CofTheForeverTribe #fundie

I don't mean to sound offensive, but whoever started this argment about Noah's ark did not do much research.

Otherwise you would realize that durng orld ar II, the United States build a ship according to the measurement of Noah's ark and it was one bad baby. No one wanted to meswith that joker.

Now a far as species go, I don;t know how many species they say there are today. Maybe they do say 6 million or 30 million. I can tell you that the apportionment of the number of species has been determined by Evolutionary THEORY and is thus not a provable fact. There way of defining species does not have to be ds way of definig species. I can tell you this as well, because of evolutionary THEORY the nuber of species has increased. Why because we have for it to do so. Of course not, but rather it fits well into the model of evolution.

findit aazing hw ou accus Christians of gong close-mided and on a set worldview whn youyourself do exactly the same.



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