why would u not believe in God??? this is ONE NATION UNDER GOD now deal with it u dumb shitted scientists that can't prove shit for their life
Colossians 4:6
Let your speech always be with grace, as though seasoned with salt, so that you will know how you should respond to each person.
Ephesians 4:29
Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, so that it will give grace to those who hear.
"why would u not believe in God??? this is ONE NATION UNDER GOD"
Yeah? Which one?
"now deal with it u dumb shitted scientists that can't prove shit for their life"
Say that the next time you need medical treatment involving nuclear medicine or pharmacology, just to name two fields.
Sorry, the national motto is "E Pluribus Unum", or "From many, one". Your gawd has nothing to do with it.
This is the Internet, and people all over the world make and watch videos. I have yet to see anybody assume that everybody on YouTube is English or German or Brazilian, but you can bet on some dumbshit American posting "this is America" to the world.
[why would u not believe in God??? this is ONE NATION UNDER GOD]
Wich one?
[now deal with it u dumb shitted scientists that can't prove shit for their life ]
Christ was actually against cursing. You would know that if you actually read a bible.
Well, yankhotshot, the One Nation Under God came into existence in 1954 to smoke out commie spies. Go take your Meds, and play with your alphabet blocks.
Turn the other cheek? 1954 ? Go live in a cave if you don't like science?
Yeah, you're a douche, and you'll go to hell.
[why would u not believe in God???]
Lack of evidence, for one...
[this is ONE NATION UNDER GOD now deal with it...]
Show me where it says as much.
[u dumb shitted scientists that can't prove shit for their life]
NOW you're crowing about proof? Fine. We'll show you all the evidence you need--on one condition. In return, YOU show US all the evidence you have.
Those with the best evidence win. Deal?
Atheists know more about the Bible than fundies. Atheists actually follow more of the moral and ethical parts than the fundies. There's something to that, I just can't put my finger on it.....
This is NOT "one nation under god", this is a quite divided nation under many gods, or no god at all. Funny thing about it, is that all those other groups get along just fine, it's just your dumb fundie paranoid illogical anti-social pea-sized minds that separates and divides everyone else by your bigoted hate and violence.
So a phrase added in the 1950's to an informal pledge that was written in the 19th century, somehow proves that a liberal Jewish carpenter 2000 years ago was God?
Yank didn't just jump to conclusions, he took a flying leap and ended up in an alternate dimension.
No, we're "one nation under fear fired by government brainwashing used to keep control over citizens so they can invade and destroy other countries for no reason." If that's God, then I want nothing to do with it.
Ah, yes. The scientists are all dumb.
Good thing you've got your gullibility and inflated sense of self esteem to protect you.
dumb-shitted scientist.
“why would u not believe in God???”
Because a really big percentage of the people TELLING me to believe in your god are dumber than a can of crushed assholes.
‘Under God’ was added in 50s, by people desperate to virtue-signal that they were not godless communists.
It’s not original to the pledge, which was not adopted until 1892, so it has nothing at all to do with the founders of the nation. Just more virtue signaling.
So, really, who gives a shit?
"now deal with it”
I have. It’s easily dismissed as compelling politics you dumb fucking asshole.
“u dumb shitted scientists that can't prove shit for their life”
Why would i worship the god you think is real?
Certainly not based on your say-so.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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