The Creator used GOD=7_4 #fundie

Atheist scientists are liars and hypocrites! They often criticize the religious for "being dogmatic and ignoring evidence" yet that's exactly what they do when faced with the evidence of GOD/God-incarnate, intelligent design, purpose, the after life/reincarnation, nonlocal cause-and-effect, and extraterrestrial visitation.

The 1st part of Seal #1 is...

"The Big Bang/Bit Bang (a supermassive white hole) 13.8 billion years ago was the result of a supermassive black hole in another universe. Our universe & that SBH share the same event horizon. That SBH & SWH formed an Einstein-Rosen bridge (wormhole). This duality combines these two singularities in a birth-life-death-rebirth cycle within The Conglomerate of universes (multiverse). This 'simple' cause-and-effect explains infinite space and eternity. Self-replication is the simplest plan for everything from a cell to a universe to a mind."

Earth is ~4.567 billion years old. Humans appeared about 2 million years ago. Every human has a common ancestor - the mitochondrial DNA 'Eve' - who lived ~200,000 years ago. About 6,000 years ago, the extraterrestrial 'God-guy' appeared in the Tigris-Euphrates River Valley. He cloned himself to produce Adam and then cloned Adam to produce Eve. These three most important souls and their offspring then interacted with the humans East of Eden, they were reincarnated over-and-over again, and the rest is his-story.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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