Say what you will about Muslims, I greatly admire the way their women "cover up." This is the way it should be. Sinful Americans have attempted to demonize the Islam culture, by portraying Muslim women as "victims" of a male-chauvinist society. In reality, most Muslim women approve of their strict clothing rules, and still honor their husbands with reverence, as part of their religious faith. In sharp contrast, American women have big mouths, bad attitudes, whorish ways about them, a ton of stubborn sinful pride, and have little (if any) respect for God-ordained masculine authority. Woe unto America!!!
"In sharp contrast, American women have big mouths, bad attitudes, whorish ways about them, a ton of stubborn sinful pride, and have little (if any) respect for God-ordained masculine authority."
And I wouldn't want it any other way!
"In reality, most Muslim women approve of their strict clothing rules, and still honor their husbands with reverence, as part of their religious faith."
I'm sure the fact that they're brainwashed has nothing to do with it.
Oh, look, it's David J. Stewart - he of the small dick and the big misogynistic mouth - who never gets laid by those bad-attitude, stubborn, sinful women.
Well, whether most Muslim women approve of their strict clothing rules or not is irrelevant in a free society. Most American women have no need or desire to dress that way and believe fully that men are responsible for their own actions, regardless of how we dress.
Say what you will about Muslims, I greatly admire the way their women "cover up."
I bet you admire the way Muslim women take a punch too.
In sharp contrast, American women have big mouths, bad attitudes, whorish ways about them, a ton of stubborn sinful pride, and have little (if any) respect for God-ordained masculine authority.
In other words most American women don't give a damn about you or your Cretaceous approach to sexual politics. Our women are raised to be independent and strong. Get used to it because it's only going to get "worse" in the coming years--especially if Clinton is elected.
Woe unto America!!!
Whoa unto your nonsense!
You make me ashamed to be a man.
In reality, most Muslim women approve of their strict clothing rules, and still honor their husbands with reverence, as part of their religious faith.
Because having a penis automatically makes you a higher being.
I wonder how many Islamic woman's potrayal of reverence is actually "Shit, I don't want him to beat me!"
*Not that there are not good Islamic men, or women who don't actually revere husbands actually worthy of reverence, of course.
I have no problem with women dressing that way if it's their choice. In fact, I think it's more tasteful than running around with their boobs and butt hanging out. But the fact is that it ISN'T a choice! If they tried dressing any other way, they'd probably be killed.
Taking into account the fact that the bible (especially the old testimony, but in parts also the new testimony) repeatedly states that women are no persons but just subhumans which are property of men (either their husband or their father) and that it also states that women have to dres decently all the times, with no jewelry being applied
it is no surprise to me that there are voices among christian fundamentalists who see in the muslim behavior towards women a role model which should also introduced in christian countries.
I don´t think that women would be treated much better in a fndamentalist christian theocracy than in a muslim theocracy ;)
You little dipshit, people have to earn my respect. It doesn't matter to me whether you male or female, you show me respect I'll show you respect. I won't respect you just because you've got different "hardware" then me, you've gotta show me that you actually DESERVE respect. Yeah, maybe I have a bad attitude and a foul mouth. So what?
Now shut the fuck up and sit down, David J. Stewart. Because you don't deserve respect.
...and I just realized how many time I said "respect".
"In reality, most Muslim women approve of their strict clothing rules, and still honor their husbands with reverence, as part of their religious faith."
It's called Stockholm Syndrome.
American women have big mouths, bad attitudes, whorish ways about them,
That's the only part I agree with.
"American women have big mouths, bad attitudes, whorish ways about them, a ton of stubborn sinful pride, and have little (if any) respect for God-ordained masculine authority"
You mean women are starting to act as a lot of men do?
Screw "masculine authority"! When I'm in a relationship we're equals!
Oh, it's stupid to think all Muslim women are victims. Matter of fact, it's stupid to think all people who happen to have simply a gender and a religion in common are the same. Unfortunately, Dave, you're doing it just as badly as the people who don't approve are.
And by the way, I know an Iraqi woman who would (at least verbally) kick your ass if you tried telling her "You're a demure little flower in modest clothing and I want my wife to be just like you." Because I'll tell you, it'd take more than a hijab to cover up the sheer awesome that young woman contained, and I don't think she'd be willing to listen to fundy bullshit. You'd come away thinking "wow, women are actually people, who all act differently." That is, if you had any sense about you.
This is the kind of attitude that makes some dudes think they can just waltze into a foreign country, disrespect its people and its culture because they've got some fantasy of having a docile, virginal wife/harem. As if male priviledge doesn't stink enough already!
I have Asian friends (some religious, some not) who've had it up to na-na with men thinking they are all submissive little doormats who will drop and lick toe when he clicks his fingers. Its disgusting and racist.
Back on topic, I don't doubt there are Muslim women who approve of the strict dress code, for various reasons. But none of those reasons would have to exist if the Abrahamic religions had not done such a good job of painting women as errant children who must be controlled lest they become human.
God-ordained masculine authority... right, and I'm supposed to just take your word for it? I don't think so.
Women are obviously superior, if men feel such a need to control us.
If a religion says, for no reason, that women are objects and second class citizens, don't be surprised if they don't want to be part of it. Would you follow a religion which said the same about men?
What? Men have ten times more pride then women do my Friend and thank God us women have minds of our own or we would have to listen to men say how worthless and foolish women are (like you do) for the rest of our lives ~ I know it's a SCARY thought!
~Here is a Joke~
Want to know why God created Adam first?
It's because God took one look at Adam and said to Himself, "I can do ten times better!" and then came Eve!
HAHAHA and I bet my friend David would not find this at all funny?
Which makes it even more funny!
God imputes the righteousness of Jesus Christ to the believing sinner while he is still in his sinning state. This was true of Abraham (Gen. 15:6). It is true of every believer in Christ (Ps. 32:2; Rom. 3:22; 4:3, 8, 21-25; 2 Cor. 5:21). All of our sins were charged (imputed) to the account of Christ, and His righteous standing with the Father has been imputed (charged) to our account. There is a judicial transfer of the righteousness of God to the believer because there could be no other grounds of acceptance with a righteous God.
The righteousness of God is imputed to all who believe on Christ so that they may stand before Him in all the perfection of Christ.
Every saved sinner has been “made” the righteousness of God (1 Cor. 1:30; 2 Cor. 5:21; Rom. 5:21-23). This imputed righteousness is not something man does or earns.
It is all of God’s grace.
“God sees the believer as a living part of His own Son” by our identification with Him by the baptism of the Holy Spirit. We are members of His body (1 Cor. 12:13; Jn. 15:1, 5). God sees us “in Christ” and justifies us forever. He sees us clothed in the righteous garments of Christ.
Therefore, God loves you and me as much as He loves His own Son (Jn. 17:23). He accepts us as He accepts Jesus Christ (Eph. 1:6; 1 Pet. 2:5). He sees us the same way He sees His own Son (2 Cor. 5:21; Rom. 3:22; 1 Cor. 1:30). Christ is the righteousness of God, and those who believe on Him are made the righteousness of God by being “in Christ.” We are complete in Christ (Col. 2:10); therefore, God the Father sees us perfected forever (Heb. 10:10, 14).
Approve is an interesting word. I approve of most scenarios which do not result in my death. There is no reason to revere someone who is led by ignorance and fear.
Big mouth, bad attitude, whorish way, sinful pride - I am just curious if we are talking about women under a cloak or men in plain view.
Do you have a problem with vocal men who fuck everything that moves and beat their wives?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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