Hi all
I don't know how this got on the web, maybe I was naive - I sent this, a part of a post, to CSEblogs.com, asking a question or two. Anyway, to answer those scoffers:
1) Brian X - I only came to South Africa in 2001. Get your facts straight before you judge, and in any case only God can judge. I'm from the UK and grew up anti-apartheid. Although, now I know the facts of the day and how life is today - the racist background was horrible but the system was similar to what USA, Canada, Australia still apply today. But ask this - can one replace evil with evil? Democracy is terrible in South Africa, I have seen a downward spiral in the 6 years I've been here. Even many darker people are longing for the days of segregation, for they were treated better. Crime, corruption, worse racism and more are all rife since 1994. Life isn't better under the ANC at all, in fact for many it's worse. Still, that is not to condone the bad racial policies of the past. Everyone is equal in God's eye. To my knowledge, the Bible doesn't even mention colour... but if you want to talk politics, get your facts in order. There is so much that the world doesn't know about Southern African countries, which bring shame on the new regimes, the old regimes and the Western World.
2) My comment, and all my comments, are intended not to sound like a "Southern Baptist" if you know what I mean (ie "I'm right and all of you are wrong" - prove me wrong through Scripture and I'll admit guilt!); I truly seek to learn and to gain in life. But one of the bases of Christianity is to stand firm in the faith, regardless of what the masses say. When in the Bible were the majority ever correct?
3) I love everybody and it is not for me to pass judgment, but nor is it for any of you. As far as my standing ground on certain issues, I will keep on doing so. I have delved deeply into what is good and bad according to the Bible, not just taken any Internet whacko's word for it, and looked in the Bible for myself. If churches do wrong in the Lord's eyes, and I know of this through Biblical proof, then why should I compromise the Word? Hence my search for a decent church, which we sadly lack here in South Africa.
4) Why only the King James Bible? Do the research. For those who read the newer Bibles, a good place to start is to compare Isaiah 14:12 and Revelation 22:16. One speaks of Jesus, one of Satan (or Lucifer, in this particular KJV passage). Work out which one. You'll see that all Bibles but the KJV call Jesus and Satan by the same name. Or Luke 2:33, where all but the KJV refer to Joseph as Jesus's father (thus denying the deity of Christ and the virgin birth of Mary), but you'd never know till you read the KJV. If you read an NIV, go to Acts 8:37 and find out why one would be baptised. Er, it's missing... and so there are HUNDREDS of examples one can give. The NIV for example removes over 64,000 words and twists things to suit the world of today. http://www.jesus-is-savior.com/Bible/king_james-proofs.htm is a link that gives good examples. So far a mate of mine has stopped 3 people from reading new Bibles with it and they now read the KJV, with bliss and rejuvenated faith. Amen!
5) Christmas and Easter. Christmas is not Biblical and all the background is anti-Christian (long story short, it's pagan rituals which the early Catholics gave Christian names to - even the nativity play is Francis of Assisi's own story, not Biblical - do the research). Easter is mentioned once in the Bible - again, only the KJV (Acts 12:4 - Herod, the main Biblical persecutor of Disciples, went to celebrate Easter - why would such an anti-Christian celebrate what we know today as Easter?). There is a clear distinction between Easter and Passover (new Bibles call it Passover in Acts 12:4), which in time has been removed by the Catholics, and paganised further (and you thought the bunny and eggs were a modern gimmick...). I don't care if the festivals still have the "right meaning" or not - they have always been pagan and I will not partake in them. I can go on for ages with proof but find out for yourselves, do not just take one man's word for it.
6) As for ecumenism - that means uniting churches, inevitably by means of compromise. The Bible warns us not to yoke with heathens in that manner, and prophecises the one-church apostasy. I would be loath to question why, for example, Baptists and Methodists would work together - but with anti-Christian false-religions such as the Catholics, who worship Mary? Anyway, you probably can guess my stance on ecumenism... again, I love the people but hate the false religion.
Anyway, it's all up to you; on your souls be it, and on my soul be it. I've accepted Jesus as my Lord and Saviour and I want to grow further in the faith, removing the bad things I have done in my life thus far (though one is not saved through works, remember). Again I don't know how this got from CSEBlogs to the Net, but it did. I didn't intend it to get to this forum, but it did. I hope that those who read all the comments do accept Jesus to be their Lord and Saviour, and that by your own research you grow further - if not, it's up to you.