Shoplifting is a right, doncha know? Unauthorized immigrants, unauthorized shoppers — they are all facing unjust discrimination.
Seriously, it’s a huge problem in black communities, and more than a few white ones. To me, it poses a bit of an ethical dilemma:
I think it’s wrong to gouge people in poor neighborhoods, but given the high rate of theft, is there any other viable business model?
People don’t take theft seriously enough. It imposes a tax on all honest folks for the benefit of criminals. It actually hurts the poor more than the wealthy, so when liberals refuse to take it seriously they are “punching down” so to speak. Isn’t it curious how virtually all socially liberal policies do more harm to the weaker members of society?
It would be better for blacks overall if theft were punished swiftly and seriously, preferably with hard labor. Stealing is appropriating other people’s labor, after all, so it’s only fair that thieves provide some compensation to society.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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