The hags of "women's lib" are part of Loki's Brood and all the anti-life forces of homosexuality and the touters of abortion.
Oh, shit! Don't let Darkseid hear that!!
*hides and prepares for the inevitable Apokoliptic invasion*
Given how often misogyny seems to come with a heaping side of racism in that part of Norse pagan circles...yeah, it wouldn't surprise me to see OR on RSTDT before long.
(Seriously, though, how does someone invoking Odin get away with homophobia? Odin wasn't exactly the straightest stick in the bundle...)
"Paganism is for people who are too stupid for Christianity."
Wait a minute... Pagans go to normal schools, most can spell and use punctuation correctly.
I am a Norse pagan.
WE ARE NOT ALL LIKE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!! The majority of us don't like, condone,and support any of the racism and other sexist and homophobic claims they make.
It always seems to be the worst of any belief system have the loudest voices.
Holy shit, a Norse fundie. That's something you don't see every day.
Ugh. Sorry to the people who practice organized religion like decent human beings, but I'm really becoming firm in my opinion that the world is better off without religion of any sort.
Yet another Norse Pagan here. I actually pride myself on being fairly intelligent, which is why I mingle with skeptics like those here. haha But I'm also not a literalist, which is what I guess separates me from people like this whack-job. For me, my religion is simply a tradition, and it doesn't espouse such nonsense as this.
This is just a good example of someone using religion to justify their own bigotry. I've been coming around not to believe that religion itself is bad, but that bigoted people make religion bigoted, good people make religion good, and silly people just make a religion silly. We're talking about people here, what more can you expect?
Whoa!!! A pagan fundie. Very,very rare indeed.
I also agree with poster #915504.
Wait a minute... Pagans go to normal schools, most can spell and use punctuation correctly.
I am a Norse pagan.
WE ARE NOT ALL LIKE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!! The majority of us don't like, condone,and support any of the racism and other sexist and homophobic claims they make.
It always seems to be the worst of any belief system have the loudest voices.
You will only see a very small handful proselytizing as bad as a christian fundie. Generally, many pagans feel that each person chooses their own spiritual path, hence it's rare to find a pagan fundie.
I'd probably say, "Hey! Go Odin!", if I was feeling mellow. But I'm not. How does, "Hey! Go away!" sound instead.
You know that Odin routinely employed women, the Valkyrie, and wore womens clothes and practiced "feminine magic" like Seidh, right? I have a feeling he didn't give two shits about strong women or gay guys, because he was enough of a man that he didn't feel threatened by them, or the idea of being seen as similar to them. Unlike you, it would seem...
"Paganism is for people who are too stupid for Christianity."
Proof that, like ninjas, fundies are everywhere!
@Professor M: "Seriously, though, how does someone invoking Odin get away with homophobia? Odin wasn't exactly the straightest stick in the bundle..."
Neither was Jesus, but that never stopped most Christians.
"You know your religion is a crock of shit when you God is made into a comic book character."
You are aware that Jebus has also been turned into a comics character, aren't you? Including one version by Rob fucking Liefeld himself...
"Doesn't Loki die during Ragnarok since he sides with the giants? I'd assume he has no brood then since he loses"
He dies during Ragnarok, yes, eventually. But before that he had ample time to have children. He is the father (or mother) of quite a few gods, monsters and beasts, including Hel, the goddess of death, Fenrir, the wolf that ultimately kills Odin, or Sleipnir, the eight-legged steed of Odin.
See Wikipedia for more details.
I'm offended by some of the comments made here!
First and foremost, CHRISTIANITY IS BASED ON PAGAN BELIEFS YOU BIG DUMMY! I am a practicing Asatuar and we don't all believe as the ignorant bigots out there do. I have my own beliefs, and they are mine. I don't push them on anyone. And as for us Pagans being "too stupid" for Christianity. Go fuck yourself asslicker. Save me 50 years and go kill yourself by injecting cyanide or sulfuric acid into your brain, through your eyeball deusche bag. I know I'm going to Valhalla when I kick the bucket..... you so sure you're going to heaven dumbass? You've just earned yourself a spot on my bitch-smack list goat-fucker. Now, to all of my Norse brothers and sisters, Heilsa, fight the good fight, and die with honor in your heart and your sword in your hands. To all you nazi-Christians, Rahoulla bitches.
I'm offended by some of the comments made here!
First and foremost, CHRISTIANITY IS BASED ON PAGAN BELIEFS YOU BIG DUMMY! I am a practicing Asatuar and we don't all believe as the ignorant bigots out there do. I have my own beliefs, and they are mine. I don't push them on anyone. And as for us Pagans being "too stupid" for Christianity. Go fuck yourself asslicker. Save me 50 years and go kill yourself by injecting cyanide or sulfuric acid into your brain, through your eyeball deusche bag. I know I'm going to Valhalla when I kick the bucket..... you so sure you're going to heaven dumbass? You've just earned yourself a spot on my bitch-smack list goat-fucker. Now, to all of my Norse brothers and sisters, Heilsa, fight the good fight, and die with honor in your heart and your sword in your hands. To all you nazi-Christians, Rahoulla bitches.
DevilsChaplain = ATHIEST FUNDY!
I'm as anti-fundy and pro-science/reason/logic as anyone! I am a Wiccan! I believe in a "Higher Power"! I EMBRACE FREEDOM, REASON, SEX, PLEASURE, LOVE, EQUALITY, ECOLOGY, LIFE, FREE WILL, ETC. I'm not bound by a stupid book! Scriptures & mythology are fables & allegories. Pantheons of dieties are merely man-made archetypes representative of different principles! Don't lump me, other Pagans, Neo-Pagans, New-Agers & other non-dogmatic theists in the same category as Religious Fundies and this Odinic Rite guy!
I respect atheists! I respect their worldview. I don't respect Fundy Atheists.
"I understand that Norse religion=/=all Paganism, but in much the same way Protestantism=/=all Christianity and yet I cannot find one redeeming quality to ANY sect of Christianity and despise the Christian religion as a whole. The same goes for Paganism."
I'm sorry, but could you explain that remark?
Its unlikely that there are really norse pagan fundies- this guy is just a bigot using paganism as an excuse for hatred he probably had long before he'd heard of Loki.
I've got nothing against people who identify as pagan but it's not REALLY a religion these days. You take an interest in paganism/wiccanism due to philosophical or historical interest or to make a statement of some sort. Doubt many of you genuinely believe that Odin, Morrigan, horned god or whatever is real and physically up there like a Christian would. Yes yes, I know, many Buddhists aren't theists either but to be truly religious takes some genuine belief in something physical, not just a lifestyle choice!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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