I want to focus on the prediction of Isaiah regarding what I posted...but just to throw a little biblical fact in....when Jesus was born it split time in half....this is historical fact....BCE/CE....can you argue with that as vague or some other thing you dismiss what is part of history based on biblical facts.....
BCE= Before Common Era
CE= Common Era
I think you're confusing this with B.C./A.D.
Also, if he did exist, which this in no way proves, they probably got his birthday wrong.
Also, "biblical facts" is an oxymoron.
when Jesus was born it split time in half
That's stupid on so many levels. It didn't "split time in half". People weren't running around in 5BCE going "FIVE MORE YEARS UNTIL MY YEAR ZERO PARTY! WOO!"
It's a semantic device. There were dating systems in place before hand, there have been dating systems since. There are dating systems that overlap. The Hebrew, Muslim and Chinese calendars didn't recognize your little "time splitting" and kept plowing right along.
It's also worthwhile to note that targeting the year 1AD didn't happen until the 300's. Allow me to reiterate: Mary passing Jesus did absolutely nothing to time.
Um, yeah flowerchild, except they weren't using the Gregorian calender until October 15, 1582 and BCE/CE wasn't in common use outside of the Jews and Jehovah's Witnesses until the last few decade.
Wait, no...
Um, aw, fuckit, can't argue with THAT logic.
The current chronological year is based on the Gregorian calendar introduced by Pope Gregory XIII in February of 1582 via papal bull. Naturally, you would expect a pope who is head of the church to base the years on the supposed birth of Jesus. The Gregorian calendar is the most widely used calendar in the world but is not the only one. The Jewish calendar, for instance, gives the year as somewhere around 5770. Other calendars give different years based on when they began counting years.
The Gregorian also happens to be the most accurate calendar used today by adding leap years and other means for adjusting for the inexact "year" the earth experiences. That is why it is the most used calendar today. And how were they able to get it so close to accurate? By using science that shows the earth revolves around the sun and how long that took. Another blow to the fundy mindset.
Yes, Jesus was born and then a voice said; "LET TIME SPLIT IN HALF OH YE OF LITTLE FAITH! THY CALANDERS WILL CHANGE MY WILL BE DONE!" And then there was light...Oh no wait, and then BCE/CE was introduced. *rolls eyes*
The fact that he split time into two is not Biblical, let alone historical.Calendars, dear, are conventional artifacts, so I don´t know what the earth are you trying to demonstrate.
There's not a bloody thing factual about anything in the bible. Jesus never existed, dickhead. The only place you hear about him is in religious dogma. NOWHERE in the provable, historical records. Grow a brain!
Jesus wasn't born on Dec.31/Jan.1.
Why are the years divided there?
The excuse given by Dionysius Exigeus for this little Calendrical faux-pas was that January 1st was the day of Jesus's circumcision.
No, really!
If he existed, your J-boy was born in September, at around 4 BCE .
Your 'historically accurate' Bible can't even exactly state which pharaoh it was who Moses dealt with. Meanwhile, Egyptologists with peer reviewed evidence. Facts .
Or an Eternal President.
Thus, according to North Korea, it's Juche 104. Hey fundies, Kim Il-sung controls the weather, don't you know. PROTIP: 'Teach the Controversy' and all that jazz.
Thus Kim Il-sung is God. When you lot still rely on the days of the week named after the deities of Norse mythology, you'd better start worshipping Odin, Thor et al, or the Kims of DPRK.
Your choice.
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