Charles Darwin didn't even know DNA existed
He had no concept of genetics. Zero understanding of cell biology. And yet this man's word is still preached as gospel in our schools?
This was unforeseen evidence during Darwin's time, but many of his predictions have been verified and other evidence found since his time all back up the theory of evolution. Without resorting to humongous distortions of the truth, the same cannot be said for any religious text.
I fail to see how the lack of knowledge surrounding DNA in the 19th century harms evolution when it has led to evidence supporting the theory.
"He had no concept of genetics. Zero understanding of cell biology. And yet this man's word is still preached as gospel in our schools?"
None of this can be found in the Bible. I take it that you're against teaching Christian dogma in schools then.
this man's word is still preached as gospel
No, his theory is taught because it has evidence to back it up. Darwin was not a prophet who's word we just trust but someone who worked out an explanation that has withstood all tests against it
No, he didn't know, but once we found out about them, they helped confirm all his theories. And your point is.....?
Funny, I've not seen any talking donkeys and snakes, cud chewing rabbits, or bats sprout tail feathers.
No, his words are relegated to Biology history, as mountains of new information have been compiled since his day. All of it confirms his early ideas and theory, though.
Religion has gospel, science has up-to-date info.
"And yet this man's word is still preached as gospel in our schools?"
The above - in Westminster Abbey, the central place of worship of the basis of modern Protestant Christianity, the Church of England - would make this particular AC's brain bleed through his eyes.
"And yet this man's word is still preached as gospel in our schools?"
Actually that's not true. Darwin was wrong about a lot of stuff but his idea of Natural Selection opened a whole new world of understanding that DNA and Genetics fit into beautifully.
If you ever bothered to actually learn something about biology you might be able to see that.
No Coward, Darwin had no idea of the existence of DNA this is true. However, when Mendel did his work on genetics, and when Franklin/Crick and Watson discovered the double helix it confirmed evolution and its associated mechanisms.
However, the fact that Darwin had no knowledge of DNA does not by any means detract from the observations which he saw and considered on his trip to the Galapagos. Why? Because these adaptations he observed are still in evidence today.
Thanks for playing but YOU LOOSE
Nicolaus Corpernicus didn't even know universal gravitation existed
He had no concept of mass attraction. Zero understanding of Classical mechanics. And yet this man's word is still preached as gospel in our schools?
... Oh, wait, it's an Anonymous Coward. It might actually agree with this assessment.
Jesus had no idea that Pi = 3.141592... etc., and yet, this man's word is still preached as gospel in our parochial schools? Outrageous! In fact, there's a whole bunch of things Jesus had no knowledge of: germs, fungus, telescopes, radar, deodorant, toothpaste ....
Jesus didn't even know the Earth was round.
He had no understanding of the cosmology or biology. Thought that the stars could fall from the sky, and that the mustard seed was the smallest of all seeds.
And yet this man's words are still preached as gospel and he is regarded as the Alpha and Omega on the throne of a universe that he demonstrated no knowledge of.
Charles Darwin proposed the Theory, that's all that will be taught about him beyond a couple sentences about his journey. After that the short time spent on evolution will be about Genetics and modern Biology. You wouldn't know of these things other then being taught at school, your kind never searches knowledge beyond the textbooks.
No one is preaching Evolution, you're attitude against science, that was preached to you.
No, he didn't.
But even before Darwin's time, people understood that offspring often carried the traits if both parents. Selective breeding of plants and animals had been successfully carried out for millennia.
It was understood that there was a mechanism for heredity, even if no one understood what that mechanism WAS.
Charles Darwin didn't even know DNA existed
And yet he was able to formulate a scientific theory which’s basics still hold true until today. Amazing, isn’t it?
this man's word is still preached as gospel in our schools?
I should hope not: Darwin's theory at the time of publication is now a century and a half out of date. Now we do know about DNA, and have incorporated this into the theory. Science doesn't stand still, it's always moving forward, adding more and more evidence to a theory, and thereby strengthening it.
Darwin's personal ignorance of modern aspects of the theory do not invalidate the modern theory.
Evolution is so obvious, that Darwin didn't need DNA or the inner workings of the cell to understand and demonstrate it.
And no, Darwin's ideas are taught as science, not gospel. If you have some evidence that proves Darwin wrong, feel free to present it and receive your Nobel Prize.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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