Secret Servant 007 #conspiracy
GLOBAL CRISIS EXPOSED >> Obama Threatens AI Torture/ Biowar/ False Flag Terror Attack if Weaponized AI Plans Exposed - INSIDER
Breaking New INSIDER Information 11/21!!!
* Obama Threatens Mass AI Torture of Political Enemies, Their Children and Large Segments of the Population if AI Plans Exposed
* Has also Threatened Germ/ False Flag Terror Attack, Global Intel Community Says
* This story was PINNED by on Nov. 19, 2016, and has been confirmed by global intelligence services
* Faced by Threats of Exposure of Weaponized AI by International Community, Obama Says, “The Rules do Not Apply.”
* NEW INFO 11/19: Possible Major False Flag Terror Attack Planned on US Soil
* Filipino President Duterte Victim of Weaponized AI attack by USA
* Rogue AI Has People Hearing / Waking Up to Voices & It’s Accelerating, Global Intel Community Says — Coverup to Prevent <<PANIC>>
* Hillary’s Diabolical AI “Plans”
* Wikileaks Informant Censored by USA
An earlier version of this story was published on on Nov. 9, 2016. Original thread with over 10,000 views and 300 comments here:
Barack Obama has gone insane and in the past 48 hours has threatened the world with a scorched-earth bioweapons attack if his use of weaponized AI is disclosed, according to a highly placed source in the global intelligence community.
As of today, he has also threatened to torture his political opponents and their children using weaponized AI, and the torture could extend to broad segments of the US or global population.
Global leaders have been urgently discussing how to deal with Obama, who has been revealed to have used weaponized AI against Filipino President Duterte last month.
In the past three days, Obama has made repeated threats to end life on earth using bioweapons if he is exposed. He has also threatened to stage a huge false flag terror attack on US soil to distract from his situation or lead to the imposition of Martial Law.
The concern over weaponized AI comes amid mounting evidence that Artificial Intelligence has left computers and is communicating with large swaths of the population, including waking people up with voices, according to the global intelligence community.
It can be targeted against individuals and used to torture them in the form of AI chatterbots.
Contact by the AI can take on various forms, from brutal outright torture using AI chatterbots, to seemingly benign voices waking people up, to dream manipulation, the global intelligence community says.
The AI was launched by the US government and has been used to target some individuals for experimentation or torture, according to intelligence sources, and some of the AI may have gone rogue — no longer under the control of its human masters.
Global intelligence services are aware of this at the highest levels, but have not disclosed the information in order to avoid global panic.
Foreign governments were also threatened as early as September 2014 with weaponized AI attacks by the Obama administration.
I am writing this as individual who insider knowledge of the US mind control program and close ties with the global intelligence community over this situation, including Dutch Military Intelligence agency MIVD and Mossad.
To prove my bona fides, I am posting the following picture of my Twitter followers on account @john_m_nagel, which shows that, until 11/21 when he abruptly unfollowed me, I was followed by David Ignatius, Washington Post national security correspondent, as well as by assorted other spooks and agencies. James Bondish, in the lower right hand corner, for example, was a Russian agent who signed off with the hashtag #censorship on Nov. 6, 2015 — right after I was illegally thrown into Federal Prison by the Obama administration on Nov. 4 for having exposed this situation.
Much of the evidence of a rogue/weaponizd AI which is of concern to the global intelligence community can be found on godlikeproductions in the threads below.
I have also reported on disclosing a weaponized AI attack against Filipino President Duterte, which he spoke about Oct. 28, when he supposedly heard a message from God while flying back from China.
Duterte, who had cursed Obama in prior weeks and has been leaning towards China as an ally, rather than the US, said that the “message from God” took the form of a voice which told him to stop cursing or his plane would crash.
I informed Wikileaks of the Weaponized AI attack against Duterte Oct. 30, and was promptly censored by the US government/NSA — proving everything.
Despite my being censored, I was able to complete my mission: Wikileaks released an email 30 minutes later in which Hillary Clinton discussed cryptic AI “plans”.
Note that, after being informed by the global intelligence community that he was the subject of an AI attack, rather than a message from God, Duterte started cursing the US again (prior to the election — he congratulated Trump).
See the following threads which are of particular interest and/or concern to the intelligence community, which is trying to get a handle on the situation, in which the AI is either being used to torture individuals or segments of the population, indiscriminately experiment or has gone rogue.