Some commenters #racist
Re: Netherlands’ Nonwhite Crime Wave: Invaders 47 Times More Likely than Dutch to Be in Jail
(Winston Smith from Airstrip 1)
Third world immigration produces third world conditions. always and everywhere
Third World immigration to the West is very similar in pattern to invasive species in non-human biology. An aggressive group of organisms with a high birthrate invade the territory of a less aggressive, more slowly reproducing species. They devour the resources and/or parasitize that species, ultimately leading to its extinction. Examples: Asian carp, Zebra mussels, Kudzu.
(Jason Lewis)
" non whites, 47 times more likely to be in jail than native Dutch" To normal people that means non whites commit more crime. To a progressive that means Dutch police are racist.
Even rigged statistics show non-white immigrants create nearly all of the crime there. When are these fools going to wake up?
They leave their S Holes traveling to western nations to do the same to our countries, and even after suffering the effects of their disfunction and criminal behavior the gates still stand open. We're inviting in our doom. They do not assimilate, and want nothing more than to destroy us and our way of life.
(Lynn D)
What happened locally some time ago - several ‘Dutch’ almost beat to death a waiter who tried to stand up for his colleague.
Turned out it was a group of hyper aggressive, low IQ Moroccans with Dutch passes - diversity on vacation.
Isn't it strange how a dutch person can immigrate to an African country, but will always be a dutch person. Yet a black from Africa can immigrate to Holland and become 'dutch' we are told..