You’re missing an important point: The majority of abortions are performed on *liberals*. Therefore, abortions are a good thing.
If we assume (roughly) that 2/3 of abortions are performed on liberals, then that’s 36.3 Million liberals who aren’t sucking on the government teat and/or marching in the streets and burning cars.
Therefore, we should *encourage* all liberals to get as many abortions as possible. That’ll do three things:
1. Prevent more liberals babies coming into the world.
2. With enough abortions, the lib female will become sterile.
3. Once the LameStream Media figures out why we’re pushing it so hard, they’ll be less likely to promote abortion as the panacea that they currently claim it is.
Yes, I know it’s counter to our beliefs about human lives, but these are liberals we’re dealing with. They have the IQ of a four-year-old, so the only way to deal with them is severe punishment.
Ok, Moonbattery has long since surpassed Free Republic as the most vile, rancid, cesspool of far-right bigotry, ignorance, and virulent hatred of anything not as insanely far right as they are, but even for them, this is nasty. I can't believe that this is a real site and that the people who post there really believe the vile filth they spew out of their ugly, festering, putrid assholes.
Political views are not passed on genetically, people develop them individually.
Abortions, providing there are no complications, do not affect fertility.
Access to various forms of birth control, including abortion, is not a "panacea" nor are they promoted as such. It is simply a woman's right to control her reproductive capabilities.
But we can see clearly what you would like to do with your political enemies, which seems to include anyone that disagrees with you about anything. Just part of the reason why any Republican in the White House in the next 20 years will only be visiting as a guest and not taking up residency.
"The majority of abortions are performed on *liberals*. Therefore, abortions are a good thing."
That's a lie. There are red states, like Texas, with very high rates of abortion.
Also, nobody calls abortion a "panacea" for anything but unwanted pregnancy.
And why are you using asterisks to emphasize words instead of caps or bold?
Just a wild guess, but I'll bet most abortions are performed on women who are either too young, too poor, too uneducated, or too overworked to be able to make a study of politics and select an ideological preference. The rest are probably women who have had enough access to health care to know that they are carrying a fetus with a serious birth defect.
So, the number of liberals must have been at its peak during the Reagan years and have been declining ever since.
Any connection to human beings in this post has been replaced with worthless cartoon images. When Laurie says "it's counter to our beliefs about human lives, but these are liberals we're dealing with," that's just it; Laurie doesn't see liberals as people with a right to live.
Besides, 1. People don't always adopt the views of their parents; 2. There is no connection between abortions and infertility; 3. I very much doubt that the media cares one way or the other what your views are - you're on Moonbattery, for heaven's sake.
> Having the IQ of a four year old means someone should be punished severely?
No. Having a 4-year-old's IQ means that severe punishment is the only form of correction someone understands. Ask [Mr. Williams]().
> And why are you using asterisks to emphasize words instead of caps or bold?
Only a poe would be smart enough to use [Markdown]().
[Mr. Williams]:
I suspect by "liberals", she means black people.
But honestly, if it would get you people to shut up and leave it alone, I don't care how stupid your reason is. Please call your state representative and ask them to stop passing laws calling for things like mandatory vaginal ultrasounds that are meant to shame and intimidate women from having abortions.
This isn't just a fail. This is the kind of fail where anyone affiliated with her automatically fails because it is so stupid that it actually hits others. Laurie, congrats you have a legendary fail. First political leanings are developed. Not genetic. Also not all abortions are done by a liberal. Also 36.3 million? Citation for that?
So you're OK with abortion now because you want to kill the children of liberals in the womb?
Wow... not only are you a complete sociopath and an absolutely awful person, but you also single-handedly prove that "pro-life" is an entirely false term, as you clearly don't give a damn about anyone's life but your own.
So are you gonna lay off the "Pro-Life" B.S. or what?!
Also, your ideas about Liberals are stupid, including the assertion that they're the only ones who get abortions.
But I'll let you retain you delusions of this one, that way you'll quit pushing for the repeal of Roe vs. Wade.
More of that hypocritical bullshit from the Consevative/Republican crowd. Like the Tea-Partiers made up mostly of those on SS and medicare yipping off about evil goverment programs and people living off taxpayer money, like most their speakers are.
It's ingrained in them now after years of right wing echo chambers. The guy whos out of work or on disability? Liberal. Everyone who wants gun control tightened? Liberal. Those who don't bitch about taxes or Obama? Liberal. Think the rich should pay higher taxes, like they used to and the rich shouldn't control everything? Liberal.
It's pathetic and stupid how the far-right media has conned them.
"You’re missing an important point: The majority of abortions are performed on *liberals*. "
You're missing an important point: an amazing number of abortions are performed on anti-choice demonstrators, thus reducing the number of future anti-choice activists. Meanwhile women become liberal after having an abortion, because they realise if the help get conservatives into power they will be screwed .
I think studies show that liberals and conservatives have as many abortions, the conservatives just lie more about it. They tend to say "Abortions are bad, but MY abortion has good reasons behind it", stupid things like that. There are also millions of conservatives who aren't sucking on the government teat and/or marching in the street and burning cars.
Safe abortions don't cause more sterility than child-births do.
Who the heck is promoting abortions? Panacea for what?
How can liberals all have the IQ of a 4-year-old when more liberals have higher education?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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