
Dave Blount #racist #pratt moonbattery.com

[From “Haitian Invasion Unfolds in Springfield”]

As mentioned back in July, Springfield, Ohio has been annexed by Haiti. More recently, a resident tore at heartstrings by speaking out at a city council meeting about the fate of American citizens undergoing displacement. Colonists have brought their savage customs with them, reportedly flipping cars and killing for food any animal they can get their hands on, including geese, ducks, and even people’s cats[…]
As if we didn’t have enough reason to support Trump with all our hearts so as to stop Democrats and their innumerable Third World ground troops from doing to the whole country what they are doing to Springfield[…]
This gives an idea of how lavishly Democrats encourage unlawful colonization by the failed nation Haiti[…]
Yet we are told it is the Haitian colonists who are the victims, not the American citizens whose cities they are destroying[…]
Mad Maxine is right about one thing; Haitians are treated differently because they are black. Our moonbat rulers bestow upon them even more favoritism and privilege than other illegal aliens. Haitian invaders are even made aware of federal jobs [url=https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1832295691605180713.htmlbefore we are[/url]

Dave Blount #wingnut #fundie #transphobia moonbattery.com

[From “Satan’s Olympics”]

If demons from hell comprised the globalist liberal elite, what would they do differently from the moonbats presiding over the Paris Olympics?

The opening ceremony featured a drag queen parody of the Last Supper[…]
To spice up the blasphemy, children were made to take part[…]
Is the religious significance too subtle? Try this:

If you have any doubt what is going on at the Olympics opening ceremony

A single rider on a pale horse is straight out of the book of Revelation

"And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto… image

— Vision4theBlind (@Vision4theBlind) July 26, 2024

The USA makes its contribution by having the Olympic torch carried by a visibly skeevy rap performer best known for extravagantly excessive illicit drug use. Nice try, but Snoop Dogg no longer represents cutting edge degeneracy. Maybe if he used the torch to set fire to a Bible…

Dave Blount #wingnut #conspiracy moonbattery.com

[From “Communists Are Winning the Cold War”]

The Cold War did not end with the collapse of the USSR. Rather, the enemy moved its main base of operations from Russia to America, having taken effective control of our universities and media. It is implementing a strategy devised by the KGB that consists of four stages: Demoralization, Destabilization, Crisis, and Normalization

Demoralization is how we got to where we are now. If Democrats prevail in November, we will move from Destabilization to Crisis

This 1984 video of former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov explaining what is being done to our country is worth another look in light of radical leftists like Kamala Harris taking control:

A disturbing interview given by a KGB defector Yuri Alexandrovich Bezmenov in 1984 describes modern America and outlines four stages of mass brainwashing used by the KGB. The first stage is called “demoralisation”. His words are more prophetic than ever.pic.twitter.com/ze4Fc29Jyl
— James Melville (@JamesMelville) July 27, 2024

The only silver lining to Democrats consolidating power is that many of them will meet a fitting end when the revolution starts eating its own

Dave Blount #transphobia moonbattery.com

[From “Transsexual Goes From Killing Cats to People”]

Evidence accrues that egging on lunatics in their psychosis rather than attempting to reorient them toward reality may not be a good idea:

A trans-identified male in Oxford is currently on trial after being charged with the murder of another man. Scarlet Blake, who was initially reported as being a “woman” by UK media outlets, is said to have murdered Spanish national, Jorge Martin Carreno, and tortured animals[…]

According to the liberal talking points, those who don’t affirm transsexual identities with sufficient enthusiasm are committing “genocide” against transsexuals

Blake was inspired to torture cats by the Netflix documentary Don’t F*** With Cats:

The documentary focuses on the case of transvestite prostitute, Luka Magnotta, who began torturing cats and posting the videos online before escalating to murder

Magnotta in turn was inspired by the movie Basic Instinct. Unwholesome entertainment has helped produce an unwholesome society[…]
In ancient Egypt, killing a cat brought the death penalty. Though that may seem a little harsh, it could have saved lives by protecting society from evil freaks like Scarlet Blake

Meanwhile, the MSM affirms Blake in his psychosis by referring to him with female pronouns

Please welcome Scarlet Blake to the representative Transsexual Violence Hall of Horrors

Dave Blount #racist #conspiracy #wingnut moonbattery.com

[From "Treason Enables Largest Invasion in Human History"]

We live in historic times. The most massive invasion in human history is taking place before our eyes:

Was the second Persian invasion (480-479 BC) of Greece, where over 500,000 forces were deployed by King Xerses, the largest invasion? How about the D-Day deployment of 1.1 million Allied troops? Wrong on both counts. The largest in history is over 7 million primarily young military-age males, unvetted, illegally crossing into the US; Joe Biden is their de facto commander, and DHS Secretary Mayorkas is Chief of Staff. At the current pace, over 10 million will have entered the US by the end of Biden’s term

An invasion on this scale requires not merely surrender or even complicity but the active assistance of those ruling the victim country:

• Border Patrol agents have been videoed cutting through razor wire at the southern border and allowing migrants to enter the US
• Texas Governor Greg Abbott had the wire installed as a deterrent to those looking to make the crossing over the Rio Grande and into the state
• Border crossings have risen to 8,000 a day in the week ending September 22, according to the Washington Office of Latin America

Death camps are so 20th century. To go with our soft tyranny, we now have soft genocide. The end result is the same, but for some reason it engenders less resistance

Unless rule of law is restored quickly, starting with the law against treason, America will be extinguished by the leftists who chose Joe Biden as their figurehead, as Americans are displaced out of existence

Dave Blount #racist #conspiracy moonbattery.com

[From “Making America Into Haiti”]

The reason the Biden Regime refuses to defend the border from the largest invasion in human history is that Democrats want to do to Texas what they did to formerly American California, thereby helping them to secure single-party rule throughout the country. The next biggest red state is Florida[…]Same fix applies:

Border agents in Miami have been told to prepare for a wave of migration from Haiti following the takeover of the country by bloodthirsty gangs[…]
Unlikely Haitians who take to the sea and enter Florida illegally will be repatriated back to their home country, given its instability

Haiti has been unstable ever since the Europeans who founded it were killed off by the Africans they imported at the turn of the 18th century

The message also warned that one vessel of migrants landing would overwhelm agency capabilities[…]

Biden Regime has been spending money faster than any other government[…]Yet we are told we do not have the resources to prevent savages in flip-flops from invading Florida

The streets of Port-au-Prince are littered with bodies of the dead[…]Lawlessness prevails[…]

I hope you like what has been going on in Haiti. It’s our future[…]
Biden is in so much trouble with voters that he may at turn back part of the coming tsunami of rapidly reproducing moochers. If not, Democrats will have dropped the pretense of representing the American people or even caring who we vote for. That would mean we’ve reached the end game

Dave Blount #transphobia #wingnut moonbattery.com

[From "Rise of Trantifa"]

Transsexuals are mentally ill by definition and characterized by a propensity for violence (e.g., Maya McKinney, Snochia Moseley, Anderson Lee Aldrich, Audrey Hale, Moses Lopez, William Whitworth, Shanu Varma, “Lara,” Zion William Teasley). Violence is the whole point of Antifa. Both are products of moonbattery. Put them together and you get Trantifa:

The term has been coined on social media to represent the strong transgender presence within the Antifa movement[…]

No act of evil is too extreme — not even executing 9-year-olds for being Christian:

One notable incident involved a trans-identified individual, Audrey Hale, who carried out a mass shooting at a Christian elementary school in Nashville[…]The Trans Resistance Network suggested Hale had no other way to be seen than by “taking the life of others”[…]

Considering the darkly comical tendency of leftists to accuse their opponents of what they themselves are doing or plan to do, their use of the word “genocide” is not only absurd but also concerning:

‘Trans activists gravitate towards these very far-left groups, because they share their anarcho-communist type ideology,’ [countermoonbat journalist Julio] Rosas told DailyMail.com

‘They view the US as systemically racist, that it’s subjugated queer people, and that states passing laws against child mutilations is part of a trans genocide’

Trans activists are serious about killing people. They did not hesitate to make this clear[…]
As with Hitler’s Brownshirts, Trantifa freaks serve as a cat’s paw for a malevolent political party — the party that already controls every major institution

Dave Blount #transphobia moonbattery.com

[From “What “Love Is Love” Means”]

The moonbat credo “Love Is Love” refers not so much to who as to how. Only a bigot would think judgmental thoughts about this guy because of how he loves:

A trans-identified male has appeared in court after being accused of dumping soiled adult diapers outside a children’s nursery and stealing clinical waste bags. Abbi Taylor, born Martin Tarling, was also accused of hiding in a public bin with soiled diapers, smearing excrement on children’s milk bottles and removing items from a waste receptacle outside a nursery

So long as he was motivated by perverse sexual gratification, Tarling/Taylor qualifies as a victim of discrimination. Before progressives have finished progressing, his behavior will be first protected, then legitimized, then normalized

For now, psychos like this are still sometimes locked up, but authorities made sure to pander to his depravity:

Although court listings used the name Martin Tarling, the Chair of the Bench, John Lee, asked Taylor if he preferred to be addressed by his “feminine” name and the defendant agreed[…]

As noted recently, sexual sickness is fungible. It is to be equated with healthy romantic affection. That’s what “Love Is Love” means

Dave Blount #homophobia #biphobia #transphobia #conspiracy moonbattery.com

[From "Doubling of Deviants at Brown University"]

According to woke doctrine, we must embrace homosexuality because it is not a behavior but an identity. If you hesitate to endorse unhealthy sex acts that have been regarded as immoral for centuries, you bigotedly hate those who indulge in them. They can’t control what they do, because were born that way. Or maybe they can’t help what they do because they attended a pricey university:

The number of Brown University students identifying as LGBTQ+ has doubled since 2010, according to a new poll from the university’s student paper

About 38% of students at the Ivy League school identified as either homosexual, bisexual, queer, asexual, pansexual, questioning, or other — more than five times the national rate for adults not identifying as straight

Ivy League universities like Brown are finishing schools for our nomenklatura. In case you were wondering what students learn for $82,570/year, now you have an idea

The high-priced social engineers running Brown get results. However, the rest of the liberal establishment gets results too. Its relentless promotion of all things LGBT through the media, public schools, and government has produced a doubling in the percentage of self-identified deviants also among the general population — even if the percentage is lower outside the decadent ruling class:

About 7.2% of American adults identified as being non-heterosexual, according to a 2022 Gallup poll, up from 3.5% in 2012

Considering the cultural hegemony the Alphabet People already enjoy, imagine if social engineers are able to double the percentage again. Every month will be Pride Month

Dave Blount #wingnut #dunning-kruger moonbattery.com

[From "From Central Park 5 to New York City Council"]

Being a left-wing black woman is all the qualification needed to become a Supreme Court Justice or Vice President of the United States. But left-wing blacks who are not women need to bring something else to the table to be granted control of levers of power — like having been convicted of raping a white woman and beating her into a coma

Yusef Salaam has won a Democrat primary in single-party New York for a seat on the City Council, meaning he has won

This is rich:

“When I think about the things that we need the most, of course on the top of everyone’s list are affordable housing, education and safe streets,” Salaam told the AP

Safe streets would be nice. Safe parks too

Because his conviction was eventually overturned after Matias Reyes confessed to raping and nearly killing investment banker Trisha Meili in Central Park, the media deifies Salaam as an example of a black oppressed by racism. He and the rest of his wolf pack were rewarded for their oppression with $41 million of taxpayer money. However, it is unlikely that they did not participate in the horrific crime. As former sex crimes prosecutor Linda Fairstein notes,

Salaam took the stand at his trial… and testified that he had gone into the park carrying a 14-inch metal pipe—the same type of weapon that was used to bludgeon both a male schoolteacher and Ms. Meili. Mr. Reyes’s confession changed none of this[…]

Salaam has received a Lifetime Achievement Award from Barack Obama. With such a sterling résumé, he likely has ambitions beyond the New York City Council

Dave Blount #racist #wingnut moonbattery.com

[From "George Floyd Comes to France"]

A violent career criminal dies of a fentanyl overdose while being restrained by a police officer barely half his size[…]This was good for an entire summer of liberal establishment-endorsed rioting and looting and even a federal holiday. Imagine what shooting a teenager is worth in a world succumbing to moonbattery. France is finding out:

Britain’s Foreign Office issued an alert to tourists[…]travelling to France, as the violence continued to deepen following the fatal shooting of 17-year-old Nahel Merzouk[…]during a traffic stop on Tuesday

Actual details of the young criminal’s demise are irrelevant; as with George Floyd’s skin color, his Muslim name is all the mob needs to know

Rioters were again seen rampaging through the streets of Marseille, Lille and Paris, amid claims looters broke into a gun shop and stole hunting rifles while others ransacked a police station. Cars, buses and government buildings have been set alight and fireworks have been launched at police[…]

This latest battle in the centuries-long Islamic effort to erase French civilization claimed the largest library in Marseille[…]
That is what will happen to the Louvre and the Eiffel Tower in the foreseeable future unless current trends are dramatically reversed

As usual, Big Tech has its thumb on the scale[…]
The Muslim colonization of France has expanded significantly

You imported this, France. Now you get to live with it. Or rather, you get to die from it

Only a far right solution could save France now. A country that would elect Macron is unlikely to have the belly for it. Remember Charles Martel or forget about the future

Dave Blount #homophobia #biphobia #transphobia #racist #wingnut moonbattery.com

[From "Muslim Colonists in Belgium Reject LGBTism"]

Cracks are forming in the cultural Marxist coalition. LGBTists and Muslims can agree that Western Civilization needs to be torn down. But that does not reconcile Islam with the gay agenda:

On [May 11], the “LGBTQIA+” community in Belgium suffered a violent attack by teenage Muslim students from The Atlas College in Genk. The Islamic attack occurred at an International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHOT) event held at the school[…]

One day it will get through to liberals that Muslims are exactly what they accuse Christians of being: violently intolerant of the sexual degeneracy liberals revere

Progressivism will be killed off by a poison progressives imported:

This is not an isolated incident in Belgium, a country that has changed dramatically over the past decade. Without any public debate, it has become a massive Muslim migration state due to the left-wing government’s open borders migration policies and the European Union’s policies in Brussels, Belgium’s capital[…]

A similar story is playing out in the Muslim colony of southeastern Michigan

Muslims engaging in hijrah (conquest by immigration) love open borders policy. The rest of liberalism they will eradicate the moment they have the leverage

Dave Blount #transphobia #wingnut #conspiracy moonbattery.com

[From "Fox News Requests Bud Light Treatment"]

Leftists enjoy crushing their opposition in a full frontal assault in the tradition of Joseph Stalin, but when that isn’t expedient, they use the Antonio Gramsci approach of infiltrating and subverting institutions they oppose. Progressive bête noire Fox News is a case in point. The liberal establishment inflicted serious damage with the Dominion lawsuit[…]But the death blow that kills Fox will be delivered from within.

The Daily Signal has gotten ahold of a company handbook revealing that Fox News complies obediently with LGBT mandates, specifying that men can use the women’s restroom, can show up for work dressed in women’s clothes, and must be referred to with female pronouns if they so demand. Employees are encouraged to become transsexual through a “Workplace Transition Plan”[…]
Imagine trusting a media source that arrogantly lies to your face, even when it clearly knows you know it is lying. This is the case when “journalists” refer to guys like Mulvaney and Thomas as “she”[…]
It isn’t just a rule of thumb; it is an iron clad law. No outlet that knowingly refers to people by the wrong pronouns in order to comply with LGBTism can be regarded as a reliable source of information.

What now passes for journalism borders on a crime against humanity:

Fox also drew strong backlash for a June 2022 on-air segment praising a child’s gender transition as an “inspiration to others”[…]

The pernicious effect extends beyond the Fox News viewership to compromise conservatives in general[…]
Disney’s leftist propaganda outlet ESPN is particularly insidious because it circumvents intellectual defenses by disguising the moonbattery under a sugar coating of sports coverage. FNC is more insidious still, hiding the woke poison in conservative lite pablum

Dave Blount #racist #wingnut moonbattery.com

[From "Watch Civilization Collapse in UK"]

Until recently, not only was Britain a civilized country, it defined civilized countries. It earned the vicious hatred of leftists by exporting civilization throughout the world. But moonbattery put an end to that. Through mass immigration, it is putting an end to Britain itself

Watch the wolves close in as the campfire dwindles:

England celebrates the fruits of diversity and multiculturalism. Cops run away like cowards from protesters after allowing them to beat up a man who did the crime of filming Iranian protesters. pic.twitter.com/XnJ8Gtv5BI
September 27, 2022

The nation might still be saved, with the right leadership. The seemingly hopeless Battle of Britain was won thanks to the greatest leader of modern times, Winston Churchill

Unfortunately, Liz Truss is not Winston Churchill:

Truss appears to be an overall improvement on Boris Johnson. But that isn’t enough

The song had it wrong. Unless something radical changes, there won’t always be an England

Dave Blount #wingnut #transphobia moonbattery.com

[From "Why Moonbats Hate Mother’s Day"]

Moonbats hate Mother’s Day for the reason they hate all our holidays: it is an expression of a culture they are trying to destroy. Mother’s Day is even more unwoke than the Fourth of July and Thanksgiving, because it directly conflicts with the antifamily agenda. Also, it undermines LGBT dogma, according to which there is no such thing as mothers, only “birthing people” — who might be men. Above all, motherhood is wholesome, so it must be defiled and destroyed in accordance with left-wing aesthetics
Shapiro is one of the few established media figures with the guts to call transsexuals by their proper pronouns; he understands that referring to Rachel Levine as “she” gives moonbats veto power over reality itself.

Dave Blount #sexist #wingnut moonbattery.com

[From "Expanding Concept of Rape by Redefining Consent"]

Critical theory, the ideology of our ruling class, is an outgrowth of postmodernism, which stresses the power of language to reshape what people think of as reality. Consequently, leftists have become masters at changing the definition of words. “Liberal” now means “leftist.” “Infrastructure” now means “whatever Democrats see fit to waste other people’s money on.” New York State Assemblywoman Rebecca Seawright has proposed a bill that weaponizes laws against rape by redefining the word “consent.”

Seawright’s proposed definition, via Simple Justice:

“Consent” means freely given knowledgeable and informed agreement; such agreement must be obtained without the use of malice such as forcible compulsion, duress, coercion, deception, fraud, concealment or artifice

Consider the ramifications. “But you told me you were a big shot or I wouldn’t have put out” would qualify as a rape accusation.
Daily Wire reminds us that undermining justice by distorting the concept of consent is old news on college campuses, which serve as incubation chambers for every new disease that leftists unleash on us.

Dave Blount #transphobia #homophobia #biphobia #wingnut moonbattery.com

[From "August to Be Transgender History Month"]

One month out of 12 is not enough for our degenerate rulers to devote to grinding depravity and psychosexual insanity into our faces. So California is adding another:

The California State Assembly has voted to officially recognize August as “Transgender History Month,” beginning in 2024. The resolution, which passed on Wednesday, makes California the first state in the United States to have a month that officially recognizes the history and contributions of transgender people

Those still queasy from being force-fed LGBTism for the entire month of June may recall that the T stands for trans. But it takes more than one month to recognize all the positive contributions to society made by transvestites — or rather, it would take more than a month to come up with any

The bill’s author is Assemblymember Matt Haney, Democrat of San Francisco[…]
This demonstrates how sickness spawned in the cesspool San Francisco metastasizes. That’s how Nancy Pelosi came to be one of the most powerful members of the federal government for the past 20 years. Expect Transsexual Reverence Month to join Pride Month nationwide shortly

Dave Blount #wingnut #sexist #homophobia moonbattery.com

[From "Get Woke Go Broke: Subway"]

Subway chose one of the most obnoxious moonbats in America to represent the franchise. There was some initial blowback. Let’s see how Megan Rapinoe is turning out for them in the long run:

Subway has struggled in the year since it hired soccer star and left-wing activist Megan Rapinoe as a national spokeswoman, with hundreds of stores closing across the nation[…]

Rapinoe is not known so much for playing soccer, since no one watches women’s soccer, as for proclaiming her devotion to sexual deviance and indulging in Colin Kaepernick antics to demonstrate her hatred of America. Even by moonbat standards, she is unappealing in the extreme:[…]
Regarding her public displays of disrespect for Old Glory, Rapinoe barks:

“Being a gay American, I know what it means to look at the flag and not have it protect all of your liberties”

The more special privileges they acquire through crybullying, the more oppressed they claim to be

Ludicrously, Victoria’s Secret proclaimed its wokeness by signing her up as a model. To put it mildly, Rapinoe is no Adriana Lima

Dave Blount #fundie #homophobia #transphobia moonbattery.com

[From "California Gets a Shot Across the Bow"]

No sign yet of rivers turning to blood, dust becoming lice, plagues of frogs, flies, and locusts, 3 days of darkness, or the death of first-born children, but judgment may be getting underway in sin-soaked California:

California residents raced a uniquely harrowing set of circumstances on Sunday as an earthquake shook the ground in the Los Angeles County area while Tropical Storm Hilary ravaged roads and caused severe flooding

The rainbow that has been insolently appropriated and defiled is a symbol of God’s promise not to punish sin by flooding the world. That does not rule out a little high water:

Palm Springs has been submerged in a deluge of floodwater as Tropical Storm Hilary continues to batter California

Shocking footage emerged throughout Sunday of cars, trucks and ambulances swallowed by flood waters in Palm Springs

Palm Springs is regarded as a gay mecca even by California standards

Speaking of the LGBT community, in June a ceremony honoring the belligerently blasphemous Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence was held at Dodger Stadium. Now we read this:

Remarkable aerial footage showed the iconic home of the LA Dodgers – which has stood for more than six decades – engulfed in a sea of water after the first tropical storm to hit Southern California in 84 years

Dave Blount #fundie #homophobia #transphobia moonbattery.com

[From "Lightning Strikes Near White House"]

Liberals didn’t take the hint when lightning struck an icon of their anti-god George Floyd, so…

Several people have been transported to local hospitals and are in critical condition after getting struck by lightning outside the White House

Four people suffered life-threatening injuries in Lafayette Square, near St John’s Episcopal Church, which was set on fire by Black Lives Matter rioters in 2020

Chris Vagasky, a meteorologist and lightning expert who works as an analyst for a company that makes weather instruments, told The Washington Post that there was a “6 stroke flash near the White House that hit the same point on the ground” which means that six separate lightning strikes hit the same exact spot in a fraction of a second

The evil emanating from the White House is most conspicuous in its aggressive promotion of abortion and the surgical transsexualization of children. Given the fate of Sodom and Gomorrah, worse than lightning strikes can be expected. A large meteor would be more appropriate

Dave Blount #wingnut #conspiracy moonbattery.com

[From "Hillary Clinton Celebrates Injustice of Trump Indictment"]

It wasn’t enough to indict Donald Trump and possibly throw him in prison for being the leading candidate of the opposition party, as is the practice in banana republics. The charges had to be outrageously unjust and hypocritical, so as the provoke maximum outrage. That’s why they indicted him for something leading Democrats Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton are at least as guilty of but face no punishment for doing

Because injustice is the point, they don’t try to hide it. On the contrary, they rub it in our faces:

Hillary Clinton[…]shamelessly celebrated the indictment of former President Donald Trump by capitalizing on her infamous “But Her Emails”[…]

Why are Democrats going out of their way to enrage the public with this gross display of injustice heading into an election year? Maybe they have been reading Sun Tzu:

If your opponent is of choleric temper, seek to irritate him

They already used it in the 2022 elections to great success by donating over $40 million to Trumpian candidates during GOP primaries. Trumpian candidates allowed Democrats to place cognitively disabled psychiatric patient John Fetterman in the Senate and to install leftist kook Katie Hobbs as Governor of Arizona

The more outrageously unjust the treatment of Trump[…]the more likely he is to win the 2024 nomination[…]
Non-Republicans are sick of Trump[…]
Once Trump has been positioned to win the GOP nomination, all Democrats have to do is pull a switcheroo and dump the conspicuously loathsome Biden before the election, ostensibly for health reasons

Trump wins the nomination but loses the general election — and Congress goes down with him. That’s the game plan. That’s why he was indicted, and why Shrillary is gloatingly selling her hats

Dave Blount #crackpot moonbattery.com

[From "Two Gaping Holes in Evolutionary Theory"]

It is a central pillar of liberal dogma that evolutionary theory explains amazingly complex lifeforms, which evolved through random mutation and natural selection in a universe devoid of design or purpose. Two major cracks threaten to bring this pillar down: the Cambrian explosion and the DNA enigma.

Not even the most militant nihilists can use evolution to explain the profusion of new lifeforms that appeared as if from nowhere 530 million years ago. Still more problematic is the fact that DNA sequences capable of creating stable proteins are extremely rare.

Molecular biologist Douglas Axe has shown that for every DNA sequence that generates a short functional protein, there are 10 to the 77th power possible sequences that are nonfunctional. There are 10 to the 65th power atoms in the galaxy. This gives an idea of the odds that random mutation is responsible for life in all its ingenious complexity. The earth has only been around for 4.5 billion years. If random mutation worked, it would take many trillions of years to produce something as complicated as slime mold.

Dave Blount #wingnut moonbattery.com

[From "Leftists Also Want to Pack House of Representatives"]

Currently, a favored leftist technique for subverting the institutions that have protected the USA from tyranny for centuries is to pack them

As Biden made clear[…], the threat of packing hangs over the Supreme Court
Biden also supports packing the Senate by adding Washington, DC as a state — Constitution be damned — because any population that would elect Marion Barry and Muriel Bowser as mayors would always elect two Democrats. Needy Puerto Rico will not be far behind.
[…]The Nation wants to pack the House of Representatives
House-packers might apply the Wyoming Rule. That would take the total population, divide it by the population of the least populated state, and then apportion seats to states
A time when Americans have been at each other’s throats, with unscrupulous radicals controlling the government by a thin majority, is not a time to tamper with a system that has worked better than any other since the 18th century

Dave Blount #conspiracy moonbattery.com

[From "Dead Cat Receives Voter Registration Application"]

If you are wondering why Democrats have been pushing voting by mail, consider that a dead cat could do it:

Dead cat gets voter registration application in the mail pic.twitter.com/GqxXkiAVBx

— Benny (@bennyjohnson) July 10, 2020

In light of the likely catastrophic consequences of the radicalized Democrat Party consolidating power in November, dead people might not be numerous enough to outnumber sane voters. No worries for Democrats; they can fall back on cats and dogs.

Dave Blount #wingnut #elitist moonbattery.com

[From "No One on Food Stamps Should Be Allowed to Vote"]

Those who are taking money they did not earn that the government has confiscated from others should not be allowed to vote. Letting those who ride in the cart instead of pulling it write the rules will result in ever more takers and ever fewer makers until the cart breaks down.

There are other people whose right to vote does not benefit society and is arguably unreasonable. Mr Reagan makes the case:

[Link to video]

Passing out suffrage too freely has resulted in the degeneration of government. James Madison could not get elected today. It is terrifyingly possible that Bernie Sanders could.

Dave Blount #conspiracy #racist moonbattery.com

[From “Feds Distribute Migrant Invasion Throughout USA”]

To call our rulers quislings would be an understatement. So far as I know, Vidkun Quisling did not distribute Nazi occupiers throughout his country at the expense of Norwegian taxpayers. Biden’s handlers, on the other hand, have been doing the equivalent with the invasion force that is conquering and forever transforming the United States to ensure permanent leftist dominance.

HHS’s Office of Refugee Resettlement tells Breitbart that it has…

…authorized programs to pay transport fees for unaccompanied children (including airline tickets), including escort transport (where necessary by airline or ORR policy) in order to facilitate release of children to approved sponsors.

We can’t have the Third World invasion force concentrated in a single area. It must be disseminated immediately, so that it is not as obvious that we are being conquered — and so that the invasion cannot be reversed.

As for the cost, Homeland “Security” Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is considering diverting money from the border wall to finance transport for the incoming hordes.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Dave Blount #wingnut #conspiracy moonbattery.com

Detention Camps Coming to New York?

The Trump Show is almost over now. Coming next: hardcore tyranny. New York State, where Democrats have already achieved the total control that they will soon have in Washington, offers a preview with Assembly Bill A416, which lays the legal framework for establishing detention camps in the name of COVID-19 hysteria.

Liz Wheeler provides alarming details:


In related news, the 117th Congress has already begun to crack down on gun rights [https://notthebee.com/article/democrats-waste-no-time-in-coming-for-your-guns], including mandatory registration, the prelude to confiscation.

On tips from KirklesWorth and Lyle.

Dave Blount #wingnut #elitist moonbattery.com

[From "Thank God USA Is Not a Democracy"]

When Democrats say, “our democracy,” they mean Democrat rule. The word “democracy” by itself refers to mob rule. Fortunately, the USA is not a democracy; otherwise, the country would not have been stable enough to preserve the Constitution from one century to the next

As the saying goes,

Democracy is like two wolves and a lamb voting on what to eat for lunch. A republic is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote

The Founding Fathers adamantly opposed democracy as a system of government. To quote John Adams,

“Democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes exhausts and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide”

This makes it all the more obscene that Biden staged last night’s attack on American patriots at Independence Hall, where both the Constitution and Declaration of Independence were debated and adopted

Democrats oppose our constitutional republic in favor of mob rule, confident that they can manipulate the herd through their control of the media, Big Tech, and the entertainment industry. That’s why they oppose the Electoral College and the filibuster, both of which serve to defend against tyranny of the majority

Basking in satanic red lighting with military figures posing ominously behind him, Biden used the word “democracy” 31 times during his diatribe, as if it were some magic word that wards off liberty and grants absolute power to whoever comes out on top in an election

Patriots have their own magic. They use the Constitution to ward off evil

Dave Blount #racist #conspiracy moonbattery.com

[From "Greg Abbott Applies Brakes to Refugee Colonization"]

Kudos to Greg Abbott (R-TX) for becoming the first governor in the country to say no to more refugees after Trump gave local authorities the option.

Daily Caller

“At this time, the state and non-profit organizations have a responsibility to dedicate available resources to those who are already here, including refugees, migrants, and the homeless,” Abbott wrote. “As a result, Texas cannot consent to initial refugee resettlement for FY2020.”

This is bad news for Democrats. Their strategy for achieving total national domination by flipping Texas blue and then abolishing the Electoral College relies on displacing the native population with “refugees.” Many of these welfare colonists invade across the underdefended border from places like Africa, then demand asylum.

Any Republican would be a fool not to fight this tooth and nail, since the point is to leave them politically marginalized. The Third World is never going to run out of “refugees”; import enough of them, and Democrats will win every election by running on their usual platform of confiscating wealth from those who create it to buy votes from those who don’t.

Yet Abbott stands alone. Other Republican governors are eager to help destroy their party not to mention their country by volunteering their states for colonization. Via Breitbart:


That $9 billion is chump change compared to the long-term cost of changing America into the sort of country the refugees are escaping from. This will be accomplished by allowing a never-ending stream of them to pour into the country as the American fertility rate falls to a record low.

Dave Blount #racist moonbattery.com

[From "A Future Without Toilets"]

We used to think the future would offer flying cars. Turns out, it won’t even have toilets.

Follow some advice from John Derbyshire to see why:

Go to YouTube, put the phrase “black vests” in the search box — that’s what the rioters call themselves, “black vests” — and watch the storming of the Panthéon. Then go to one of those Steve Sailer posts where Steve ponders what he calls “the world’s most important graph.”

Below is a typical video of “black vest” illegal aliens from West Africa storming the Panthéon in Paris, which was no doubt chosen because it symbolizes the civilization that they are in the process of overrunning and displacing. The event occurred July 12.

Click here for the world’s most important graph. It illustrates the exploding African population that has been previously discussed here, here, and here.

Africans evolved as r-selected organisms. This, not superficial physical characteristics, comprises their fundamental difference from K-selected Europeans. Regarding r-selected organisms,

Those organisms described as r-strategists typically live in unstable, unpredictable environments. Here the ability to reproduce rapidly (exponentially) is important. Such organisms have high fecundity (glossary) and relatively little investment in any one progeny individual, they are typically weak and subject to predation and the vicissitudes of their environment. The “strategic intent” is to flood the habitat with progeny so that, regardless of predation or mortality, at least some of the progeny will survive to reproduce.

Disease and their inability to feed themselves used to prevent African numbers from getting out of control. Then came the West’s suicidal altruism. Now, their numbers will continue to explode until there are no longer enough Europeans left to feed them.

We are not even allowed to acknowledge this existential threat to Western Civilization, much less address it, because that would be racist.

What about toilets, you ask? Consider the capital of Uganda:


Such diseases along with food shortages will bring the population down quickly, once Western medicine is no longer in the picture. By that point, Greater Africa will extend to the north through Scandinavia and to the West to the California coast.

On a tip from Don M.

Dave Blount #wingnut #conspiracy #sexist #homophobia #transphobia #fundie moonbattery.com

[From "Uvalde as a Symptom of Liberalism"]

This isn’t about the availability of guns or the uselessness of local authorities. Uvalde is a symptom of a more serious problem: the engineered collapse of civilization

For decades, progressives have pumped raw sewage into the cultural water supply. First among their crimes, they have used feminism, the welfare state, the LGBT agenda, and the glorification of moral degeneracy to destroy the nuclear family

As John Daniel Davidson suggests, Salvador Ramos was a product of his culture:

A broken home, no father or father figure in his life, no church or community of any kind, no real friends except those he met through social media. Here we have, in brief sketch, not just a profile of a school shooter, but an indictment of our entire culture. It was the same in Parkland, and Sandy Hook, and many other places

Start with lack of family, lack of faith, lack of anything meaningful to believe in because leftists have torn down everything with more depth than political correctness. Add in the increased alienation inflicted in the name of Covid[…]
Applied liberalism. That’s the answer to [url=https://notthebee.com/article/check-out-this-thread-on-school-shootings-over-the-past-200-years-and-wonder-where-things-went-wrong]this mystery[url]

Dave Blount #racist #conspiracy moonbattery.com

[From "Invasion Force Bused Throughout USA"]

Joe Biden has been making it clear for years that he wants the USA to be a white minority country. That would secure a permanent governing majority for a party that specializes in taking from whites so as to give to nonwhites. This is why his “Covid relief” and “infrastructure” spending blowouts include cash incentives for unwed mothers to produce more children. But that is a relatively long-term strategy, and Democrats are conspicuously impatient to consolidate absolute power quickly. That’s why Biden opened the border and issued an invitation to the entire Third World to come get the free goodies.

The crisis at the border is the tip of an iceberg. The objective is not just to turn Texas blue, but to demographically transform the entire USA into a country that can be counted on to vote Democrat. This means distributing the invasion force as quickly as possible throughout the country, so that it can never be expelled.
If the Japanese had invaded and occupied the country during WWII with our government’s encouragement and cooperation, it would have been recognized as treason. This is no different.

Not only is Democrat immigration policy treason, it is also genocide
Americans will be displaced, like the Indian tribes that lived here before them.

Dave Blount #transphobia #wingnut #conspiracy moonbattery.com

[From "Progress in the War on Gender"]

The male/female dichotomy is fundamental to the human conception of reality, as confirmed by gendered languages like Spanish, Russian, and German. The basic unit of civilization, the family, is based upon it. Leftist social engineers are determined to destroy it. Mark Dice brings us up to date on their alarming progress:
It seems radical that Democrats want to change our system of government through systemic election fraud, packing the Supreme Court, and abolishing the Electoral College. Actually, imposing a single-party authoritarian regime as they have effectively already done in California and New York is one of their more conventional objectives

Where cultural rot has allowed them to take sufficient control (e.g., California, New York), liberals impose criminal penalties against people who use objectively correct rather than politically correct pronouns, because refusing to refer to eccentrics like Bruce Jenner as “she” violates the precept that 2 + 2 = 5 if our moonbat rulers say it does

Liberals would destroy reality itself, but that lies beyond their power. So they are destroying our perception of it; that is, they are at war with sanity

On a tip from KirklesWorth

Dave Blount #homophobia moonbattery.com

[From “LGBT-Pushing Judge Arrested for Kiddie Porn”]

Just as the Culture War was looking like a rout, progressives encounter a minor setback:

A Milwaukee judge who serves as the President of an LGBTQ+ foundation in Wisconsin was arrested and charged with seven counts of possessing child pornography on Tuesday. Brett Blomme, an elected judge for Branch 5 of the Milwaukee County Circuit Court, is also the President and CEO of the Cream City Foundation.

The Cream City Foundation brags openly about organizing Drag Queen Story Hour events in Milwaukee on its website, sponsoring the practice in which impressionable youths are subjected to sexualized and cross-dressing drag queens.

The modern equivalents of Winston Smith have been hard at work at the Cream City website, stuffing material written by or related to its “Past President & CEO” down the memory hole.

According to the criminal complaint, Blomme sent images and videos depicting child sexual abuse using Kik, a messaging app.

[T]he complaint alleges that the abusive acts depicted in the material occurred in a Cottage Grove home owned by Blomme and his husband. The couple are the adoptive parents of two children.

Society has dealt those defenseless children a lousy hand.

Blomme is only ahead of his time. In 2021, he might still be punished for his crimes against children and against decency. After another decade of historic progress, the last remaining decent people will be jailed as pedophobes for objecting to similar activities.

Dave Blount #wingnut #conspiracy #racist moonbattery.com

[From "DHS Announces Ministry of Truth"]

Let’s hope Elon Musk has the good sense to move Twitter to Texas[…]Texas might not be far enough. If patriots are able to liberate a Silicon Valley cat’s paw, Big Government will then do the dirty work of [url=https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022/04/27/department-of-homeland-security-sets-up-disinformation-governance-board-to-fight-misinformation/imposing censorship itself[/url]:

The Department of Homeland Security is setting up a Disinformation Governance Board[…]

“Misinformation/disinformation” is Liberalese for any speech our rulers want to suppress

Like something out of George Orwell, the Department of Homeland Security perversely facilitates the invasion of the country[…]

“Disinformation is a threat to democracy”

She should have said “our democracy”[…]they mean “Democrat rule”[…]
We are already forced to finance Democrat propaganda through PBS and NPR. But Jankowicz wants more government speech[…]
If social media companies won’t do it on their own, they will be forced to[…]Musk will have the federal leviathan to contend[…]
As many thousands of unlawful invaders pour across the border to displace us[…]under the approving gaze of DHS, we can feel secure in the knowledge that this new Ministry of Truth will keep us safe from facts and opinions that threaten the power of our rulers

Dave Blount #racist moonbattery.com

[From "Minneapolis: Mogadishu on the Mississippi"]

Thanks to the massive importation of welfare colonists from arguably the most savage nation in the world, formerly pleasant Minneapolis has been socially reengineered — or to use more politically correct terminology, it has been multiculturally enriched. This is evidenced by an event that occurred Friday night. A mob of eight to 10 “Somali juveniles” wielding hammers attacked random bystanders at the East Bank Light Rail station. Via Alpha News:

A person who claimed on social media to have been at the station when the incident occurred said that the group of males had “hammers and bars,” and that they seemed to be “attacking anyone who looked like they had money or were white.” The witness, who said he isn’t white, said he didn’t want to “[take] on a bunch of dudes with blunt objects,” and that he “hurried an older white lady away” and they walked a few blocks to catch a bus.

How convenient that people in the Minneapolis area can experience the excitement of living in Africa without ever leaving home.

Needless to say, the story has not received much press.

This is just a foretaste of their plan for our future. Refer to South Africa for further details.

On tips from JeffersonSpinningInGrave, 1-Bodhisattva, and ABC of the ANC.

Dave Blount #racist #conspiracy moonbattery.com

[From "Turning Texas Blue With Help From the Congo"]

Circumventing the Electoral College is not the full extent of the Democrat strategy to achieve permanent power. A major objective is to turn Texas blue. That’s what makes this story alarming:

By far the largest ethnic group entering the US right now (and for the last few years) are the DR Congolese.

Obama promised the United Nations we would help absorb the inhabitants of Congolese refugee camps.

A check of the data from October 1, 2014 up through today shows that we took 49,228 of those African ‘refugees’ for resettlement…

Care to guess which state is taking the biggest share of them?

It should be no surprise to learn that Texas is the number one resettlement state for that particular ethnic group receiving 10% of all incoming Congolese.

These colonists imported from the most backward depths of Africa will be here forever, reproducing substantially faster than regular Americans for generation after generation, encouraged to do so by the welfare state. The odds of the Democrat Party getting less than 95% of their vote is slim.

On a tip from R F.

Dave Blount #homophobia #kinkshaming moonbattery.com

[From "Sam Brinton Takes Charge of Nuclear Waste"]

When it comes to getting hired to a position of responsibility, publicly indulging in sexual perversion is no longer the impediment it once was. On the contrary, under Democrat rule, it can be sole qualification, even absolving degenerates from having to show up for work. Sam Brinton has been appointed Deputy Assistant Secretary of Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition. His most important qualifications to oversee nuclear waste for the federal government are evident to behold:

The one standing in the picture is Sam Brinton. Biden’s new-hire for top-level Dept of Energy. https://t.co/HrD0tOWykQ
February 10, 2022

Sam Brinton is what is known among the sexually psychotic as a pup handler. As people like this are handed ever more power in the name of moonbattery, we all become their pups to handle

Brinton has sex with men who identify as dogs, if not with actual animals
Brinton’s new position requires sound judgment and responsible character. But merit is repugnant to the Biden Regime. Checking identity boxes and kneejerk loyalty to leftism are the only relevant qualifications

Too bad for Brinton that Biden didn’t promise to appoint a pup handler to the next Supreme Court vacancy. Maybe next time

Dave Blount #wingnut #racist moonbattery.com

[From "Netflix Sanctifies Central Park Five"]

As George Orwell illustrated in 1984, progressives believe that it doesn’t matter what happens; it only matters what people think happened. To quote Orwell, “Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.” The present is controlled by the sort of moonbats who run Netflix. This is bad news for the future.

People of the future will not know what happened. They will know what leftists want them to think happened, so as to advance the narrative that secures their power. A heinously false series on Netflix about the Central Park Five is a case in point.

In its vileness, the liberal media lauds Netflix’s When They See Us, which disgustingly portrays sociopaths as put-upon victims of America’s racist system. Ever digging for new lows, the New York Times actually ran a story praising the series under the headline, “The True Story of How a City in Fear Brutalized the Central Park Five.”


The attacks were explicitly racially motivated. Yet the attackers are portrayed as the victims of racism. Liberalism isn’t just wrong. It is precisely 180° opposite the truth. Since liberals control the past through the present, the future will see these vicious thugs as martyred saints, just like Trayvon Martin.


The Central Park Five confessed and served modest prison sentences. Nonetheless, the unspeakably loathsome Bill de Blasio actually paid the rapists a $41 million settlement in their suit against NYC for malicious prosecution, racial discrimination, and emotional distress. They became millionaires for what they did to Trisha Meili. That any decent person could support Democrats after learning this defies comprehension.

The evidence against the assailants was mountainous. No informed person doubts what really happened. So liberals simply lie.

It is not as if the public does not have access to the truth. In today’s Wall Street Journal, prosecutor Linda Fairstein details some of the many ways When They See Us deviates from what really happened. She was a supervisor of the team that prosecuted the Central Park Five. She describes Netflix’s propaganda as “so full of distortions and falsehoods as to be an outright fabrication.”