David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com
Today's sicko society laughs and scorns the Biblical teaching of chastity, standards, virtue, and morality. In a recent movie--Happy Feet (which is clearly aimed towards children)--dancing is greatly promoted. What's very disturbing in the film is that the older penguins who are AGAINST Happy Feet's dancing are portrayed as old, harsh, unreasonable, mean, and foolish. This is brainwashing! Little children who watch this movie are subconsciously taught that dancing is acceptable, and anyone who says it's not is out of touch with reality. The truth is that dancing DOES corrupt society and should be shunned by every born-again believer in Christ. The Happy Feet movie also promotes whoremongering. At one point in the movie the leader of the penguins, Lovelace, says that he wants to indulge in romantic pleasures with his eight female penguin companions. He then asks, "Which one of you is first?" This is the godless immoral lifestyle that many rock-n-roll performers are living today. Rock-n-roll is a religion of sexual immorality! Throughout the Happy Feet movie, romance is stressed, and penguins are paired up for mating; but no mention of marriage is ever made in the movie. Clearly children are being introduced to a demonic lifestyle of sexual fornication, whoremongering, dancing, and rebellion against God.