[Jesus was a Jew.]
No he was a Christian.
[(regarding how he describes modern Jews) Whoa!!!!!!!!! Those who killed Yeshua????]
Yeah. I am watching the Passion of Christ right now.
Yeah. I am watching the Passion of Christ right now.
Ah yes...Mel "Jew-hater" Gibson's 3-hour, Emmy award-winning snuff film.
Jesus was a Jew stupid. Remember the crown of thorns? Pontius Pilate placed it on his head and crowned him, "King of the Jews." Do yourself a favor sometime like most atheists have done, and actually read your ENTIRE bible. And do so by yourself, without reliance on interpretations from your pastor or dotty old aunt Sally.
Jesus was Jewish, at least if you believe the Gospels (especially Matthew). Read your own Bible.
Also, you say that Jesus was a Christian => you say that Jesus saved Himself from sin => you are a blasphemer. Have fun in hell.
Let's see.
The gospels clearly state his is a Jew, he made many trips to the Jewish temple in Jerusalem. He was often addressed as "rabbi". He celebrated passover. He was called "King of the Jews". The NT claims he is the prophesied messiah, which had to be a descendant of David, who was a Jew.
Have you ever even cracked your own bible?
Jesus was a Jew, both genetically and religiously. He followed the Mosaic law, and taught others to do the same, well, for the most part. Paul was the one who changed a bunch of things. And while the Jews wanted jesus dead, it was the Romans who actually killed him. And if a movie makes you anti-Semitic, you need to burn that movie.
Doctor Whom said:
"Also, you say that Jesus was a Christian => you say that Jesus saved Himself from sin "
This is actually a popular doctrine by the Word of Faith preachers. They teach that jesus died spiritually when he was in hell while he was dead, and had to be reborn. It makes even less sense than regular evangelical doctrine.
Other facts to blow your mind, Zeth. Jesus' apostles were also Jews. Paul, who invented Christianity, was a Roman.
Hmm, Brian was half Roman .... but Jezus...
a kike, a yid, a heebie, a hook-nose, a red sea pedestrian... Jezus was a Jew.
The rules are pretty simple .... if your mum is jewish ... so are you.
So, remember Mary ?.... his mum ?.... well, she was jewish
(and by the way ... Brian was jewish too)
So calling yourself Zealous Zeth probably makes you feel super-special. And being an obdurate jerk probably makes you feel invulnerable.
But, the awful truth is revealed in your writing, you're just a zealous, obdurate jerk of little, if any, consequence.
"Yeah. I am watching the Passion of Christ right now."
Yeah, I'm watching it too. It's awesome, a man in a diaper getting whipped for 2 hours. Kinky.
The biggest problem with your argument is that most of the NT was written by Paul, who NEVER mentioned Jesus, his life, or his teachings in ANY of his writings, and who shaped and formed the "official" NT doctrine on many issues... often in very different directions than the Biblical Jesus probably would have liked (assuming that he really existed). Read the entire NT... Paul said and wrote some really bizarre things, even by Biblical standards.
Also, I'd like to hear what our old pal "jesuitinfiltrator" would say about Zeth and his nonsense. It could be the greatest Fundy Fight ever.
It seems that many others on Christian Forums thinks Zealous Zeth's a brainless tool as well.
Zeth thinks he's mighty powerful with the backing of religious authority behind him .. snigger.
The reality is, he's a wanker and barely human.
I just watched Family Guy (got the flu, give me a break) and can't help thinking of this in Peter's voice.
Of course, I might be a bit delirious as I also watched a documentary on Michelangelo and laughed for twenty minutes about the story of a talking crucifix.
"Yeah. I am watching the Passion of Christ right now."
Yeah, it would have been a pretty good hack and slash movie if it wasnt for the subtitles.
Jesus was never a Christian.
The term was first applied to his followers (not to him!) in Antioch, some years after his death.
You get your history from Hollywood? Can't you read a book without pictures?
Christians only came about after Jesus. Therefore, Jesus was a Jew.
The Passion of Christ is fiction and should not be used as a way of judging an entire group of people.
John 4:
7 There cometh a woman of Samaria to draw water: Jesus saith unto her, Give me to drink.
8 (For his disciples were gone away unto the city to buy meat.)
9 Then saith the woman of Samaria unto him, How is it that thou, being a Jew , askest drink of me, which am a woman of Samaria? for the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans.
Maybe Zealous Zeth should try reading the Bible so he doesn't get pwned by us heathens.
Jesus was about as Christian as I am Chinese.
Is this guy Zeth a Fundie, or just plain dumb? How the hell do you follow yourself? Besides, Jesus's mama was a Jew...ergo, Jesus was Jewish.
[Jesus was a Jew.]
No he was a Christian.
"I am watching the Passion of Christ right now."
You have your hand down your pants as well, don't you?
[Jesus was an only child.]
No he had siblings.
[(evidence against that) Do you still believe it now?]
Yeah. I am watching Dogma right now.
Much better form of it.
I think he means something else and, as his knowledge of English is defective to say the least, he has given a non-sequitur. It's not the first time that he does it. Last time, when he was told that you can't choose your sexual orientation, he boldly said that the guys in the Spanish civil war have a word with you. I think that he neither understood the question nor knows what "have a word with somebody" means. He was hinting that Federico García Lorca was killed for being homosexual. Ok, but that doesn't mean that he "chose" to be homosexual.
In the same way, I think that he doesn't understand the irony of the poster, hinting that they were modern Jews. He thinks that he speaks about the Jews of Jesus's times.
A christian is someone who believes that Christ was the Son of God and the messiah, and will worship him as such.
How self-centered would Christ have to be to worship himself?
Jesus was so jewish he had a fan club charting a family tree back to the VERY jewish kind David.
Damn, you'd think these morons believe Jesus was a white european. Or stupider, american.
According to the gospels, Jesus was circumcised.
According to Paul (in Galatians), it is wrong for a Christian to be circumcised.
So Zeth, was Jesus raised as a blasphemer or was Paul wrong?
(This oughta be good)
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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