William_G_Boykin #fundie imdb.com
Have you ever heard an idiot, tree hugging lie-beral say something like this? ["This is the best planet in the galaxy, so we had better take care of it!"- Thread title] It just boggles my mind how these people can have no faith in God. When someone says that taking care of the planet is our responsibility, I always remind that person that even if we destroy this planet, God can simply make another one by snapping His fingers, blinking His eyes, clapping His hands, wiggling His nose, or doing whatever it is He has to do in order to unleash the power of His magic.
Having faith that Yahweh will create a brand new planet for our use will allow us to tap the resources of this planet in order to make life easier. There is all sorts of oil under the Earth's surface that we are not allowed to use because the lie-berals won't let us "hurt the planet". Doesn't that sound crazy? How can you hurt a planet? A planet is not some living being, it doesn't have feelings or emotions. You know, when I was younger, I used to be in love with myself a little bit, but now I'm a humble man, and being humble is a humbling experience.
Once you realize that you can't control what happens on this planet, then it just makes everything else easier. Just put it in God's hands and allow Him to do His work. He exorcised the demon of alcoholism out of my body. He has exorcised the demon of obesity out of the body of many people around the world, He has exorcised the demon of drug addiction out of people's body, you and I have both seen the proof of His magic power. Now, you have to put your faith in that power.