Anonymous Coward #fundie
I can prove that evolution is false in one post. Ready. Go.
Get me, one star DCN bandit, because evolution is ridiculous and here is why.
Take any organism you want. A tiny organism only made up of a few cells. A bird. A fish. A dog. A human. A plant. Whatever.
Got it? Good.
Now, once it is dead, blend it up in a blender.
You now have every part needed to create life. Every cell, every molecule, every protein, all of it, is right there in liquid form.
Now, you tell me. With any of the above life forms. How long will it take for life to emerge, when all of the parts are there together?
It will not. Ever. It does not happen.
Evolution teaches that somehow these proteins found each other with enough time and chance. I have just shown you that not only will they never find each other. When they DO find each other, they do not form life. Or evolve.
I mean the obvious fact that animals multiply within their own kind, and the fossil record showing that this has always happened, disproves it as well. As does the complexity of the DNA code, which contains intelligence in it's design.
But it cannot, and never would, happen, biologically, scientifically. I don't care if you believe in God or not, there is no possibility life formed by chance. And I used to buy the whole thing as well, studied it in college.
Sham. Total sham, invented to dispose of morality.