Don't ferget the Creation deniers. A robust group with witch doctor origins. they believe in magic mutations.
Witch doctor origins?
Now I admit, my status as low priest of the Esoteric Order of Dagon requires belief in evolution, and my religion does kinda have witch doctor origins, but come on. Not one damn scientist out there is one of us.
Uhhhhh... no. The witch doctors and the scientists parted ways a long time ago, because the scientists kept revising their data and changing their minds, while the witch doctors wouldn't.
Witch doctors and priests are of a kind actually -- in both cases, some of them are honestly misinformed, others are outright liars. All, on average, are rather too stubborn for their own good.
They believe in spelling too and evidence, not magic mutations(and anyway, what's magic anyway, for people who think that snakes speak?)
Oh, an obvious mistake, it's "Ou-ee-ou-ah-ah, ting-tang-walla-walla-BING-BANG", not "walla-walla-BIG-BANG"!
There's no "magic" in mutations, which have been studied scientifically for decades. Calling scientists "witch doctors" is like calling them "bogeymen": you're not only ignorant, you're frightened of them.
No, see, YOU guys believe in magic. We prefer science.
Incidentally, which Creation do you mean? There's only about a thousand different creation myths, all of them equally unbelievable.
Why hasn't someone killed you yet. How do you stumble through life, being such an idiotic bastard, and not at least get placed in a mental ward where your stupidity can't hurt the poor average persons brains.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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