WorldGoneCrazy #fundie

"I'm not quite sure why that merits a smiley face at the end of it"

Because you have bounced back and forth denying, then affirming, Premise 2.

"Your premises and conclusions don't line up the way you think they do."

How so? Here they are:

Premise 1: If there is no God, then objective moral values do not exist.

Premise 2: Objective moral values DO exist.

Conclusion: Therefore, God exists.

"Yeah. That's called empathy and human decency, and it requires no God. And you somehow never state why you think it does."

Empathy and human decency are subjective. When you are crying out to Someone or Something Objective, you are denying the worldview of the atheist. There is nothing objective to cry out to. It is a slow cold dark death with no memory of anything on this pale blue dot, on your view.

"Quote Dawkins until your face turns blue. Lots of atheists disagree with him about MANY things."

Oh sure, but the consensus on this subject is that objective moral values and duties do not exist. You need to tell me why they are wrong and why the 3 additional reasons that I provided are wrong. Thus far, you have failed to do so.

"Strange, because I'm living (an atheist life) just fine. Ever ask yourself why God won't heal amputees?"

Haha - I love it! Now you are getting desperate, Valri. Here is your "logic:"

Premise: I do not know of any amputees being healed (outside of human involvement, that is).

Conclusion: Therefore, God does not exist.

You could pretty much put anything into your premise along those lines (why hurricanes, tsunamis, etc? Why did my ice cream melt too fast today?) but the conclusion does not follow based on any rules of logic, that is.

"You act as though you're quoting from the Atheist Bible or something which doesn't exist."

No, but the Atheist Creed does exist:

I, the atheist, believe:

1. That the universe miraculously popped into existence out of nothing uncaused by anything.

2. That life magically sprang forth from non-life when lightning hit some mud.

3. That minds and morals evolved from molecules through monkeys.

4. That there is no God, and I hate Him.

"I'm free to disagree with Dawkins and I don't have to turn in my Atheist Club Card."

Sure, you can disagree with him all you want, but when you cannot provide any rational reason for your disagreement, then don't go around thinking you are the "rational" one.

"What you don't seem to get is that I have no problem with objective moral values and still don't see why they depend on a God, because they don't."

Take it up with your fellow atheists - over 200 years. And consider the future of the universe, in which no matter how you behave - Hitler or Ghandi - it will not matter one whit. On that view, your life cannot have any objective purpose or meaning or morality. Some people win, some lose - it's all the law of the jungle and nothing else.

"No God worth believing in would make permanent, eternal torture and burning conditional on anything."

How come? Sounds like you think, like (another poster) pointed out, that you would make a better "god?" :-)



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