Bill P #racist
Antiracism (i.e. Equalism/Blank Slatism) is only one of many US religions. It was dominant only during Reconstruction and the latter part of the 20th century. It’s already losing steam again. It most recently reached its intellectual/cultural peak in the 1970s, and its power peak in the 90s. Since then it’s been hanging on through increasingly repressive measures.
Faced with a credible challenge, it will crumble. This will probably happen when the system built on Equalist principles fails spectacularly, and that should occur pretty soon. We already had a taste of it with the subprime mortgage bubble and subsequent collapse. Whatever comes next will be a bigger fiasco. Maybe it will be some dramatic upheaval in our cities when the boomers begin to retire and entitlements no longer become feasible, and the antiracists themselves bring about the reversal of the urban revitalization that’s been ongoing since the mid 90s. The recent events in New York over the Eric Garner incident demonstrate that cities are currently resting on a pretty fragile foundation. One major riot combined with a demoralized police force could set off a chain of events leading to the collapse of the progressive power base.