(in response to Evolution vs. God)
Well done! I use to be an atheist. I am an engineer. My hobby use to be to read anything I can get my hands on relating to quantum physics, computers, Einstein, Hawking. I am now a creationist with faith in the Bible as the Word of God. I have never known or observed or spoke with anyone who observed the big bang or a Black Hole or a species linking us to apes. I trusted authors and scientists and teachers. I took their word on the subject of science and watched as they used their authority to preach nonsense evolution. I was comfortable in my Belief of this doctrine and I say this: Our God as Creator has never made more sense to me. Do you BELIEVE in evolution? Change your beliefs because your evidence is non-existence.
Is this a sock-puppet, Bananaman?
Are your wittle feetses cold now?
Or, perhaps Timbo here sustain a heavy blow to the head recently...
We ARE apes, honey; no need to link a species between us and other apes.
"I once put a bike together and was involved in a three man barbeque assembly. I've worked really hard at ignoring the proper sciences and limited myself to creationist sources and parroting their bullshit. It makes me feel better.
I'm not Ray, Honest, I'm a real boy!"
I trusted authors and scientists and teachers
You just didn't understand what they said. Sounds like you're still trusting authors and teachers, just different ones. And you still don't understand.
...This sounds very much like a strawman.
He says he was an engineer who read science books, yet he says very obvious fundie fallacies like "there is no eyewitness account of the big bang so it's false" and "science requires blind faith in scientists" and "there is no evidence because scientific evidence of it does not count".
At least put some effort into making a believable strawman. This one's so obviously fake it can't even be used as a scarecrow.
And no one has ever seen or observed or known anyone who has witnessed the Creation.
And no, Mr Engineer, you should know an assertion is not evidence.
I used to be a Christian. I raped and murdered everyone on Earth and used a nuke to blow up the planet while praising Jesus. Then I became an atheist and brought everyone back to life and became CEO of the #1 company in the universe and ended poverty. Sure, it's over the top, but it's just as believable as your story.
I was there for the FLOOD. It was noisy and wet, don't recommend it at all, no fun whatever. I waited it out with a small stock of coconuts and limes.
* you put da lime in the coconut
and drink it all down *
When did "engineer" become synonymous with physicist, computer developer, biologist, etc?
My evidence is non-existence? But I exist, so your argument is wrong.
If your grasp of English is any indication of your grasp of science, you should stick to simpler subjects.
@ Philbert Macadamia
That was my first thought: "Maintenance engineer", aka, janitor.
I have never known or observed or spoke with anyone who observed the big bang or a Black Hole
You've never known or observed that your mother wasn't deposited here from outer space, either. Do you just automatically disbelieve anything you haven't personally witnessed?
"I am an engineer."
So you drive trains, so the fuck what? How does that qualify you as an expert on anything? So your hobby was reading science books, which probably mentioned the evidence they have for evolution. Now you're an idiot that believes mythology as truth without any evidence at all. Now you're just gullible, blindly accepting things without any good reason. You used to read lots of books, now you only read one book and discard any evidence that contradicts your book of mythology. If someone tells you the paint is wet, you have to touch it, just to be sure, yet if they tell you an invisible supernatural sky-pixie created the universe and everything in it, you accept that without any evidence at all.
Evidence for evolution? Millions and millions of fossil transitions, actual examples in viruses, DNA analysis, etc, and thousands of scientists worldwide who would cheerfully explain it all to you, should you choose to listen.
Evidence for god? (**** I hear crickets ****) Now 'splain to me why we should change our beliefs.
Reads like something out of a Chick Tract:
Person A is an atheist and accepts evolution.
Person B comes along and tells A: "The Bible says God created the world, which is thousands and not billions of years old, in 6 days so evolution is false. And because a talking snake (Satan) tricked the first woman into eating some fruit, you'll go to hell if you don't believe!"
Person A becomes a Scripture literalist creationist.
My hobby use to be to read anything I can get my hands on relating to quantum physics, computers, Einstein, Hawking.
Let me translate that into realty: "As a little kid, I used to glance through the table of contents in Popular Science magazine when my mother took me with her when she went shopping."
It's not just Ray, it's a pretty widespread Creationist gimmick.
Scientists are physicists and theoretical people, the don't do anything but come up with ideas.
Engineers, architects and pharmacists actually do things so they're not like scientists, they know real stuff.
You've read it in many posts "technology's not science"
So a first year engineering student is so much more qualified on everything then Neil Degrasse.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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