Rep. Steve King (R) #fundie
Rep. Steve King thinks people will now marry lawnmowers since same-sex marriage is legal
Rep. Steve King, R-IA, told an audience while introducing GOP presidential candidate Mike Huckabee that the Supreme Court’s landmark marriage equality ruling means that now people can marry lawnmowers, journalist Matt Taibbi reported.
King apparently made the comment at an Iowa campaign event for Huckabee on Thursday, according to Slate.
King has been stuck on the idea of people marrying his lawnmower since at least July 1, when he first made the comment, which he reiterated Thursday, the Sioux City Journal reports.
“I had a strong, Christian lawyer tell me yesterday that, under this decision that he has read, what it brings about is: It only requires one human being in this relationship — that you could marry your lawnmower with this decision. I think he’s right,” he told the Journal.
King isn’t the only Republican to assert that same-sex marriage will result in marriages between humans and non-humans, though he may be the first to predict human-outdoor appliance unions. Rick Santorum, R-PA, is concerned that same-sex marriage legalization will result on “man-on-dog” relationships.