Hitler was a closet homosexual, that is a FACT. When the word started to get out, he had his SS officers execute everyone at the homosexual bath house he use to visit.
Hitler's officers had the best designed clothes because he hand sellected his homosexual friends to be in charge of Nazi wardrobe design. It's painfull for most Nazi retards to swallow this fact. But Hitler enjoyed the taste of men because he was a HOMOSEXUAL Darwinist!
now I know where to get good tailoring. Why do gay's have such good taste, surely it must be a gift from god.
Now I know why fundies have a dress sense that is an abomination against all that is good.
Most neo Nazi's are fundamentalists of some 9 member hick town Southern Baptist white trash community, Like you.
You fundies lie an awful lot, don't you? I guess the 9th commandment doesn't apply to fundies? Hitler was a Christian, who put homosexuals IN DEATH CAMPS because he considered them social misfits(and they were not providing little Nazis as breeders or cannon fodder for his war machine).
I like Nazi uniforms. I despise Nazi ideology, but I like Nazi uniforms. I am also straighter than John Wayne voting for Reagan on a horse. Somebody says I'm gay, I'll just sit here bein' straight, and they'll be wrong. But I like Nazi uniforms.
So where does that leave your pathetic little theory?
Hitler was a pervert, not a homosexual.
He put them in death camps.
And he didn't believe in evolution, either, 'cause evolution isn't about an organism going from good to bad.
And...you know what? Just play with this.
*Hands MsLatosi a paddleball.*
(Good to see that AMPM hasn't gotten to this yet.)
Isn't it fun to observe that if you see someone writing something in all caps, you can be pretty sure it's not correct? Like MsLatosi here.
If your facts aren't any good, shout loud and look angry!
Oh, well, as long as it's a FACT. I mean, if it was just a fact, I might have been dubious, but since it's a FACT... well, that settles it.
Bryan65: Ernst Roehm, head of the SA, was a homosexual. Hitler had him killed, together with hundreds of political opponents, during the "Night of the Long Knives" in 1934.
"I see German soldiers dancing through France
Played by chorus boys in very tight pants...."
Dammit, THE PRODUCERS is NOT a documentary!
] he was a HOMOSEXUAL Darwinist!
And because of this he
- had several affairs with younger women
- married Eva Braun shortly before they both committed suicide
- had Darwin’s books burned
- stated in “Mein Kampf” that he believed in creationism
- had homosexuals put into death camps
Of course! Now it all makes so much sense! [/sarcasm]
Were you sharing the same closet, or what? How else would you know?
Darwin's books were burned by the Nazis, that's how much they liked them.
Hitler was against abortion, and he thought women ought to marry young and have many children, who could grow up to be soldiers and brood-mares... I mean "housewives".
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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