Jared Taylor #racist amren.com
Mr. Taylor gave examples of the absurd sacrifices whites make for non-whites and asked, “can you imagine anyone of any other race going insane in quite the same way?” He then speculated on why whites are so easy for others to put to work for alien interests.
He spoke of the extreme individualism of whites, and also of their unique concern for the interests of others. This concern takes the form of the institutions that are the hallmarks of Western society: freedom of speech, rule of law, respect for women, good sportsmanship, public charity, concern for the environment. These things show a high regard for the interests of others—not just other people but for other species and for unborn generations that will live on our planet.
Mr. Taylor argued that this concern for others has been disastrously perverted, and now requires whites to believe it is their duty to sacrifice their homelands and cultures to other races. He argued that if we are to change the minds of whites, we must realize that we are trying to overthrow the liberal moral paradigm, and that to be successful we cannot simply be right. We must be generous. Arrogance or mean-spiritedness will only drive away our fellow whites and confirm their prejudices about us as selfish, wicked people.
Mr. Taylor concluded with an appeal to duty—that duty is the message we read in all the great achievements of our civilization, in the faces of our sons and daughters, and on the tombstones of our great-grandparents.