It's time a President shut them down. There should be no such group anyway.
You're right. How else can you take the poor and huddled masses stomp on them while they're down? How else can you ensure a brutal mob rule where minorities are not only openly persecuted but also helpless?
If a person feels wrongly accused then hire an individual attorney to handle their case.
Awesome. So now not only are we able to pick on minorities but on anyone that's not rich enough to afford a personal attorney.
Who are these creeps anyway
The ACLU is the American Civil Liberties Union and they're a group of lawyers that protect the rights of anyone who needs help defending their rights.
how did their Moral compass get so twisted the wrong way
Blame the Constitution. You know, that document ultra-conservatives masturbate to but never actually read.
The Bible says in end times people will believe what is right is wrong and what is wrong is right.
Ignoring the fact that you're using the Bible as a source of authority, yes, people do sometimes believe the wrong things and you know what? That's a protected right too.
We know where ACLU stands.
I'm hoping you're lying or mistaken here because the alternative is far worse: that you're actively fighting against those who defend the rights of the minority.