Evolution seems to be a phase that people, once they get into the real world, grow out of. They do immoral things at university and justify it to themselves by saying "well, I'm just an ape really". Hiding from the Christians, who might remind them otherwise.
To an extent I used to be like this at uni. Doing my own thing, not going to Church only when at home for Christmas.
Looking back I realise how silly I was. Molecule-to-man is a false doctrine that is not supported at all by credible evidence. No evidence from non-life to life without God. And living like you have apes in your ancestry is very selfish, very very selfish. These secular left students claim to care for others but spend much of their time in bars and in and out of each other's bedrooms. Little regard for others.
For many, evolution is just part of a phase, something people have to go through before they grow up.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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