Anonymous Coward #conspiracy

Reptilians created the current islam

Islam was meant to be a religion of love like buddhism etc. However Reptilians/Satan have diverted it.

Just like they have done to the other abrahamic religions.

It was the Creator's will to bring love to the earth. However as it's a free will universe and there's allowance even for tyrannies, the current diversion happened.

I know many of you are angry against islam. Anyway the reptilians are responsible for the current islam.

As a former muslim, when i try to read the koran, i feel nauseous and disgusted by the things it's saying.

What i feel for muslims, is pitying. Because i know how is it live in such fear, repression and hostility. Though i don't despise them, being a muslim is difficult thing.

Wishing best to everybody

A former muslim



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