Emily Elizabeth Windsor-Cragg #conspiracy facebook.com
TO: The Privy Council’s 600 Members
FROM: The deposed daughter of King Edward VIII, Duke of Windsor, who fled from his Father George V’s practice of Luciferian Freemasonry and the directive to stage Three World Wars.
The Royal Bloodline, being associated with human trafficking, adultery, surrogate breeding, pedophilia networks and drug-running—MUST BE CLEANED OUT and replaced with [psychic] bloodline members who cling to the Covenant of the Kingdom of David under the Church of England—not under Luciferian Freemasonic Rule.
Personally, I feel Monarchy still has unrealized potential to lead, to do good and to prosper Progress for all its subjectsnot merely for Global elites and commercial predators. UK Monarchy can and must abide by "governance by consent of the governed" as good leadership. However, the record shows a different side of the Royal Family than we have ever seen in a newscast.
The present situation is based in privilege alone; and I may sound like a whacked out nutcase indeed for flailing at these silent opponents, but they have not got to their stations honestly, as you will see.
History of Royal Trafficking of Kings, to rid of some and provide others..
1. Prince Albert Vicftor Duke of Clarence. "Eddy," the heir presumptive of King Edward VII, died or something. The Official story says he died of pneumonia or syphillis or after catching a cold. There is a story that Eddy was a homosexual who died of syphillis, or that he married a Catholic girl and they had a child while he was betrothed to May Teck officially; and that the wife was institutionalized and lobotomized by the Royal family headed by George and Edward VIII and the child was adopted out. In this story we get the first glimpse of "dangerous" George who culls family members around him.
There are stories after the ruination of his wife and family that Eddy was sent to Balmoral because he was devastated emotionally and no longer useful as presumed heir. Balmoral is approximately 1000 feet (300 metres) above sea level and as such is partly surrounded by steep cliffs. This was the intended site for the planned murder of Eddy to be undertaken by Randolph Churchill (Winston's old man – Spivey) and John Netley the coachman. The story goes, the prince was pushed from the clifftop but somehow managed to survive his fall and after the passage of two days had endeavoured to crawl all the way back to Balmoral where he was found at the door by his disbelieving hosts.
It is said that a decision was made after this that the best option would be to just incarcerate him at Glamis for the rest of his life and the Earl of Strathmore agreed to undertake this task on behalf of the royals in return for one simple favour. The favour he stipulated was that one of his daughters be allowed to marry a future king of England. Eddy died in 1933, forty one years after his ‘official’ death date and during this time, his mother visited him only once, but took a photograph of him which she apparently sent to her cousin. This photograph is still in existence and shows a much older Eddy thoughtfully painting a picture which would sadly never be seen by anyone outside the walls of Glamis Castle.
The pact between Strathmore and the royal family was eventually fulfilled in 1923 when Lady Elizabeth BowesLyon (his daughter, b. 1900) married the future King George VI of England after originally being betrothed to his brother, the former King Edward VIII. So when Edward REFUSED this "arranged marriage" in 1922 you can imagine the fury of his father King George V and the rage of Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon at Edward for the rest of his life, for "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned."
CHRONOLOGY. What really appears to have occurred that alters the false history we receive down to our day. Yes, I'm generally talking about what Royal control freaks did during that era, and this theme will percolate through the storyline. I begin this story in the summer of 1888 when Edward 7th Prince of Wales' two sons, Albert Victor “Eddy” and "Georgie" Duke of York (their Christian baptisms presumed) were making their way by train and carriage to Frankfurt Germany for their cousin [Kaiser] Wilhelm's housewarming party at Bath (Bod Homburg), and for Georgie's initiation into the Sacred Order of the Bath.
Why “Georgie” was Victoria's favorite, the Initiate that day and not the Prince of Wales, is of paramount importance to the leadership function. Albert Victor was the heir apparent, but he apparently wasn't interested in this LuciferianOccult affiliation. That decision would be his downfall, for he would lose the support of comembers who expect[ed] any King to follow Luciferianism of Chivalric and Masonis Orders. Do courtiers hold that expectation today, that the Monarch is Luciferian?
King Edward VII had been a frequent guest of Kaiser Wilhelm II at Bath who in 1888 made Bad Homburg his summer residence. On the solstice of that year, a housewarming party was held by the Kaiser, for the Order of the Bath as its location for their annual Initiation rite. As is usual and customary for secret societies based on Luciferian doctrines, the Initiation ceremony that Georgie Duke of York experienced was sexual in nature.
There among the guests of the Kaiser were his nephews, Czar Nicholas of Russia (who was prudish and scandalized by such behavior), George Duke of York, Albert Victor Prince of Wales, Alfred de Rothschild (member), and of course the host, Kaiser Wilhelm, as well as a certain maid of the Rothschild estate who became the object of the night's rituals. The lady became pregnant by the Initiate, who left after the ritual for London.
ADOLPH HITLER, his apparent bloodline & story. Subsequently, when the maid contacted the father of her unborn child, he was unwilling to allow her to travel to London. And Jack the Ripper started terrorizing young women of the street in London during that same autumn, so the maid was successfully prevented from seeking out the child's father. (It has been asserted in some quarters that PoW Albert Victor was actually Jack the Ripper, but his personality among his siblings was that of a gentle soul although he had served as a sailor for two years onboard ship. It makes more sense to wonder how it is that the child's father successfully prevented this Rothschild maid from obtaining his aid in her dire need, but nobody noticed the connection between the Ripper and the girl's pregnancy.
(Note, this was the same brother who stood by while brother Albert Victor got into all h is lifetime of trouble, the next year, who was led out into the rain, caught cold and pneumonia [or typhoid] and died (one version), or who lost his wife to insanity, his child to adoption and spent the rest of his life encarcerated (in the other version). Nice brother, eh, standing by?
So the boychild was born near Frankfort and was reared in the household of one Rothschild illegitimate son, Alois Shickelgruber; and he grew to manhood having experienced a very harsh childhood by his stepfather. Because he was very intelligent, he was probably mentored by Kaiser Wilhelm, and by 1912 he was in London staying with his half sisterand brother-in-law until they bought him a ticket back to Germany. He later stood in WWI on the side of Germany as a messenger until his discharge; and by now he was in contact with his father, King George V, through double agent intermediaries in MI5.
Fourteen years after Adolph Schickelgruber's conception at Bath, in 1902 Alfred de Rothschild, who had been present at this Initiation sent George Duke of York a little gift now situated in the Royal Collection., a reminder. The pendant awarded by Alfred de Rothschild to George V, as a reminder of that holiday in Frankfurt and the obligations George had to accept to keep Rothschild quiet says, George was being blackmailed. Now, why would Rothschild do that? Send a reminder of Georgie's Initiation to him now that he was Heir Apparent? Was it a reminder of this event and of the child, now thirteen years old in Frankfurt?
Think about the danger to King George V that Alfred de Rothschild's knowledge of Adolph the illegitimate son presented )as well as his problems with cocaine and opium—we can intuit from photo images from 1900-1910 the King had to become a virtual employee of Rothschild banks. He had to do exactly as he was told, as instructed. Never mind, The Monarchy has a so-so record of holding to the Commandments of God, even though they were “God's chosen” to lead humankind. Their history has bespotted our world with blood and sacrifice.
When one looks at the alternate version of Prince Albert Victor's life that he didn't die, but his Catholic wife was lobotimized and institutionalized, their daughter adopted out, and he spent the rest of his natural life in seclusion—and when one considers how Prince John died —one realizes the King has “ways” to control his family so “things work out according to plan.”
The outcomes of this blackmail? 1) the takedown of cousin/Car Nicholas, the Balfour Declaration to give Palestine to Ashkanazi Zionists, in his embrace of general war (and war profits for the banks), in his intolerance and fear of Edward's Christian candor. George the Fifth was a guilty man, busy with repenting before his banking patrons for his former sins.
Edward III, during that time was vested as Prince of Wales and confirmed as Christian Anglican as his Uncle Albert Victor had been; and at this point the father and son began their long ugly standoff,
King versus Heir Apparent. The King wanted a Luciferian son to succeed him, as he had been and done. The King wanted his son to have an arranged marriage, as he had had. The King wanted an Empire, as his “Gangan” Victoria had taught him at her knee. Edward had other ideas. But Adolph the “irregular” son fell right in line with George's objectives.
What is so instructive in my research is what is missing from his biographies : references just as important as what is present. There are no photo images of the Duke of Windsor attending any NWO organizations' events: B'nai B'rith, Bilderberg, Club of Rome, CFR, Int. Institute Strategic Studies, Order of the Garter, of the Bath or Skull & Bones, Poor Knights of the Templar, Rand Research, RIIA, Round Table, Tavistock, Temple Mount Foundation, Trilaterial Commission, Universal Freemasonry, Universal Zionism, World Council of Churches. Never. He never attended the Bohemian Grove annual trek. Once exiled, the Duke was focused primarily on military matters and people, as expatriots often are. But the Occult?
1972, at the time of Edward Duke of Windsor’s FUNERAL.
Enough history. Now let’s look at the recent past and history of human trafficking surrounding the Crown of the Windsors.
1. Queen Victoria was a battle-axe.
2. Edward VII was a philanderer, unfaithful husband to Queen Alexandra, who carried on a series of affairs with beautiful English women. What this means is that the maternity of both Albert Victior, PoW, and Georgie Duke of York, is in doubt.
3. George V, was reared as a sailor, and he was familiar with Drug-dealing of the East India Company. He arranged for the disappearances of PoW Albert Victor, Prince John, Czar Nicholas and Edward VIII—personally.
https://www.amazon.com/dp/1502867672 . . . Saints or Sons of Perdition: George V versus Edward VIII.
Here is what the contemporary Press has to say about these Royals today. ELITE PEDOPHILE RING
4. Lord Mountbatten is accused of pedophilia trafficking.
5. Elizabeth II not a Royal at all; she’s mercantile.
1926. Bloodline member in doubt. Her mother Eliz Bowes Lyon used a house maid as surrogate.
1953. QE2 renounced her Coronation Vows on the day she was crowned in 1953. Elizabeth II signed her Coronation Oath AT THE TOP OF THE PAGE, not at the bottom indicating Acceptance.
2007. Surrogates and doppelgangers adopted as policy to take the place of Royals, anytime they wish.
6. Prince Philip is known for drug-running and trafficking
7. Charles, Prince of Wales, friend of traffickers, especially Jimmy Savile.
8. Andrew, Duke of York, patron of Lolita Island and Jeffrey Epstein
This branch of the Royal bloodline is no longer to be trusted with Coronation Vows, Dominion nor Leadership of the British Culture, Church or Ethical Practice.