David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com
As bizarre as it may seem to the uneducated person in the area of elite occultism and pedophilia, child-sex is epidemic amongst the globalist elite and always has been. It is common knowledge that the Afghanistan government are rogue drug-lords kept in power by the globalist elite. Following the 911 attacks, in 2002 a U.S. led United Nations coalition invaded Afghanistan and appointed their own new government. Then and now, Afghanistan produces 90% of the world's opium (having a heroine street value of $500,000,000 in sales). U.S. troops are being exploited as paid poppy farmers. NATO oversees all this evil. Where does all that opium go? Who profits from it? The truth is obvious.
The Russian government pleaded with NATO to destroy the opium fields, because millions of Russians are hopelessly addicted to heroine and dying each year. NATO refused! The same is happening in America and around the world. Who profits from all the opium being grown in Afghanistan (a nation that the U.S. co-called "liberated" in 2002)? Who's kidding who? The criminal global elite are behind all this. And they're the one's raping the little girls of Afghanistan...
Opium Brides (heroine & 7-year old girls taken in Afghanistan for pedophile global elite)
Who are the global elite? They operate through The Council On Foreign Relations. Child sexual abuse is prevalent amongst the global elite. Here's a bunch more information.
Please understand that I'm NOT saying that the Mormon church has anything to do with Afghanistan, Bush or Reagan, the global pedophile elite, illegal sex trafficking, et cetera. What I am trying to establish is that pedophilia is a common denominator amongst the global elite (the powerful and wealthy who control the nations). Remember, nations don't rule the world, corporations do! The U.S. Pentagon renews contracts with DynCorp, a known sex-trafficking company.
The Sicko Mormon Religion
Mormons masquerade as true Christians, but they are of the Devil. Few people ever come to recognize the true occult nature and satanic depth of the Mormon cult. If you do some research, you will learn quickly that the common denominator between all false so-called Christian religions in America is Freemasonry. These demonic fake religions include: Jehovah's Witnesses, Charismatics (Oral Roberts), Mormonism, Seventh Day Adventism, Judaism, Kaballah, Christian Science, Churches of Christ, Scientology and Wicca). Mormonism is steeped in Jewish Kabbala. Freemasonry, Judaism, Kaballa and Mormonism are ALL SEX-BASED CULTS!!! The very emblem of Freemasonry—the compass and the carpenter's square—symbolizes sexual intercourse.
Why is it that Americans are being policed with trained guard dogs, bag searches, strip searches, naked body scans, TSA pat downs and groping, Darth Vader looking thug cops, and an increasingly intolerant attitude toward innocent citizens? Yet, meanwhile, families in Afghanistan are totally helpless against the thug drug lords that are stealing their 7-year old daughters to be raped by the global elite. NATO actually protects the criminals. Afghan farmers are forced to grow opium because other forms of honest living are not allowed nor practical in a corrupt system.
Through cleverly designed newsmedia propaganda, white-washing and deliberate disinformation (lying and deceiving), the globalist owned and controlled newsmedia has been able to suppress the blatant horrendous crimes of the global elite themselves [which includes the 911 attacks, the Iraqi war, and the ongoing farming of opium (heroine) crops in Afghanistan and thug stealing of Afghan's little girls to supply the insatiable pedophile appetite of the globalists.]
Goldman Sachs Caught Investing In Sex-Trafficking Ring (Mitt Romney's wife invested too)
Homosexual Prostitution, Child Molesting, the CIA and Washington D.C. Officials
Why is Goldman Sachs running a sex-slave fund? Oh, did I mention the List Of 37 Names of GOLDMAN SACHS People in the Obama Government?
The White (Goldman Sachs) House (Goldman Sachs in the White House)
It's such a con job. It's all a big scam, intended to harvest the daughters of the Afghani people. Where are the authorities? Where is the government? Where are the U.S. troops that are supposed to be liberating their country? Our troops are being exploited as paid mercenaries and opium farmers! The popular excuse is that it's “THE CULTURE.” Watch the preceding video all the way through. A culture of child rape by drug lords? Who's kidding who?