In the eleventh chapter of 1 Corinthians we find a remarkable teaching which ought to stir the heart of every woman. The Lord says, "For this cause ought the woman to have power on her head because of the angels." The word power here means authority. A woman ought to have a symbol of her husband's authority or her father's authority on her head. That is, a woman should wear long hair to indicate that she is submissive to the authority God has put over her. And this special reason mentioned here for a woman having long hair is that angels look on, and for their sakes a woman needs to have long hair.
This makes no sense, and to be honest I'm not entirely sure this verse was taken in context.
And as for long hair being a sign of submission to authority (and therefore short hair being a sign of rebellion?) may I offer a counterexample: Joan of Arc. She was as faithful to God as they come, and yet her hair was cut short while on military campaigns and while in prison.
1 Cor 11:11-13
However, in the Lord, neither is woman independent of man, nor is man independent of woman.
For as the woman originates from the man, so also the man has his birth through the woman; and all things originate from God.
Judge for yourselves: is it proper for a woman to pray to God with her head uncovered?
It's about having some kind of headdress when praying to God, nitwit! In verse 7, it says man should NOT have his head covered, so it can't mean hair, or all men have to shave their heads before praying to God.
So in addition to not wearing suggestive or revealing clothing (to keep from inflaming lust in men), women have to keep their hair long to keep angels from lusting after them as well? With all that control that women apparently have over others, they must be among the most powerful beings in the world. I'm surprised the world isn't ruled by short-haired Playboy Playmates and Penthouse Pets, since they can evidently reduce men and angels to quivering masses of sexual desire, incapable of rational thought. It's only a matter of time before the short-haired porn stars take over.
@Grey Rook
Jennifer Lawrence
@Mister Spak
"But in the koran god says a woman should wear a black bag with eyeholes showing her husbands authority over her."
I wasn't aware that was in the Koran... I thought that was due to later, fundy interpretations of the hadiths.
Ok, so, if a woman suffer hair loss, does it mean that he has lousy husband or father or that the angels are incompetent boofons?
Hss David J. Stewart started to suffer from Dissociative Identity Disorder, or has he started to discover sockpuppeting? The writing is too coherent for him, but anyone else believing in his "Angels have a very strong fetish for short haired women" theory seems very implausible.
"@Mister Spak
"But in the koran god says a woman should wear a black bag with eyeholes showing her husbands authority over her."
I wasn't aware that was in the Koran... I thought that was due to later, fundy interpretations of the hadiths. "
Fundie muslims quote Koran verses to justify the black bag with eyeholes. The verse might not have meant that originally but that's what in means to Wahabis in Saudi Arabia.
My hair is almost down to my butt, and neither my husband or my father owns me.
But just for fun, I think you should ask my husband if he thinks the mark of his authority is permanently etched on me anywhere.
He knows I am his equal and he'd be as offended as I would be for anyone to suggest otherwise.
For the muslim part : I've got 2 muslim female colleagues(one of them recently relocated to the USA), who told me "I checked everywhere in the Quran and could not find any reason to wear any scarf. So I don't - it would destroy my career".
Both ladies make the ramadan, eat only hallal(which often means vegetarian or seafood), make their prayers, etc... But wearing the scarf? No way. Both kick ass(and have an endless list of men trying to seduce them). Still, they are fundie, and still, they suffer from racism. But no fucking scarf. There in no reason in the holy book, just in the mind of $ù%¨* religious leaders.
Same for the long hair. I did read only parts of the Bible, but I'm pretty sure there is no definitive verse about hair length. That's why they revert to such petty, stupid reasonings.
We get it, you like long hair and dresses. I do too, but I don't need the reassurance that the most powerful being in existence shares my particular taste. Stop pretending you have special justification for a fairly common preference.
@Quibbling Catholic
I don't really understand what he is saying either.
This verse is more commonly used by some churches in Nigeria as a reason why women should cover their hair (scarves or hats) when they pray or are in church. The interesting thing is if you actually read the entire chapter is looks more like Paul is saying, 'Cover your hair or don't cover your hair, it is not thing concerning which we have a tradition'.
I've got long hair, and it used to be long enough I could sit on it! I like to keep it long, but it has nothing to do with submission to any man. I like the way it looks and feels and it's fun to toss around when I'm bellydancing.
So angels are bitchy hairstylists who judge women by their hair styles?
I can see a whole sitcom about two angels, Gabe and Mikey, who open a salon and send to hell any women who request a page boy or bob. They'll specialize in Pentacostal "hair to Jesus" up-do's.
No they fap to our hair.
It just says whatever the hell you want it to doesn't it John?
Seems like that's all fundies do. Make it into something they can agree with and it's all good.
But the other things they don't agree with was taken out of context hey?
We've got to care about the Angels now ?
This 'relationship' is getting more complicated by the day. First the kid, then the dad, then the spooky one. Now he's pimping you out to his staff!
Who needs 'Angels'...:
when the many lovers she had were enough for the sexually liberated Bettie Page?
To said men in her life, she was a Goddess . With her distinctive hairstyle, she had power , alright.
Still does to this day. Culturally. A feminist icon too: her authority.
"I wonder how many hair fetishists there are amongst fundies?"
Short (Ryomou Shimei, Aoi Sakuraba, Dvergr, Marilyn Monroe), Long (Bettie Page, Tara Strong), None (Sigourney Weaver in "Alien III", Sinead O'Connor), makes no difference to me.
Trichological tolerance, fundies.
My hair is not an indication of submission.
I thought that was the excuse for people to say women should wear some sort of covering on their head, not dictating hair length.
I suppose I'm more bitter about this sort of thing because I've been lumped in with these idiots for dressing and wearing my hair the way I do.
No, it can't be because I *like* dressing this way, heavens no.
I must be submissive to the vague ideas of some god and his controlling followers.
There's no chance that an adult female actually wants to dress the way I do, nope.
My apologies for the rant, I kind of went off into my own problem there. :c
I do believe that people should have the freedom to dress how they want in their own time.
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