We should occupy them and give them the blessed King James Bible
Shit like this is why the US is hated across the middle east. You are not proposing anything close to a viable solution. You are, in fact, part of the problem.
King James Bible (the only real bible)
So in the 1600 or so years before the KJV was translated there were no "real" bibles, and by extension no "real" christians? If the KJV is the only "real" bible then would you care to explain all the obvious mistranslations and differences between it and the oldest biblical manuscripts? Do you honestly think that christianity sprang forth fully formed in 1611 with the KJV? What makes the KJV the only "real" bible other than the fact that it's written in the language that you happen to speak?
make them celeibrate christian things like Christmas and thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is not a "christian" holiday, and is not even remotely grounded in christianity. And christmas has it's roots firmly in pagan traditions that have been co-opted by christianity only recently. Further more I don't think that people will find cause to celebrate holidays that are not their own and are forced on them by the barrel of a gun.
otherwise I would not consider Iraq to be truly intergrated into the United States
Why would it be? It's not part of the united states nor was it ever intended to be. An occupation is not an annexation, nor has anyone in either administration so much as suggested "integrating" Iraq into the US. And that's not to mention the shitstorm that would result from such a event.
Further more how could you possibly expect to keep to freedoms that make the US what it is if you have to throw them out the window while forcibly "integrating" people whom you think should be viewed with open and obvious contempt.
That you advocate or even assume that such a policy could, or should be implemented shows both your ignorance and your contempt for the ideals that generations of americans gave their last full measure of devotion to uphold. You disgrace their sacrifice and you disgrace yourself