Secular Humanisum is a religion & a Judge declared it so yes his descision wass later overtutrned but he stated it so. Evilotion is the foundation of secularhumanisum religion.
Punctuation is your friend & you should consider using more than ampersands and periods in your sentences because they become difficult to read especially when you run two sentences together and completely mangle the English language.
Evolution is not spelled like that.
Secular humanism has jack and shit to do with evolution. It is entirely about being a good person without having religion fuck it up.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you the world's dumbest fundy.
I would have bet my right arm it isn't possible to spell "was" wrong.
I'm glad to hear it was overturned, way to much shit goes down in fundie state courts that never gets corrected by constitutional or legal standards.
Like FoxNews being allowed to lie to the public. So much for the Fourth Estate real value and intent.
“Secular Humanisum is a religion & a Judge declared it so”
Atheism is a religion, for the purpose of 1st Amendment Rights, as declared by the Supreme Court. Doesn’t change anything.
“yes his descision wass later overtutrned"
By a higher court. It’s all a game of tug and war until the tippy-top have their say.
“but he stated it so.”
And if a judge states that Christainity isn’t protected by 1st Amendment, but a later and higher court says it is, does THAT judge’s decision still hold true?
"Evilotion is the foundation of secularhumanisum religion.”
No. Lotion is not evil.
Pretty sure you can be a secular humanist and not accept evolutionary theory. Need to be prepared to defend that stance… A LOT, but it’s feasible.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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