Here’s one word atheists will have to drop from their vocabulary:
Origin: from godbwye (16th Century)--God be with ye
Can we still say goddam?
Everyday should be Thor's day, where we get to look at Thor shirtless. And pantsless.
Shame no one wants to see Ray pantsless.
Which specific god, Ray? There are thousands. Just because it implies "*A* god be with ye" doesn't mean it implies *ONLY YOUR SPECIFIC GOD and fuck all other gods because they're false* be with ye", does it Ray?
And just who the fuck appointed YOU as the arbiter of what people can and can't say?
How about we say this: FUCK YOU, RAY! Can we still say that?
Here's a word Ray will have to drop from his vocabulary - computer.
Origin: hardware invented by an atheist, software written by an atheist, and Ray will be left with a banana because he can't post on the internet.
Origin: from godbwye (16th Century)--God be with ye"
[i]Which[/i] one? [/hyper-smartarse]
Going by the logic of you fundies - 'Teach the Controversy' - then thank you for admitting that not only His Holy Sauciness the Flying Spaghetti Monster, but the Invisible Pink Unicorn (Lauren Faustism*), Princess Celestia/Princess Luna, Eris, JR 'Bob' Dobbs, Haruhi Suzumiya & Cthulhu exist too.
Did you know that an Atheist - and homosexual , no less - one Alan Turing, invented what you're using right now? You'd better stop using it then, Ray Cumfart.
Works both ways, don'tcha know?! >:D
And she created the god Princess Celestia; she is 'Mother'. [/John Joseco]
Lauren Faust exists . Your call.
@Goomy pls
I guess that means you'll have to drop all Latin words, every day of the week, the names of the planets, and every other of the thousands of Pagan words in our language. Or, you know, you could act like an adult and not a spiteful 7 year old.
Except that God was corrupted and replaced by "good", so it no longer means "God be with ye" any more that "shamefaced" (from "shamefast") still means stuck fast by shame. I'll give you atheists saying "damn it to hell", though.
Hi Dumbfuck:
You can drop the following words from your vocabulary:
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, and December.
Also, you should also come up with substitute names for all of the planets.
My god (yes I can use that term if I fucking feel like it), you are fucking stupid.
Why? I use god and Jesus all the time, when I'm startled, or angry, or happy. I particularly like to combine the Swedish words for "lord" and "shodding" or "devils"; "Herre JÄVLAR".
Will you drop the word "peace" from your vocabulary, Bananaman, because it's used whenever one mentions The Prophet (pbuh) or Muhammad (pbuh)?
"ray" - a unidirectional line function
"comfort" - relaxed feeling
Better change your name, its based on math and human pleasure.
No, the y in ye is actually the letter thorn, pronounced th
Godbwthe? It does not sound at all the same as goodbye.
I don't really get who he is trying convince, he just comes off very not-understanding, arrogant and self righteous in his own beliefs, not an effective mix for convincing people to his way of thinking. probably hurting his religion more than helping it. oh wait, his audience is all christians fapping off to their own Righteousness.
No we fucking won't.
You didn't invent the language and Christians didn't invent the word God.
Word origin: BIBLE :"The English word Bible is from the Latin biblia, from the same word in Medieval Latin and Late Latin and ultimately from Koine Greek . "BOOK"
NOT CHRISTIAN. Guess ya gotta find a new word Ray. How about Crapfest, the sequel or Bronze Age Bullshit, volume 2.
"Old English, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch god and German Gott" AND: A generic title, NOT a specific deity.
You got some 'splaining to do Ray but then again,,, What else would we expect from a guy that actually thought Bibliophile meant one molested Bibles or kids with Bibles or something equally idiotic.
Alright. But in exchange for granting you your baseless bullshit you're going to have to cease engaging in any manner of scientific discourse (what little you engaged in, that is) on matters of biology since the vast majority of modern biological science -- and thus the terminology derived therefrom -- comes from research carried out by atheist and agnostic scientists.
You're also not allowed to use much of modern technology or call the days of the week by name anymore.
To quote Dave Allen - 'Thank you, goodnight and may your God go with you'
Actually, as a pedant, I'm aware of its etymology and so tend to use 'Fare thee well' instead
Maybe this is how we stop Ray, if he wants to make this ridiculous fundie claim that Atheists can't use certain words and money with God printed on it then anything not of his religion is unavailable to him and samethinking fundies.
So off to you stick shacks, open fires limited Hebrew language and no comforts of today.
Well, on that same vein, he'll have to come up with new days of the week, seeing as Tuesday (Tyr), Wednesday (Woden), Thursday (Thor), Friday (Frigg), and Saturday (Saturn) are all derived from the names of pagan gods. Of course, you also have Sunday and Monday, the days of the sun and moon respectively, but it's idolatrous to worship them too.
Here are words you should stop using. Truth, science, kindness, educational, logic, rationality, intelligence... I could go on and on but I think i've made my point
“Here’s one word atheists will have to drop from their vocabulary:”
Is that how it works? Way, way, way, WAY back, it invoked your deity, so we can’t use it?
If so, then Christains can’t use ‘Thursday,’ or any other day named after a god they don’t believe in. Or January, or those months named after a deity. That leaves, what? October, NOvember, December? Make everything December until we reach October. “December 133rd in the Christain Reckoning.”
Man, you’re going to look almost as stupid as PETA, won’t you?
OR, we could be grown-ups and speak the fucking language without childish sniping.
Do you have a real argument for your god? A REASON for me to invoke him for reals?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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