whitefist #racist web.archive.org

(This was originally a thread for "recovering marijuana addicts" that at some point turned into a racist flame war. "whitefist" is replying to "Secret Asian Man" and "Chief Bearheart")

to the jap and the injun:

secret asian notaman,listen to me you stupid jap,Columbus was here first,not the chinese,if he wasn't then we would'nt have a Christopher Columbus Day, we would have Some Chink Day. Here's a little FYI, I'm not from the south,I live in Maine,but even if I was I would still be smarter than your down syndrome lookin' ass. Maybe in this little fantasy world you live in, gaysians also invented the automobile,air travel,in door lighting,lawn mowers,refrigerators,washer and dryer,ammunition,the atom bomb,etc,and have big dicks. But this is reality my slanty-eyed friend, and in reality the white man invented all those thing and practically everthing else.What did you invent,fireworks and really bad sports,like sumo wrestling.Yeah,nothing like a couple of morbidly obese japs trying to hump eachother. Chief Bearfart, don't worry about immigration, we'll just have to take our land,oops,I mean "your" land, back from those spicks. We took it with force once, we'll do it again, this time with automatic weapons. This will always be the white man's land and don't you forget it. By the way,you say we are feebled bodied people,I'll bet all the peyote in your wigwam that I could whoop your buffalo hide covered ass with one hand tied behind my back. WHITE POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!



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