Ask yourself, why is Obama going after Trump?
Answer is simple.
Obama was an illegitimate and illegal President. If Obama and the Democratics don't attack Trump and continue to do so, Trump will investigate and expose Obama.
Because Obama was illegitimate as President, all of his Supreme Court Justices go bye bye. Everything his signed is void. And it off to prison for Pelosi, Obama, Valerie, Holder, etc.
Trump must have the investigation the Democrats are pushing for to go back 8 years. If the Russian's did try to interfer in US elections, how far back did it go? Surely, Trump's election wasn't the first. Trump has to force the Democrats to request that the investigation go back over the Obama Presidency.
The Dems will shit.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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