So I see yet another muzzie attack in the UK, followed the next day by the obligatory candles, flowers and teddy bears. This on the heels of a previous attack less than two weeks before that was culminated by an Ariana Grande and friends charity concert. This same scenario happens time and time again, yet I see no anger, no finger pointing at who or what is to blame for this endless cycle of carnage, only solemn pre-occupation with grievance and memorial; slaughter - grieve - repeat, slaughter - grieve - repeat....... These are the same people who refuse to declare multi-culturalism a dismal failure, the same people that continue to welcome barbaric savages into their midst with open arms. Modern liberalism = cultural suicide How can they be so stupid? That's when it hit me. This is the libtard way of engaging in human sacrifice. They are "sacrificing" these victims of terrorism to the gods of their secular faith; modern liberalism. It is why the lives of these victims seem to mean nothing to them when compared and contrasted to their need to perpetuate their ideology. They view the terrorist's victims as the "collateral damage" of liberal policy. It is a modern day version of human sacrifice. Really no different than throwing a virgin into a volcano or bloodletting a lamb on some pagan alter. These candle, flowers and teddy bear festivals of grief have become ceremonial, because not a one of these people is saying "I hope this will be the last one". They are fully expecting another and seem just fine with it.
" It is a modern day version of human sacrifice. Really no different than throwing a virgin into a volcano or bloodletting a lamb on some pagan alter."
So you would start a war instead. Are you familiar with the term, "cannon fodder?" How many times have we seen the parades, the lifeless pieces of bronze and cement, and the right-wing hawks speaking passionately about, "their sacrifice," and jerking around the emotions of grieving parents that should be mad as Hell?
I wonder how this person would react to early Christians (especially 1st-3rd century, but to some extent even after, as in the case of Symeon the Fool for example). Given the extreme asceticism and willingness to embrace martyrdom for the sake of spreading the faith. (Roman pagans tended to see Christians the same way orthodox Hindus view Aghoris).
Somehow the answer seems obvious. These folks' real religion is warmed-over Roman paganism, but sometimes with a thin veneer of pseudo-Christianity on top.
The reason many Brits don't finger point at Muslims is that we accept and recognise that attacks like this are perpetrated and supported by a minority of Muslims who view non-Muslims as infidels and enemies to be converted by force or killed. The vast majority of Muslims follow a more mainstream view, which acknowledges, as the Qur'an does, the similarity between Christians, for example, and Muslims, and holds that violence and force is only acceptable in order to defend themselves from being forcibly converted or killed by others for their religious beliefs. The violent terrorist minority argues that the western countries want to do exactly that, but we defeat that argument by accepting Muslims, and accepting and even defending their right to their beliefs and practices, even if we think those beliefs are incorrect and misguided. Blaming all Muslims for the actions of the terrorist minority actually helps those terrorists, as it gives them things they can use as 'evidence' of the 'oppression of Islam', which they will claim justifies their actions.
I'd be offended, if I knew what "libtrards" were. No I wouldn't. I couldn't care less what some window licking, paste eating, right wing imbecile has to say about anything.
I hope if there's a war, Coward, that you're on point. It's always just so great when other people do the dying for you, but I think it's past time for warmongers to do their own damned dying.
One of the London Bridge terrorists came from Ireland.
The DUP want open borders with Ireland.
The DUP have links with Unionist terrorist groups in Northern Ireland.
You'd better have voted for Jeremy Corbyn, if you value your entire way of thinking , AC.
Yeah, why don't those stupid libtrards stop being so selfish in their attempts to foster unity and show togetherness for those affected by such attacks? They should be like these selfless culture warriors and just spew hate and push right wing ideology; then they'd show that they really care.
@Kanna, @Sasha, @The Angry Dybbuk:
The if you want war then why don't you sign up is a flawed argument. If someone felt there was a problem of high crime in your area would it be reasonable for someone to say "well, why don't you join the police then?" If someone felt there was a problem with education in the neighbourhood would it be reasonable to say "well, why don't you become a teacher then?" If you supported military action, improvements in the police force and education would it therefore mean that you should join the army, become a policeman and teacher simultaneously? Should we not have opinions on what to do in scenarios where the job is reliant upon someone else's expertise?
I get that military action is very much more contentious as it involves people's lives, but if there is a justified military solution to a problem I don't see why someone can't argue it if they have no plans on joining the army.
@ Yossarian Lives:
I don't think the, 'If you want war, join the military' is a global argument - i.e., I don't think it applies to everyone who sees war as either necessary or inevitable.
I do think it applies to people who breezily bypass all that pesky diplomacy to cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war because...uh...umm...not sure what they're thinking.
War sucks. And the way I see it, those who treat it as a first response rather than a last resort should pack their shit and head for the nearest recruitment office. If they're old or infirm, some could engage in intelligence - though not many of this ilk would qualify - or they can mop the blood off the floors at in-country military hospitals. But if war is just the shit, and they're unwilling try much of anything else first, they can go out there. They can risk their lives. They can suffer the losses. They can die, for all I care, rather than calling for war safe in the knowledge they'd be spared even if their government instituted a draft.
Fuuuuuck them.
@The Angry Dybbuk:
It is irritating that some would champion conflict without thinking about the consequences for others and a desire for them to experience the reality of war is understandable. It's also irritating how these culture warriors shake their heads at others for doing nothing, as if they're doing something, when they're just ranting angrily on the internet, contributing little themselves. However, I find the statement to be troublesome, because the commonly used argument makes little distinction between those who've made a reasoned argument for conflict and those who argue it without consideration.
Besides, I'm not sure if this AC is calling for war. His solution to extremism could be "kick those ragheads out." A lot of the Trump supporting populist right are of the isolationist variety who oppose foreign conflict.
"This same scenario happens time and time again, yet I see no anger"
Yeah, it's like people don't want to play into the hands of the terrorists or something.
Ahh, the good old victim blaming, beloved sport of fascists and controllers all over the world. The only ones to blame for terror attacks are terrorists who would not share the country with the rest of their kind.
You want to be a freedom fighter? Do what my ancestors did with the nazi occupants: Slaughter their troops, murder their commanders, blow their military equipment but do not kill civilians in pointless terror attacks. Polish National Army from that period is still seen universally as freedom fighters, not terrorists and for a good reason, even though they performed some executions on the traitors who sold people to the nazis. They had the spine to wage war against their military, not civilian targets and are honoured to this day as martyrs for the highest cause: the one of freedom. Your terrorist shitheads are meanwhile laying in the dirt unloved, unsung and unremembered.
Not to mention all the Nazi/fascist attacks...
We're pointing at the terrorists, regardless of skin-tone, politics or religion.
Multiculturalism is the key to survival. Protectionism the key to extinction.
If multiculturalism is a dismal failure, then the US is a dismal failure, as it has been built on multiculturalism since Columbus got lost and was rescued by the Natives.
Barbaric savages:
No, we are standing up against the terrorists, and keeping on living in the open and welcoming society that we want; we are not letting the terrorists win. You can't defend freedoms by infringing on them.
These victims mean a lot; each person killed by alt-rightists and other fundies is one person too much. Most people killed by "muzzie attacks" are Muslims.
So you're opposed to war, advocate health care for all, support mothers to be in every way, etc? Or are you a libtard? Or are you even worse a hypocrite?
CONSERVATARDS are now embracing a new retardation. Before it was sex slaves under a pizza restaurant. Before that it was baby parts as salad dressing. Before that it was Obamas birth certificate. Before that it was baby blood in jewish crackers.
It's always something with CONSERVATARDS.
So because they're not screaming for blood to wash the blood away, they're okay with what happened? I know I keep finding myself saying this on this site, but how can someone seriously think like this?
I think someone doesn't understand the concept of "mourning". Or "grief". Or "tragedy". Or even "sacrifice".
* Progressives hate Wahhabism as much as you.
* Progressives, however, recognize that not all Muslims are Wahhabi-Terrorist nutsos.
* Many Muslims are Progressives.
* Muslim Taxi drivers helped out the survivors get home and many Medical/Rescue Personnel were Muslims.
* The Main Muslim community has decried these attacks and held mass protests against them.
* Hatred hurts. Anger should be directed at the RIGHT parties. Mainstream Muslims are not that party, the maniacs are.
* What Posters #2062119 and Swede said.
* You are a dumbass for not seeing the difference between the normal majority and the few violent kooks. You refuse to....since that would undermine your dreams of a Fascist Empire of White Hetero Maleness and War. Division and bigotry of The People is just a means to an end.
* Go to Hell!
@Mister Spak
Don't forget the Fetus-Flavored Pepsi and Spooge-Creamed Starbucks coffee!
This is the libtard way of engaging in human sacrifice
This isn't just a mental leap--it's a mental moon shot.
As for the rest; this is a fallacy of equivocation. Not all Muslims are the same. Just because one commits a terrorist act doesn't mean another one will. You can't hold innocent Muslims responsible for the actions of guilty ones, any more than you can be blamed for the actions of a right-wing extremist (Timothy McVeigh comes to mind, but there are plenty of others).
It isn't libtards who bomb abortion clinics, want war and cheer when we bomb other countries.
Tho I generally agree with your post, I disagree with the Star Wars post. The TIE fighter, a took used by the First Order was also used by The Galactic Empire. The latter and even former I think are genocidal. Though Finn and Rey are awesome and going to take down the First Order!
Side note Episode 8 teaser looked awesome!!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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