Re: It's a post-nostalgic, uber-kitsch, ironic world now. Devoid of tradition, meaning or attachment.
No, that's the metrosexual Obama voter view of Christmas.
You 8 year long fantasy is over. Now you get consequences. And you and he and hey won't like them. Not only that, you'll regret stupid posts like this.
Again, I'd like to remind you idiots that the idyllic 50s you pine for and uphold as the zenith of Americana were nothing like the 30s. Times change, your great granddad didn't spend all his time bitching about brown people and those who didn't say Merry Christmas.
And the last eight years were better than the eight before them, but that doesn't work on you asses, does it, you're all, including your own politicians and conservative spokespeople ignoring the W years and placing all his administrations bullshit on Obamas run. And this Christmas bullshit,,, fuck off,, I think the only people that enjoy Christmas anymore are Atheists and very moderate Christians because they can shape it to their likes and pick from the traditions that have built up over the years. For instance did you know top ten Christmas song lists contain mostly secular songs every year? That most people don't see church attendance as necessary even on high holy days?
I put it to you that those that go on about Christmas changing and people not respecting it are the most miserable assholes out there and they just want people to suffer. Your Donald himself does the Happy Holidays stich just like every single last 'war on Christmas' spewers do every fucking year. You've been played AGAIN.
>Canadiest, Hasan Prishtina:
Keep in mind that many alt-righters consider Reagan and Bush to be cryptocommunistic "cuckservatives".
>Thinking Allowed:
I do not think its memory is that far-reaching. Although I do expect that, sooner or later, many alt-righters who loudly gloated over Trump's victory will go suspiciously silent on national politics and eventually pretend they never ever liked Trump at all.
I'm a believer in Neo-Sincerity and almost violently opposed to hardline irony and most forms of postmodernism. And I like kitsch as itself, rather than as a fake wink-wink bit of hipsterism. I have lots of tradition and an attachment to friends and family that is very powerful. And I'm a Socialist who thinks Trump will be a disaster.
In short, I hate both of these idiots.
Likely consequences: You and your aging parents have to live together, subsisting on low-wage jobs, because SS & Medicare are ruined and absolutely bupkis is going to be done to create jobs for people with only high school level education.
Funny that these guys pine for a "Leave It To Beaver" world but are too stupid to realize that it was stuff like The New Deal, Higher Taxes (which the wealthy also had to pay), Regulations, Plenty of Unions and manufacturing and Social Security that made that lifestyle possible.
You want to go back to the 1950's? Embrace more Progressive economics!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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