
NephilimFree #fundie uk.youtube.com

"We are building a better life.

Your belief in evolution is absolutely irrelevant to its voracity. You can test it by trying to disbelieve the theory of gravity."

Atheists aren't building anything. There are not enough of the to build anything. They create in their mind the perceptiion that they are doing so, then they believe it.

All based upon a rejection of Jesus Christ.

Guess what. The mathematics and astonomical explainations of the secular world are fashioned to provide an alternative to the truth. The Eath is not moving. Time-lapse star photography proves it.

Jesus4mankind #fundie uk.youtube.com

The America I remember and love best is the America that understood the value of Christian prayer in its public schools, and also pledged national-allegiance every morning at the school flag pole!

Christian America has always been one nation under the God of Israel (and moronic liberal youth are blind to this wonderful fact). The greatness of America will return after God deals with all the lawless reprobates. The liberal media is a propaganda machine that tries very hard to tell everybody that America isn't a Christian Nation but contrary to Marxist media hype, the phone books of every major American city contain long lists of every kind of Christian church imaginable! And this tells me that the liberal atheistic media is full of deception and a menace to America's people.

The liberal media attacks us with lies because they are trying to make us doubt what is true, because if we believe we're not a Christian nation we will stop being one, which is what Marxists want. And if we allow them to fool us we will become passive and allow them to speed up their agenda to demolition all of our ancient landmarks that designate us as a Christian nation and a Christian people.(...)

All who fear God must not let them get away with saying that America is not a Christian Nation, it is obvious that it is because its foundation, which they are trying to destroy, is Christian. We Christians who fear God are America's salt, it is our Christianity that is impeding the liberal moral rot which is paving the way for more sodomites and baby killers to have their way with our nation's youth. If you doubt that America is a Christian Nation read the last words of Patric Henry below:

NephilimFree #fundie uk.youtube.com

("If you would look at the Bible objectively, without bias, you, too would see that is is bullshit.")

Nonsence. What we see is that you reject God for secular values, which makes sluts on TV into heros, teaching kids in school how to put a condom on their boyfriend's penis, brainwashes kids to believe they came from an ape and are only an animal, that aborted fetuses are not living humans, and so on and so forth.

NephilimFree #conspiracy uk.youtube.com

"muslims started it by trying to take over the world by force just as theyre trying to do now."

No, the Feemasons did. Thier claim was they wanted the Holy Grail and other religious artifacts. The Islamic religion was founded by the Freemasons as well. They helped Mohammed get it done by encouraging him to conduct slaughter of thiose who opposed him.

NewDirection4us #fundie uk.youtube.com

There is no such thing as a "former Christian". If a person falls away from the faith, he was never written in the Book of Life to begin with. The scriptures are clear. All that are chosen will come to Christ. A TRUE Christian who has the Holy Spirit in him can no more turn his back of Jesus Christ than you Atheists could turn against your own flesh & blood. You atheists don't have a clue about spiritual matters. You are children of Satan, and Satan you serve!

miketelz #homophobia uk.youtube.com

"The homosexual community has sold the public their licentious lifestyle in the name of tolerance and freedom when they should be seeking to be freed from it. Ask the person dying from HIV if it was worth having hundreds of partners or if some of the millions who are enslaved to it would like to be free of it. (...) Legitimizing homosexuality and trying to condone it as being natural does harm to the person trying to be free from it and the society that should not be tolerating it."

RightWingRightMind #fundie uk.youtube.com

Homosexuals are retarded or have average intelligence, you have to have a small mind to want to be one.

('I hope you get quoted by Fstdt and get your own page on Encyclopedia Dramatica.')

I hope someone creats a virus, that redircts people to a King James Bible site or vandalizes websites with scripture and pictures of hell. i hope those sites get removed off the web, i will pray for the poor sick lost souls.

stop spamming my videos with quotes by deviant satanists.

Lookingforfourfor #fundie uk.youtube.com

your mind is a battle field, never forget that. At any given time you've got emotions and thoguhts that are "influnenced"
You can experience God to the point you have NO doubts. to the point where you doubt your own existence before you doubt the existence of God. Religion doesn't make sense. God HATES religion. With a passion. Read the new testament and see the point Jesus was trying to get across. Stop focusing so much on Gods love, it's nice..yes, but focus on hell 4 now also.

reversea #fundie uk.youtube.com

Bush is totally in touch with reality. 9/11 should have been a wake-up call for every patriotic American. If it had been 40 minutes later and 15 stories lower 30,000 people would have been murdered in 90 minutes. I'd call that efficient murdering on a Nazi-like scale. Muslim fanaticism was let out of the cage with Carter's reckless, uneducated, outright stupid approach to foreign policy. Typical Liberal ignoring Islam's destructive, murderous 700 year history.

Subzerotn #fundie uk.youtube.com

The reason why we Christians can and should cram our beliefs down other people's throats is because God himself told us to do it in the bible, we have the heavy weight of the CROSS OF JESUS BEHIND US AS OUR SUPPORT AND REMINDER OF THE FAITH OF ALL SINNERS.

karnag30kc #fundie uk.youtube.com

you know what, atheist shouldnt even be on this world god made this world all perfect then satin had to come and messed it all up thanks alot.you guys suck if it wasnt for you we? wouldnt have death murder or any other bad things you guys SUCK

myturn59 #fundie uk.youtube.com

Science affirms the Bible it does not refute it. The Earth is 4.5 Billion years old apx. If you bothered to read Genesis you would see that God made the heavens and the Earth. The Earth became empty and lifeless and it was then that He made it fit for life again. That means that there was life previous to that first day here.

babri62 #fundie uk.youtube.com

I have a hard time making my friends distinguish between the god
delusion and reality. Joesph could have easily made everyone like you atheists
with just one kick to Mary's stomach. Had Joesph been angry at Mary, or
had Mary wanted an abortion, everyone would look to science. I'm mad
that Joesph could have made my friends atheists by one kick, but I can
not with one thousand facts. Now which logic laws god used put his life in hand of 15 years old girl?

zzz107550 #fundie uk.youtube.com

You find Christianity rediculous, but you see Star Trek as non-fiction? There's the big bang and creationism. You can believe the big bang created the world, or an intelligent designer did. I'm sure both can be backed up by reason and evidence, and I'm sure both side will try and attack each other. If you want creationists to satire evolution, well it's not that hard to insult a belief where frogs become princes, of course its not by a kiss anymore.

NephilimFree #fundie uk.youtube.com

The Smithsonian and national Geographic are two of the most anti-God organizations in thew world, and are guilty of the crimes against mankind of covering up and destroying knowledge that is critically important to all of mankind. The perpetrators whould be imprisoned for life in my opinion. I find their actions exceedingly sickening. Truly, these people are opposed to God, they are the enemy.

WOTWEET #racist uk.youtube.com

If you? ever find someone with negroid heritage that has an IQ over 95, or is well spoken and clean, they are the lighter colored ones with a lot of white in them. Not the shiney black small skulled blue gums.

If any person with a light tan color accomplishes something, the coloreds try to claim any mulatto, octoroon, or quadroon as negro.A good example of this is Tiger Woods, who is 1/4 negro. The negroes get huffy about Tiger not acting more black. Tiger just wants to be Tiger though.

1Lawman104 #fundie uk.youtube.com

i do not consider fags human, i will no longer argue and communicate with them. i do not argue with dogs and cats, i consider dogs and cats superior than fags. the homosexuals are out of control and swiftly bringing the demiss of our once proud, one nation under GOD country. GOD BLESS ARKANSAS!! they have a new law in 2009 that does not allow fags and dykes the right of adopting, which needs to be enacted in 49 more states!!

tisaacso3625 #fundie uk.youtube.com

People don't have to fast to be good Christians. They just have to love the Lord and not be gay. You don't anger God with your gayness, God just wants you to come to him and leave behind the anal pleasures. Just marry a female and you can have all the anal sex you want.

WOTWEET #fundie uk.youtube.com

Residents of a predominantly Kurdish village in eastern Turkey have sacrificed 44 sheep to celebrate the election of Obongo as the 44th president of the United States.? Villagers in Çavustepe, in the province of Van, which borders Iran, held Osambo posters SMEARED WITH BLOOD!
The posters read "You are one of us" and "We love you." Abdulkerim Kulaz said Osambo's election and his Muslim ancestry have excited the villagers. Kulaz said Obongo's election was a "proof of..blah,blah..blah

StoryBiggerThanYou #fundie uk.youtube.com

well ofcourse im a creationist, you cant believe in all evolution, and the creator. evolution contradicts itself, because, as scientists dig deeper into the earth, they should be finding simpler and simpler beings, but there not. there finding the same animals as we have today. also all of them have 21 chromosomes or whatever. no less. because chromosomes dont EVOLVE out of nothing, they were all created at one point and time.

nextinline89 #fundie uk.youtube.com

Yeah porn is an evil works to pull away people from God..it's no diffrent from stealing,drunkyard,orgies nor adultery!..I am Christian and used to hooked up with porn..but when i say this is ENOUGH!i surrender everything to God and feed my mind with His word!thanks God i overcame it!!Loving Jesus 99% & 1% porn is the same as 1% to Jesus and 99% to other!!!Just pray and surrender everything to Him!And feed your mind with The Word of God!and He will renew your life as if it's new!Godbless

al1967dude #fundie uk.youtube.com

("Grow up and start thinking and learning for yourselves.")

I am a well-educated and well-researched man and those statements by you show you look at us as stupid and uneducated. Mankind has arrogantly decided to lean on their own understanding of science alone as the end-all way to view the world and religion. Foolish indeed! The day you do that is the day you end up with a Godless view like you have. I believe the reason most atheists are atheists is because they do not WANT to believe in God so they can have no obligation to other people or to God.

LionnessOfZion #fundie uk.youtube.com

I like how the devil uses the people on tv to try to convince the world that we shouldn't take the bible this way, but take it that way. If it wasn't such a big deal he wouldn't push so hard, but he'll push hard soon. Praise the Lord, we know the devil owns television. :l Sad! Christians are so scary to take Rev. literally we're dangerous. We don't blow ourselves up. How are we dangerous? lol

Jesus4mankind #fundie uk.youtube.com

Orals sex is sodomy when performed by sodomites (GLBT), all homo-sex is sodomy. It is my desire to spread knowledge of God's love for the repenter (and knowledge of His hate for unmovable law breakers, perhaps some will turn). God will harden the willful sodomite hart and laugh in the day of their astonishment, when their calamity suddenly comes upon them. God is never mocked but bides His time storing up His wine.

Jesus4mankind #fundie uk.youtube.com

Morally-normal people gain nothing good by heeding sodomite ideas. Sodomites lack all respect due to their immoral homosexuality stain. Liberalism is a vice: Destroying economic freedom by stealing from workers and subverting a nation's body politic. Liberalism is toxic sleeping-gas from the socialistic left. Libertarianism is watered-down liberalism (Kool-Aid). Also, fag-males have XY chromosomes and fag-females have XX. Show the location and composition of the "gay gene sequence".

Jesus4mankind #fundie uk.youtube.com

People with 20/20 perception clearly see that sodomite pro-choice is a mental choice not governed by genetics such as skin color. Sodomites choose to be flavor proctologists & rug-doctors, it is a severe sickness of the mind (such as necrophilia is) that refuses to honestly look at how shameful they have sunk. Gayness is to bad taste what eating rotten meat is food poisoning.

gtas #fundie uk.youtube.com

Ok.. God wants us to be dumb? You know why though? Because of WAR. World War 3 will be the last war ever. And idiots like you want to further human knowledge so we can think of even more weapons to create. Such as: Plasma Bombs, Advanced Nuclear Warefare Materials. Just shut up. You know nothing. If you call the Phelps Family christain then you know nothing of the religion

YamadaJisho #fundie uk.youtube.com

Unfortunately, Demonic presence in America is on the rise with the spread of Atheism and the fad of witchcraft (it's getting popular again). It won't be long until the supernatural (other than the protection of God) is just as prevalent here as it is in the third world.

Jesus4mankind #fundie uk.youtube.com

(A Thread of Comments)

fagots always lie and say "I am straight and believe gays need to be shown more respect from straight people." The reason they lie when promoting their fag lifestyle is because they know that as fags, no one gives them a dime's worth of respect. Who in their right mind would respect two anal-copulating men? God in the Holy Bible says they who do that must be put on death-row. NAMBLA is the name of the big gay pedophile club. Look it up online if you don't believe it. And NAMBLA admits its gay.
A male or female growing up without a dad essentially grew up unloved by 50%. No one can give what a good father has to offer. A child must have a fair and balanced start in life learning from loving parents who love one another not two rug-doctors or two proctologists. A woman or man not having had a fair and balanced up bringing will be "colorblind" to the richness she or he never had. Unbalanced children must work extra hard to fit-in, but as GLBT they see blind eye to blind eye.
Jesus the Son of God spoke (He is the Word of God)fire & brimstone upon the gay & lesbian communities of Sodom & Gomorrah. Jesus said, "I and the Father are One." One in Spirit, One in purpose, and One in agreement. Jesus also said that He came not to do away with God's laws, that includes the law of God to put practitioners of same-sex on death-row fast-track.

BreshiBaraElohim #fundie uk.youtube.com

Replying by stating that replying with Bible verses makes one stupid and unable to think for themselves only further amplifies one stinking fact, your dogmatic approach to reason prejudges all Bible verse quoters to be stupid and unable to think for themselves; why would anyone bother to argue with such irrationality as is so dogmatically presupposed by yourself?

I've tried to rationalize with you before, but you seem to prefer ad hominem to reasonable arguments

Some day you will evolve into a belief in God. Until then, have a Merry Christmas!

eezyone #fundie #homophobia uk.youtube.com

Homosexuality is not static more homosexuals change to hetersexuality then hetersexauls change to homosexuality there is research from all around the world that as homosexuals grow older they gravitate toward hetersexuality. God made male and females with freewill who become confused and hurt by their social circumstances

fellowservant34 #fundie uk.youtube.com

The atheist worldview is completely illogical, you'll never get a logical and rational answer to your questions because they don't care. These ungodly heathens will not be content until they reach Hell. These are railers, blasphemers, virulent haters of God, wells without water. This is what the Bible says of them.