Anonymous Coward #fundie


So I see yet another muzzie attack in the UK, followed the next day by the obligatory candles, flowers and teddy bears. This on the heels of a previous attack less than two weeks before that was culminated by an Ariana Grande and friends charity concert. This same scenario happens time and time again, yet I see no anger, no finger pointing at who or what is to blame for this endless cycle of carnage, only solemn pre-occupation with grievance and memorial; slaughter - grieve - repeat, slaughter - grieve - repeat....... These are the same people who refuse to declare multi-culturalism a dismal failure, the same people that continue to welcome barbaric savages into their midst with open arms. Modern liberalism = cultural suicide How can they be so stupid? That's when it hit me. This is the libtard way of engaging in human sacrifice. They are "sacrificing" these victims of terrorism to the gods of their secular faith; modern liberalism. It is why the lives of these victims seem to mean nothing to them when compared and contrasted to their need to perpetuate their ideology. They view the terrorist's victims as the "collateral damage" of liberal policy. It is a modern day version of human sacrifice. Really no different than throwing a virgin into a volcano or bloodletting a lamb on some pagan alter. These candle, flowers and teddy bear festivals of grief have become ceremonial, because not a one of these people is saying "I hope this will be the last one". They are fully expecting another and seem just fine with it.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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