the BBC
= the Big Brother (Cabal) Corporation. They had a 'live' broadcast, and two if not three separate individuals being 'interviewed' used the term 'plunged into darkness'
post 'timed event', as if reading from a script - which they were - and yet, there was NO plunged into darkness at all, or slightly, or even not so much.
A cloudy sky makes it go darker than it did. Even the cameras filming the gathered audience proved that it did not darken even in the slightest.
& What did oc-cur
with-in the Cult\\
Notice how they focused mainly or only on the gathered audiences in the UK that had a cloudy sky and actually saw nothing. Now why is that. No acual witnesses to interview.
Just people speaking about the silence and the nervousness of the 'event' as if they expected something 'more'
yet the prime viewing spots saw NOTHING.
But don't worry, Brian Cox will tell you what you saw, as he did with the documentaries and 'facts' about CERN.
But really don't you worry,
........We are Pulling apart your fake reality a thread at a time.
No Line.
No Time.
No shit.
No Con-Cern