Anonymous Coward #conspiracy

*** ALERT ** False flags in Rome and Paris - A Follow-up thread: Millions of refujihadis will be brought in EU

Yes, you read correctly!

It is a follow-up for the thread:
Thread: *** ALERT ** Info: millions of refujihadis will be brought in EU, then they will implode economy, then the inter-racial civil war ensue

So, they will do false-flags, Gladio style, in Rome, Paris, Germany, like planting blasting devices, massive shootings and then they will blame on radicals which are against immigration.

Then they will enact draconian controls for internet, with harsh laws that will put people in prison for even minor comments against immigration/etc

They will link this with extremism, antisemitism, anti immigration, racism, etc as a very weak motivation, the real reason, is they want to scare people to not fight against this massive influx of foreigners, that will overload the social and administrative systems in the European host countries.

Moreover they will impose more draconian laws for traveling in Europe for the normal people (not for refujihadists) in order to increase even more the people discontent.

They will vote laws, that they can take a second property, or they can force you to accept refujihadists in your home, if you have more rooms than the persons living in the house. First they will say that they will take offices and companies buildings for that purpose, but stealthily, after a short-while will say, it's not enough space and will force refujihadists in people's houses.

Should I tell you that this will end with the fact that these refujihadist will rape and violate your daughter(s), your wife, etc?

The elites, that running stealthily the things, want the local population to get crazy, to become furious and to start fighting with the refujihadist, then the crazed local population will realize that their pwn politicians and elected officials are to be the blame, so they will start to be violent to those. They will invoke force-majeure and will ask for UN troops help.

Then the total chaos will ensue...



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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