Ralph Langgood #fundie facebook.com

On an article entitled “Gym teacher accused of assaulting student who refused to stand for Pledge of Allegiance”

Kids are whinny unruly morons these days. And of course the parents are no better.

We first of all by “assault” most likely it means; “assisted the moron with choosing to stand.” So much of these issues are caused by the breakdown of what once was the almost complete authority of teachers and school administration over the student body with the full support of the parents.. In a better time, long past (1950s-1970s), teachers and principals were an extension of the involved parents. They were also given virtually the same authority and go-ahead by parents to dole out punishment as necessary. This included attitude adjustment, like in this case. The worse thing that could happen would have been to mouth off to a teacher or principal, because the punishment would then be two-fold; at home and school. AS a smart-ass who attended regular public school, I can tell you that I was not so infrequently slammed up against lockers and slapped around by teachers for my indiscretions. One did not dare whine about this at home this for fear of having to explain about original sin incure another type of punishment at home......



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